Initiative: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16
((Nyx casts dispel atmosphere?))((It's atmospheric!))
((Nyx casts dispel atmosphere?))
They didn't turn out quite how I would have liked, but oh well.
((Spike growth just penalizes movement through an area, those guys are probably not going anywhere for a while but I doubt that is going to give advantage on attack rolls for us. ))((I guess there is no good place to hide for my stealth bonus despite under the cart, which I can't reach this turn anyway and I guess it would also only work for one turn unless I change the target every time? Or would we have advantage on a roll against the ones affected by Nyx's spell, because I think that would activate the stealth bonus as well.))
[url=]Trample Attack: 1D20 + 1D4 + 5 = [14]+[3]+5 = 22
[url=]Damage: 2D6 + 4 = [1, 3]+4 = 8
<I'm not sure what to do, just to clarify having to concentrate on a spell just means not suffering moments where I'd have to roll concentration, and I can do another action?
If so would I be able to make my silent image animate while performing an attack?>
((I'm going to wait until I know which of the gnolls will be in melee battles so that I can get my stealth bonus on the attack.))
((one thing i'm not sure is if i use my prof. bonus or the animals? its probably not that big a deal for me(it would only give me a +1 right now) since I can keep transforming into stronger animals while leveling up, but other druids would kinda get left behind.))
((also just to be sure the gnoll that has the perception check thing is gnoll A right?))
((That gets a bit tricky with side-based initiative like this. I'll allow you to use your reaction to fire on the gnolls on their turn, though.))