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Recipe for disaster, or "How I learned to hate the PC"

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Unconfirmed Member
Wouldn't you fucking credit it.

I decided this morning that my backups were looking terribly dated, worthless enough in fact to require a new set.

So off I dutyfully go, preparing enough CD's etc. and get on with the job.

5 mins into burning the first CD I hear an almighty *clunk* and Windows hangs, uh ohhh.

Reboot to hear that *clunk* again, PC reports HDD failure, Subsequent reboots produce the same nasty sound. HDD is gone.

Luckily I had a spare, and a rebuild only takes 30 mins or so, but oh my, I have lost sooooo much it hurts, bad.

I'd say "typical" but I know if I'd not given my backups even 2 seconds thought nothing would have happened.

I hate PC's.




Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Happened to me w/ a Maxtor drive on 7/4/2003. Lost all my MP3's. And I have a lot.

Question: Why are you backing up w/ CD's?
Was it a maxtor? (cue repeat of 3 page thread from a while ago)

Seriously, that's some crazy spidey-sense. Sucks that it was unavoidable, though.


I lost 200gig of valuable data when one of my disks in my raid failed a few months ago... :´(

Was a Maxtor too, btw.. o_O


Unconfirmed Member
maharg said:
Actually what you hate is hard drives.

Scratch that, I hate computers, period. If I try to marginalize my hate something in the house is going to get smashed up, I need to release ;)

DaCocoaBrova said:
Happened to me w/ a Maxtor drive on 7/4/2003. Lost all my MP3's. And I have a lot.

Question: Why are you backing up w/ CD's?

Yup Maxtor here too, although it's a 20Gb drive thats given me a good 3 years or so service, and ALL drives fail (It's the damn electo-mechanical weak-link) I can remember when HDD's were quoted as having a MTBF of 5 years, yet push a vendor for the variance and that was usually given as +-5 yrs :/

& I'm using CD's because I don't have a DVD burner.



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Well do yourself a favor and get a DVD burner as they are cheap!.

Maxtors suck, but don't give up hope. Any computer user should have a couple of HDD enclosures.


The replacement drive Maxtor sent me ended up failing (started showing signs anyway) a month or so later. I backed up all my sh!t (on DVD no less) and unplugged the b!tch. Months later I thought I'd test it one more time to see if it would work. Low and behold it did... And still does.

It now houses all my ripped DVD's and it remains external. The soul still burns...


Knows the Score
A maxtor died on me about 2 months ago, just as I was backing everything up in preparation of a move to new PC. I had recently backed my mp3s to DVD(90Gig), and only really lost my locally stored email and some documents, but it was somewhat frustrating.

I doubt I'll be using anything by maxtor ever again, that was the second one to die on me.
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