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Really fun flash game (whack-a-mole-esque)

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HAha yeah... Played that a while ago. Farthest I got was lvl 6 I think. My friend got to 10. I got too frustrated from having to start over so I quit.


I can get to level 10. One hint: once you upgrade your hammer to a bronze hammer or higher, you can destroy the spiked balls and take no damage. The spiked balls will always give you a small heart piece.


:( I'm on a laptop and I my number keys are all at the top of my keyboard...The games' hard as hell this way.
toohectic said:
I can get to level 10. One hint: once you upgrade your hammer to a bronze hammer or higher, you can destroy the spiked balls and take no damage. The spiked balls will always give you a small heart piece.

ahhhhhhh wish I'd know that
although, I didn't get a shop icon till i hit level 6 :( Luckily, I didn't have to buy life till level 8..

*edit* Ok, so this game, I get 5 shop chances before i even have 100 gold..... and then, I'm trying to save 200 gold, and i'm at 160, so right around 194, I get three shop chances in a row. the last one goes down while i'm at 199... and then, no more shops...ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!


I once got 150,000+ points once. Ferrio is good at this game, too.

My strategy is to buy the wings first then save up for either the silver or the gold hammer (depending on how bitchy it wants to be with the appearance of shops). It's best to have the silver hammer+wings before the red guys with the swinging maces show up.


OK, WHAT THE FUCK?! Why is it that I can travel all the way to Level 8 and not one single house will pop up?

I had 250+ yellow orbs to trade in!


I always get worked on level 10. I usually have full life with the silver hammer and wings, but damn I just get owned by those bomb head guys. For those of you that reached level 11, what is the new enemy on level 11?


99,450, Level 15. On my third try though.

There are no more new enemies on 11-15, at least. I think they just add in more and more of the bomb head guys.


Nobody's screamed 'old news' yet?? :p

I love the music in this game, I started giggling when I heard it again haha.

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Unconfirmed Member
what the hell are the wings on the hammer for? cost me money damnit.
Kettch said:
Nice job, I only made it up to 212260 Level 19 last week before retiring. The early rounds just take too long, but everything after 10 is pretty fun.

Yeah, the early rounds start to become a chore after a while. That's when I try to spice it up. Like allowing as many guys to come up before I whack them, or when the Red One Eye's show up, you hit it once, hit a Green guy, hit the red guy the second time then try to grab any coins/hearts before they hit the ground.

The game would be much harder if the Bombheads actually surfaced with the bombs on there heads. As it is now, it's fairly easy to smoke them before they put their hats on.

And to those that go for the wings first, don't. Go right for the gold hammer then get the wings. The gold hammer smashes everything and if you can save up quick enough you can last without the wings for some time.
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