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(Redneck Cops...) Motorist pulls over speeding deputy, family gets tossed in jail...

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Doth Togo

Associated Press
Posted June 22 2004, 9:39 AM EDT

McMINNVILLE, Tenn. - A motorist's decision to stop a deputy for speeding escalated into a series of incidents than ended with his entire family joining him in jail.

Last week, Lance E. Champion, 23, reportedly pulled in behind Deputy Lt. Stan Hillis across from the local jail and told Hillis he had violated the speed limit. By the end of their conversation, Champion was in custody charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and evading arrest.

Champion called his mother, Janice K. Champion, 48, who arrived with her 17-year-old son. The teen allegedly slapped the hand of a deputy who was gesturing for them to leave the area as Lance Champion's vehicle was about to be towed.

"If you strike an officer, you're going to jail 100 percent of the time," said Sheriff Jackie Matheny.

Mrs. Champion was then taken into custody, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Officers say she was loud and refused to obey orders.

Her husband Hal Champion, 47, then arrived from church, was shot with a deputy's Taser and taken into custody on similar charges. (LMFAO...)

All were later freed on bond.

"This is a fine upstanding family," said the Champions' attorney Michael Galligan. "These deputies acted in a harmful and inappropriate manner. We feel their actions violated the law."

Matheny is backing his men: "They have over 40 years of combined experience and excellent work records. They were as surprised by the Champions' conduct as anyone."


Sheriff Jackie Matheny (seen above)


In Tennessee, if the cops didn't needlessly shoot the families small, friendly dog in the face with a shotgun then they got off lucky.

But still, pulling over a cop and trying to give him shit for speeding is a pretty low-percentage play no matter where you are. ;)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
calder said:
In Tennessee, if the cops didn't needlessly shoot the families small, friendly dog in the face with a shotgun then they got off lucky.

But still, pulling over a cop and trying to give him shit for speeding is a pretty low-percentage play no matter where you are. ;)

Doth Togo said:
Last week, Lance E. Champion, 23, reportedly pulled in behind Deputy Lt. Stan Hillis across from the local jail and told Hillis he had violated the speed limit. By the end of their conversation, Champion was in custody charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and evading arrest.

What is this, bizarro world?


Queen of Denmark
calder said:
But still, pulling over a cop and trying to give him shit for speeding is a pretty low-percentage play no matter where you are. ;)
So true. Did he expect the cop to say, "You're right, Mr. Champion -- thank you. I believe I'll write myself out a ticket now."


Honestly, I'm fucking tired of cops deciding they can go 15 over cause they're in a cruiser. Bullshit of the highest order, and just more examples of the 'do as I say, not as I do' government here in the States.
shoplifter said:
Honestly, I'm fucking tired of cops deciding they can go 15 over cause they're in a cruiser. Bullshit of the highest order, and just more examples of the 'do as I say, not as I do' government here in the States.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Just because cops don't have their lights and sirens on doesn't mean they are just speeding because they can get away with it. Most times they are going to a non-emergency call, but they still need to get there as quickly as possible.

Granted I have seen cops turn on their lights just to get through a stoplight, but you need to understand what they do everyday. Dealing with drunks and wife-beaters and drug dealers all day long, and then to have little punk ass pricks like you bitch about them going a little fast when you don't even know the reason they are speeding in the first place.

That family got just what they should have, the officer did nothing wrong at all. The only thing he might have done wrong is using the tazer, but it doesn't say what the guy did to the officer to make him use that.

But the tazer is used in the same situations that an officer would use mace or perrer spray. So if the guy was simply resisting arrest, the officer would be justified in using the tazer.


Invader Zim said:
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Just because cops don't have their lights and sirens on doesn't mean they are just speeding because they can get away with it. Most times they are going to a non-emergency call, but they still need to get there as quickly as possible.

Granted I have seen cops turn on their lights just to get through a stoplight, but you need to understand what they do everyday. Dealing with drunks and wife-beaters and drug dealers all day long, and then to have little punk ass pricks like you bitch about them going a little fast when you don't even know the reason they are speeding in the first place.

That family got just what they should have, the officer did nothing wrong at all. The only thing he might have done wrong is using the tazer, but it doesn't say what the guy did to the officer to make him use that.

But the tazer is used in the same situations that an officer would use mace or perrer spray. So if the guy was simply resisting arrest, the officer would be justified in using the tazer.
If that's the case, the cops in my area must be in a constant state of emergency, because they're always going 10-15 MPH over the limit as their normal speed. Heck, I'll never forget driving in the middle lane of the interstate at night(early night, but everyone had their lights on) one time and this cop passed me on the right going like 90 MPH with no flashing lights or even headlights on. I mean come on, let people know you're out there. ;)

It's obvious the cops in this case were probably stupid, but then again I guess the guy was crazy for saying the cop was speeding anyway. You never say a cop has done something wrong, because in many places, being arrested is the least that can happen to you. :p
I know there a lot of good cops out there, but there's a very big percentage of them that are arrogant, power-tripped retards as well, so I guess it evens out. :p


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I remember in highschool (about 11 or 12 years ago) I gave a cop crap for parking in a no parking zone... he wasn't doing anything... I walked by and said "Hey! No parking here"

He said "Hey give me a break..."

I will always remember that, mostly because of Ethan Hawke in Training day "Give me a break"


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I'll never forget driving in the middle lane of the interstate at night(early night, but everyone had their lights on) one time and this cop passed me on the right going like 90 MPH

You've lived a pretty boring life then ;b

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
shoplifter said:
Bullshit of the highest order, and just more examples of the 'do as I say, not as I do' government here in the States.

in the states? how about.. everywhere in the world..

you think those Italian cops with the Lamborghini’s are gonna adhere to the speed limit ?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
shoplifter said:
Honestly, I'm fucking tired of cops deciding they can go 15 over cause they're in a cruiser. Bullshit of the highest order, and just more examples of the 'do as I say, not as I do' government here in the States.

they actually are allowed to though. There's a certain amount they're allowed to speed until they have to put on their sirens... and they're not supposed to put on their sirens for every level of emergency. So often you might see a cop legitimately speeding to respond to a call with his sirens off.

This all varies depending on state of course.

- what invaderzim said, but in a much more tactful manner.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wolfy said:
If you guys had a last name like champion, wouldn't you do authoritative crap like that too?!

"When your bank says no, Champion says YESSSS!"
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