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Rediscovering Sonique Media Player (Sonique 2 related)

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Today I rediscovered the Sonique 2 media player. I had went away from Sonique because of how long Sonique 2 was in beta, but today I decided to check out the new alpha they have out and it's pretty slick IMO. The Mantis technology is very cool and futuristic looking. I suggest everyone at least check it out once.

BTW, if you are into media player visuals, G-Force ownz them all.

Anybody else using Sonique 2?

aoi tsuki

i used the beta about a year ago, and just redownloaded it to see how much changed. It's still too focused on interface looking good over providing real functionality. The screen sliding is annoying, much worse than similar effects on OSX.

The default interface is one of the must unintuitive pieces of eye candy i've seen in a while. With every other player, they manage to keep basic controls (play, stop, volume, etc.) together in an ordered pattern, and they're all instantly recognizable. Not for Sonique; some buttons are clustered, some are set in a line and you have little idea what they do until you roll over them. i really can't be bothered to even install other interfaces when the main page links to a forum that doesn't even have previews for many of them.

i do kinda like the way the options are handled, in a web-style hierarchy, although i have to wonder if they could've grouped some things together. Also nice is the option to stream files to the hard drive, but it would've been better if they just made it a record button instead of... whatever it is.

i really have to wonder why other companies even try any more. Winamp, WMP, RealPlayer, iTunes, and Foobar (did i forget any?) really have it wrapped up in the PC audio player market.


Yeah the default interface could have been designed alittle better in regards to button layouts, but I think some good skinners could make same pretty tight interfaces with the mml technology.

The main reason I like Sonic is because of the uniqueness of the skins and I've always liked how the visualations(sp?) are incorporated with the skins.


I was Sonique exclusive back in the days. I remember sticking with one specific skin that I really liked, but after a year or so, I simply gave up and started using winamp instead. Sonique had some small faults, but I didn't mind them. I think I switched because my brother installed winamp on the computer we used.

Anyway, maybe I should go back to Sonique again. Support the underdog!
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