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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Fhiess and Sagishi
Avrice's reptilian eyes flit over Fhiess and Sagishi as his scaled lips pull back to reveal a dagger-toothed grin. "My, aren't you full of unexpected surprises," he purrs, slipping his clawed hands into their opposite sleeves. "I'd never have guessed in an age that the two of you would be involved with our mutual associates. Takes all kinds, doesn't it?"

"Avrice," rumbles the man sitting at the head of the table in the pit, tendrils of smoke spilling out of his mouth as he speaks, as though his mouth is full of smoldering coals. He's dwarven, but positively hulking for his race, probably closer to the stature of an average human. His clothing is made of rich material while still managing to be understated. A platinum circlet sits atop a mane of hair as red as garnets. "When might we expect to receive payment for services rendered?"

Avrice turns back to his host. "I am authorized to remit payment as soon as the cargo reaches New Telmur and is passed into the custody of the Hegemony."

"Even with all that bedevils Telmur beyond our walls?"

Avrice bows his head slightly. "With all due respect, True King Leifford, the bedevilry you speak of is a singularly Aglean problem. Baglahm remains unaffected, I am told. The Hegemony is, shall we say, flexible in their preference with whom they conduct international affairs with, and we look forward to keeping our relationship in good standing with whomever rises to power when the matter is settled."

Leifford nods in agreement, inhaling deeply from a pipe before releasing another cloud from his mouth. The smoke smells vaguely of vanilla. "Marthor, please show our guest out." Peering around Marthor and the ambassador, he narrows his eyes at Fhiess and Sagishi "It seems I have unexpected business to attend to."

Marthor gives a quick nod, gesturing to Avrice to lead the way. In short order, Fhiess and Sagishi stand alone at the head of the short staircase leading into the sunken space, sitting at the head and flanked on either side by a collection of steely-eyed dwarves. For a long, uncomfortable moment, Leifford puffs on his pipe and stares at the pair. At last, he sets his pipe down in a carved wooden stand to keep it upright. "I don't know you," he announces. "But I'm feeling generous enough to allow you to explain how it is you came by a token of the Kin that would get you past the front door."


Thosar and Keranos
The circular hallway of the Chamber of Ossc is dominated by banners and flags that depict an almost propagandistic image of Forgerun, by turns portraying the society as a literal shining city on a hill (Which is more than a little confusing, given that the entirety of it lies beneath the eponymous mountains) and as the gallant heroes who overthrew the Hauntaur occupation and liberated the people. There's also a great deal of artwork showing elves and humans on their knees before dwaves and halflings with blazing halos around their heads.

The front desk is manned by--of all things--a svirfneblin. It's bald, with skin the color of granite and smallish eyes that glint like uncut gems in a mine. No secondary sex characteristics are immediately visible, and its craggy voice offers no clues as to its gender as it answers Keranos's inquiry without even looking up from its work. "Majority Leader Untermore's office is over there," it says, extending a spindly arm to point down the hallway. "Please take a number."

It looks like it's a busy day for the Majority Leader, as there are half a dozen people sitting on the seating against the wall outside the office's door.
<I don't have time to write a post atm, but I do want to roll for History on the subject of New Telmur

History roll: 1D20+1+2 => (4 + 1 + 2) = 7>
Keranos surveys the half dozen folks in the waiting area and smiles.

He opens his arms wide and clears his throat.

"Friends and countrymen," he announces to them, "I see we're all here to petition the issues important to us to the esteemed Majority Leader. While we wait, what say we confer among ourselves about the essential matters of the day?

"My companion and I, for example," he continues, taking a few calculated steps at a slight angle, just enough to get the group to follow him with their eyes, "Are here to speak to the Great and Storied Chamber of Ossc about the citizenship status of the Drow refugees currently residing within our great city walls. What better way to allow those we protect to bow at our feet than to keep them at arm's length? We believe that the Drow would be grateful enough that they would surely sing our praises to the heavens, spreading the good name of Forgerun far and wide."

He pauses dramatically and looks each of the half dozen petitioners in the eye, one by one. "What are your thoughts on this matter? Or perhaps we're lucky enough that we're all on the same side! Surely a group of us working together as one would be more effective than each of us individually!"

((I'm saying this more to gauge their reactions than to truly convince them, so Insight: [4] + 4 (modifier) + 3 (result of D4 Guidance check) = 11.

And just in case, I'll roll Persuasion as well: [14] + 5 = 19))
Anyone happen to remember a recent NPC that was wearing a conspicuous piece of jewelry, other than one of the mafia rings?
The drow, notably.

But there was also Marthor, who I think may have been adorned with a great many trinkets. At least, that sounds about right.))

Galen nods as he takes another step, careful to maintain an appearance of formality. “Yes,” he answers. “At least, I hope so. You see, I am looking to learn more about the views held by those in this chamber, and I could see no better way to do so than to speak with a seat-holder face-to face.” Galen smiles. “If such a conversation wouldn’t be too much to ask?”

He places only the slightest amount of weight on his walking quarterstaff.
Fhiess answers simply, "Indeed." But he doesn't have the insight to talk more about any involvement with the Kin, as he has none yet. He glances to the tall dwarf as he resumes discussion with Avrice. Payment..cargo....New Telmur? It troubles Fhiess that this is the first he's heard about a new Telmur but what catches his ears soon after is the apparent jurisdiction of the Hedgemony concerning the cargo.

Suddenly words are uttered that make Fhiess tense: True King. The realization of encountering the heart of power either in this city or New Telmur is overwhelming. The others will need to know about him. His gaze shifts between the True King and Avrice when they're instructed to be led out. At first it seems like a relief, but then as they are led the opposite direction of the door he becomes concerned that they might've heard too much and aren't going to be allowed to leave so easily.

A dark room. Eyes peering directly at him. The True King inquiring about his existence.

Meek excuses and words that try to avoid causing trouble would be said if this was Fhiess from a few days ago. He would be honest, but only selectively. He would pitch ideas or promises like he was trained to do.. But now he feels as though he was lied to by Hogan about what made his business successful. With Telmur in turmoil, never having started a family, and his only real friends on the same journey as he is, there is no longer anything to lose except if he fails. He doesn't care now if what he says may get Hogan in trouble or if he exaggerates Hogan's involvement. He explains with a direct tone, "It is a gift from a man from Telmur named Hogan to had been running a successful and widespread business. If any are familiar with him personally, I have a letter with his handwriting that may be examined."

Mike M

Nick N
Keranos and Thosar:
The petitioners exchange glances with one another as Keranos finishes his words. A wizened female gnome with thinning gray hair and spectacles with thick slabs of glass sits in the chair nearest the door, clutching a rolled scroll to her chest. "I'm here to talk about my husband's pension," she says. "It was supposed to be tendered in mithryl, but I received a letter about there being a shortage and how they were switching to gold. But I have the documents right here, they can't just change the terms of the agreement without consent! But they told me I don't have standing, because it's my husband's name on the form and not me. No standing my left foot! Do they expect me to spend my money to have some necromancer bring my Jonn back to dispute their chicanery?" The rest of her words are lost in a dark cloud of muttering.

The next four people have similarly mundane concerns, but the last one--a youthful dwarven man--seems to be considerably more politically engaged. "You want to give Drow citizenship? Full voting rights and everything? Hoo boy, good luck getting that passed. If they want to vote, they should go back home to the Underdark." Holding his hand flat out in front of him, he tilts it from side to side to indicate his ambivalence. "I could see the argument for granting them official status as resident aliens, though."

The door to the office opens, and one of the minister's constituents exists. The little old gnomish woman gets to her feet and shuffles through the door which closes behind her. Behind the door, she starts her story from the top.


The minister gestures to an empty seat across from her desk. "Um... always willing to listen, I guess. My constituency is mostly deployed members of the military, I don't have a lot of office visits."

Once the ranger is settled in a seat, she sits up straight and interlinks her fingers before her. "Now, uh, what views did you want to talk about in particular?"


Fhiess and Sagishi:
At Fhiess's explanation, Leifford's eyes flick to one of the men seated at the table. "Hm, Hogan," the man says, tapping the tips of his fingers together as he studies the elaborate carving of the stone ceiling. "Part of our trafficking network, specialized in arts and antiquities. Quite the fan of Nolzur, as I recall, had a sizable collection. Eventually his front was doing enough legitimate business that running our merchandise was incurring a significant opportunity cost by occupying capacity he could be using to run his own goods. His departure was mutually agreed upon; we paid him out his shares of the organization and he forfeited his pension. Took the money to open a museum in Remdormo." His recitation of the facts complete, the man lowers his head and looks at the pair of intruders.

Leifford gives a ponderous nod, as though his head is weighted down by his immense beard. "No need for your letter. If you've a ring, you've a ring. Now what exactly is it that you want?"
Fhiess is surprised by the information verbally laid out about Hogan's history. Was he wrong about the level of involvement Hogan still has? But the way Hogan's trade routing works, it is still possible that Hogan had went back to trafficking goods as he relies on commissioning outside sources. Fhiess remains unsure what to think now.

He nods, "Indeed. He had expanded to ferrying entertainers and sponsoring events in recent days- hindered by Telmur's recent developments of course."

When the query to explain the situation is finally opened, he gives a hard thought. Fhiess had already admitted before that he doesn't expect to succeed with the Chamber of Mafun, and he expects that even winning other chambers may not mean much if the Kin are the true individuals in power. Regardless, he can't let himself be defeated before he begins. After thinking a moment, he opens, "As you may be aware, there has been a topic of whether the drow living in the city should be granted voting rights and it will be an issue the chamber will be voting on. I had come to discuss the possibilities present as a result of the vote."
Keranos's shoulders slump progressively further as each citizen airs their grievance, but his mood rebounds somewhat at the last dwarf's comment.

"Tell me," he says, closing the distance between them and speaking in a more conversational tone. "To whom do I have the honor of speaking? You seem rather well-versed in the workings of this chamber. If you were faced with the task of convincing the Chamber to pass tomorrow's legislation, how would you go about it? Perhaps if your ideas pan out, I can see about getting you hired on as an official lobbyist to Ossc, if that is something you might be interested in?"


((God, if Sagishi had any awareness of anything that is going on right now, he'd feel so damn useless. Good thing I made him oblivious...
Honestly though, I have no idea what to do besides standing behind Fhiess and nod along smiling...))

Mike M

Nick N
Sagishi and Fhiess:
Leifford outright laughs as Fhiess reveals the reason for their visit. "So, what, you were hoping to appeal to our sense of decency or some such nonsense? I don't care a lick whether or not the Drow can vote, it's of marginal consequence to the Kin."

He leans his considerable bulk forward on the table and looks Fhiess straight in the eyes. "Let's get down to brass tacks, shall we? If you are here to discuss the legislation, then really it comes down to whether or not you can meet our price."


The young man blushes and is considerably flattered by your offer to secure his position as a lobbyist, smoothing the fabric of his clothes with flustered hands. "Well, that's--that's quite the offer, kind sir," he says. "My name's Peton, Peton Billis. And if I had to go about convincing the chamber to pass something, I'd probably... Hmmm...."

He pauses for a moment as he thinks. "The Majority party has a Legislative Advisory Council," he says. "Most of the members generally defer to their opinion. I'd say the easiest way to get the chamber to vote a certain way would be to sway the Council, but really the easier solution would probably be to skip them entirely and fabricate a white paper from them supporting the measure to get into the hands of the ministers before the vote."
Knowing that the team are on a budget and have to spend it among several houses, Fhiess gives a quick-witted response, "Very well then. That is if the affordability of the vote can compare that of what other chambers are willing to pay."

Recalling past barters lost because of missed opportunity with more sellers than willing buyers, he suggests, "This is a deal that we will only be able to discuss once before the payment might find other use, but I'm sure an agreement can be made."

<Persuasian: Roll(1d20)+5:
"Forgery? Hmm..."

Keranos never had much use for deception. He is accustomed to getting his way through sheer force of will, and he would never lie to, or even mislead, a devoted follower.

Despite his lack of talent for it, however, he is not averse to the idea. "Thosar," he says, "What are your thoughts? Is such a prospect achievable on short notice?

"And Mister Billis," he turns to their new advisor, "There's fifty gold in it for you if you'll assist us in undertaking this operation. I imagine we'll need your help in determining how to properly distribute these flyers, and the best time to do so."

((Anyone heard from Axel? I thought he was going to visit two more chambers, but I haven't seen him post in like a week))
Rubbing his chin, Thosar smiles. "It's possible, especially with a sample to work with. You wouldn't believe how many academic papers are forged just to make the bureaucracy run. Fheiss might be able to help with some magic as well, assuming we have the chance to."
Galen readily answers: “To begin with –and, if there should be any concerns regarding sharing, I will gladly accept skipping this– is there some common thought within the chamber as to how best to protect Forgerun in light of the recent events in Temur? Further, it seems Forgerun has taken a more isolationist stance toward the outside world. What are the chamber’s most common views on this? If people wished to immigrate here, would Farni wish to allow them to do so?”

((Yes, Galen is getting there. He's even staying a bit more relevant to the topic than I expected.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Not sure where Axel's at. His last post anywhere on GAF was 07/11.))

Fhiess and Sagishi:
A wave of laughter rolls across Leifford's assembled group, which he cuts off with a wave of his hand. "You think this is a matter of money?" he asks with a bearded grin. "That whatever penny ante bribery fund you have access to will sway us. No, no, no, my boy. Not at all."

At a snap of his finger, he is passed an object that you cannot see between the dim light and his meaty hands. "You are two of those who escorted Avrice up from Bellows, are you not?" he asks as he examines the object. "Then you are in a unique position to meet my price."

He places a smoked glass bottle on the table in front of him, and slowly rotates it until the label bearing a cartoonish vegetable is looking back at Fhiess and Sagishi.

"I want this," he hisses. "And I want all of it."


Kearnos and Thosar:
"Fifty gold pieces?" Billis asks, his mouth agape at the offer. "Sure, sure. Um... Well, the opinions are usually circulated to the offices of the ministers by the chamber's pages. Those come and go all the time, so I don't think anyone would take notice of a new face. As for when, it's critical to time it to happen as close to the vote as possible to minimize the opportunity from anyone on the advisory council to recognize that someone's issued a false recommendation on their behalf. But you have to do it with enough time for the ministers to actually read it. Hmmm, not sure what the timing for that should be..."


The minister shuffles through some papers on her desk as she composes a reply. "My, that is such a... robust question," she says. "I'd say the favored strategy within the chamber to protect Forgerun is to leave the gates shut and start working on building up our military forces. The general vision is that if Telmur falls, we can begin by annexing the territory immediately outside the mountain and establishing garrison posts from which we can expand further. If they wanted to immigrate, certainly we would allow it. Provided they went through the proper process, of course. You know, demonstrating at least twenty years of good standing and worthwhile contributions to society."
((Oh, I'm still around. Just not really anything for Ludwig to do until Fheiss and Sagishi finish their trip, since the other two houses he's hitting are with Fheiss. Not really anyone in the party for him to report back to ATM either.

Actually, he'll make some shoddy Wooden Drow and Dwarf puppets in prep for Rios while they finish up. if I need to roll for that))


Sagishi has been standing a little behind Fhiess, watching in silence as the situation unfolded. Once Leifford finally makes his true intentions clear, Sagishi briefly smiles to himself before steeping out of Fhiess shadow.

In his mind the thief conjures up the image of Mayrissa. He had watched her master meetings like this countless times and without thinking about it he copies her stance, her expression. He tries to channel that energy that had let her command a room full of crooked old vipers.

Sagishi starts with a cold barked laughter. "I think you are overestimating your value to us. At least I hope that's what it is, otherwise you'd be simply insulting our intelligence and I think you would agree that insults are never the best way to start negotiations."

Before the dwarf can answer he continues.

"I'm gonna assume that your sources," at this he flicks a dismissive look at Avrice, "left you under the impression that we have trouble to get rid of the merchandise you desire. I fear however that if he had you believe that we were so desperate as to simply give it away for a minor favor, he has misinformed you." He shrugs nonchalantly. "But I guess a snake just can't help himself.

"You and me both know what our merchandise is worth. As a matter of fact, my contacts in Nodoff already made a most generous bid to buy the substance and... well, of course getting it to the south might be somewhat inconvenient, but I'm sure that you can imagine that the Crow King is more than willing to make our effort worth it."

He lets that comment hang for a few short moments before continuing.

"But, I'm not gonna insult your intelligence either. We want this vote to go through. Very much so actually, for reasons that are none of your concern, that I''m willing to forgo a bit of our profit.

"We'll will give you 1/3 of our merchandise, for free. In exchange chamber Mafun will not only guarantee the votes of their chamber, but will use any influence over the other chambers, which you undoubtedly have, to ensure that the bill is passed to our satisfaction tomorrow. Moreover we would like any discriminating information Chamber Mafun can provide on their political opponents that might be of use to me and my associates.

"Should the vote tomorrow go to our liking we'll be open to negotiate a reasonable price for the remaining 2/3 of the merchandise. If the vote doesn't get through we'll continue our negotiations with Nodoff and you can be happy that you got 1/3 of what we have for a job poorly done."

Sagishi bows to Leifford.

"Now, if you excuse us, we have some other business to attend to. We'll be awaiting your men with your answer at the ((insert name of our inn here...)) two hours from now."

Without a further word he turns around and leaves the tavern dragging Fhiess with him as inconspicuously as possible.

Deception: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24

Once they are a good way down the street, he turns to Fhiess grinning. "Let's see how they like that. I guess we better come up with a good hiding place for the Glurg though. I wouldn't put it past these guys to simply try and forcefully take the stuff from us."


((I was a bit worried about just taking over like that, but it did feel a bit like a "Sagishi should handle this" moment :D

Also Mike, where is Peaseblossom at the moment? Depending on how the situation develops, Sagishi has a task for her.))
Fhiess almost winces, the sudden prospect of needing to deliver the strange substance makes him feel a pressure and a need to think quickly of a solution. At first he decides that claiming he can have a trade route established by Hogan's enterprise would suffice and be ideal as a way of making it out to regroup with the others, and possibly provide up front payment only if Avrice is certain he knows they have containers of Glurg, but then a more powerful figure moves past him and suddenly takes control and makes the deal for him.


a) Sagishi is allowed to drag the artist out of the tavern and back into the streets where nobody else can hear, he will ask while removing the ring from his finger, "Was it really okay to reveal that we have some of the shipment? If they are as powerful as they claim, then surely they already know about the missing containers from the camp we raided and stole from. Ring of the Kin or not, that may be grounds for having betrayed them before I've even joined."

b) They are not allowed to leave, he will suggest, "We can even spare much of your effort and speak with the chamber ourselves to help heighten the chances of success."

c) If the window is open, he will whistle so that Coriolis can fly inside. He then listens to hear what Val has in mind for distracting the evil wizard Rand that had been fused with the snake god Set.

Mike M

Nick N
((I was a bit worried about just taking over like that, but it did feel a bit like a "Sagishi should handle this" moment :D

Also Mike, where is Peaseblossom at the moment? Depending on how the situation develops, Sagishi has a task for her.))
((She was left unattended when Fhiess got Barrow to leave the inn to go see Oliff.))


Sagishi raises an inquisitive eyebrow. "Really? Just yesterday you didn't want anything to do with the Kin and today you are already worried about betraying them?" He laughs.

"I honestly don't think you need to worry though. Leifford wants the Glurg. He wants it bad. If it were just a matter of retrieving something that he thought was already his I don't think he would have offered us a deal. He would have just taken it.

"No, whether or not he knew of the Glurg's existence before that overgrown lizard told him about our stash, I honestly do not know, but I doubt he is involved in the production and contribution.

"He was greedy. But if he sat at the source of all this, there wouldn't be any need to be that greedy, right? No I think he was under the impression he was dealing with some idiot kits that he could simply bully into doing as he pleased. I only let him knew he was wrong."
"I detest the idea of working with them! It's just that if they recognize that we've been hampering the glurg distribution routes, they may take it personally coming from somebody with the ring and we will be in even more danger."

He starts to add, "Avarice might start wondering how we got the drugged juice in the first place. You heard what they said right? Hogan's legitimate front had started getting in the way of his own trafficking so he eased off. It would be unlikely I would have gotten it through Hogan."

He shakes his head, "I shouldn't stand here and panic. We will have to figure out how to prevent the Kin from using the glurg if they do receive it as payment... as well as tell everyone else what we had learned."

He looks at the address on the map, "Well at least we can use this to remember where their headquarters are, but.. we never met anyone named 'Yanice', did we?"


Sagishi ponders the suggestions then shrugs. "I still think that he wouldn't have bothered bargaining with us if he legitimately thought we had been stealing from him. As for giving them the Glurg..." he smiles brightly and then leans forward to whisper into Fhiess ear.

KM: Check PM


Fhiess hms, and nods at the whisper given. Once he knows of the plan, he says, "Let's hurry back. There's still a lot to do."

Sagishi nods.

"Oh, and I thought Yanice was that young lady that drew the map for us, wasn't she? Don't you artists normally sign your work?"

Once they are back at the inn Sagishi heads to Barrow's room. "Peaseblossom? You here?"

If she is there Sagishi will tell her," I need your help today little forest sister. There will be people coming later and they will take away some of the nasty stuff. I want you to follow them and see where they hide it. You have to remember the way for me and how many baddies are around that place. If you see anything else that is strange I would like to know that, too. But the baddies can't see you, do you understand? If you do that, I'll have a little present for you when you come back."

Once he has given her the instructions he goes back to the common room.
"We can deliberate on the timing once we have the flyers. For now, as Thosar suggested, we'll want to time an example of one of these flyers. Will you help us find one?"

Keranos starts looking around for a flyer, hoping that one is either easy to find, or the receptionist or their new helper will direct him.
Before leaving, he compares the address written in the corner next to the name to the address of the street the tavern was on.

When they return, he will see if anyone else is at the inn as well, particularly if it's Ludwig.
His business at Yarl concluded, Ludwig makes his way back to the inn. As he gets close, he cheerily announced "Good news, everyone! I got one in the bag for us! Score one for capitalism!"

As it seems most of the party is out elsewhere, he shrugs and says "Guess everyone else is busy." Noticing Fheiss, he walks in the artist's direction. "How go things on your end? Had a chance to hear from the others yet?"
Fhiess grins, "That is great to hear!" His mood sours gradually, "Things are much more complicated concerning the Chamber of Mafun. It turned out to be true that they're run by the crime ring that wears the red rings.. and.. Hogan is a part of their organization. The Chamber of Mafun is just a political front."

He shakes his head, "There was a man at their hideout.. he called himself 'True King' Leifford. He mentioned a cargo being given to the Hedgemony at a place called New Telmur. They're also aware that we have the Glurg- Sagishi has a plan for how to deal with that while still being able to secure a vote, though."


((Added some stuff to my last post to speed things up.))

When Ludwig arrives Sagishi is pleased to hear that they have one more chamber in the back. He waits until Fhiess has explained their current status before saying. "It's good that you are here actually since I fear there is some heavy hauling that needs to be done."

He turns to Fhiess.

"Can you put an illusion on the rest of our Glurg stuff, so that it looks like something else? I was thinking of unloading the wagon for now and stash it somewhere else in case Mafun sends someone to snoop around. Avrice will no doubt told them about the wagon?"
"I could, but such an illusion would only last for a few minutes and I still have to discuss the voting with other chambers. My father was a skilled sorcerer, but I'm still just a novice Bard."


"Hm, you are right. We need to come up with another plan of hiding the Glurg. Do you have an idea Ludwig?"

((I always forget how short spells last. But I honestly don't have any other idea :/))
"Yeah, that matches what we were told in the briefing," Ludwig says. On Hogan, he's a bit more surprised. "Oh really? That had to be a bit of a shock. But surely convenient for getting an in there! Black markets are in the end still markets, so that does sound like a move a good merchant would make."

Ludwig gives a bit of pause at the mention of delivering the glurg to a crime ring, but eases up at the mention of a plan. "I'm a bit concerned about what they would want to do with glurg, but if you guys have a plan, that's good enough assurance for me! So what do you guys need hauled?"

His assurance quickly falls through, however. "Shit, that's a hard one.I have no spells that would get the job done. Do we have a way to simulate the substance of glurg? If we have them a real container or two coupled with a bunch of fakes that look, feel, and smell the same, that might fool them for long enough to let the vote pass. Though even ignoring the risk, disrespecting their right to freely contract like that with false goods feels even more wrong than just giving them the dangerous substance. I guess the only other option besides that is to bargain them down to a little glurg, and then try and keep an eye on them before we leave the city?"


"Yeah, that matches what we were told in the briefing," Ludwig says. On Hogan, he's a bit more surprised. "Oh really? That had to be a bit of a shock. But surely convenient for getting an in there! Black markets are in the end still markets, so that does sound like a move a good merchant would make."

Ludwig gives a bit of pause at the mention of delivering the glurg to a crime ring, but eases up at the mention of a plan. "I'm a bit concerned about what they would want to do with glurg, but if you guys have a plan, that's good enough assurance for me! So what do you guys need hauled?"

"We'll need one third of the Glurg in position to be able to be picked up by the Kin and all the rest should be hidden away. Maybe we can ask the inn keeper if we can put it in her storage for a while? Not the best hiding place but we don't have much time left."
((Edited the last post to answer stuff. ))

"Oh! If you just need to hide two thirds of it, that's easy enough. We can just load it into the cart beneath our other stuff, and I'll just walk it away before they get here. I'm conspicuous and all, but taking a cart around the city on unspecified business should be enough."
((Wow this is moving fast! I saw Mike's post about what was happening with the different efforts just minutes after it was... well... posted, but decided I was too tired to make sense out of it. My short rest became a long rest, and here we are giving evil root vegetable substances to dangerous criminals.

Galen should be finishing up shortly and checking up on people to pass along his findings. He might have an idea and could also stand guard over the glurg.))

Galen nods as minister Blitha details the chamber’s stance on the subject. It’s actually around what he would have expected from what he knows of them. “It makes sense,” he agrees. “Should Telmur fall, those most affected would likely welcome such action, even. But would it not also make sense to allow people to more quickly integrate fully into Forgerun’s society? It may encourage a desire within them to help in such a cause, could it not? Especially those of some manner of aggrieved status may wish to join with Forgerun if they were welcomed in with open arms. Though there would still need to be some way to ensure those with ill intent could not cause problems.”


Sagishi nods. "That'll work. Great!"

With everything sorted out, Sagishi will sit down in the common room and wait for someone of Chamber Mafun to show up.
"Well, if we had a schedule of events for the chamber tomorrow that would be of use. Distributing them during an event or party before the vote could work. Ensure that the council is distracted with the goings on."

Mike M

Nick N
((Incidentally, since I forgot to mention it earlier, Fhiess's History roll didn't get him anything regarding New Telmur.))

Fhiess & Sagishi:
Without Barrow's moderating presence, Peaseblossom seems to have taken to redecorating the dwarf's room at the Splendid Buttoncap in accordance with her whims. The bedspread, she insists, is really better suited as a curtain because it is such a lovely shade of blue that reminds her of the sky and she can't see the sky down here because they're underground and she's never seen so many rocks before, and oh, by the way, she's pretending the various other pieces of furniture and decor are rocks for her to skip across because the floor is a rushing river and--

Sagishi manages to divert the pixie's attention long enough to lay out their plan, to which Peaseblossom agrees.

At the appointed two hour mark, Sagishi finds the bookish-looking member of Liefford's inner circle who had recited the history of Hogan's involvement with the Kin waiting in the common room. "That was audacious," he says, acting as though he is completely taken with a still life of fungus hanging on the wall. "But the True King can respect audacity when it suits him." He spares a glance Sagishi's way with a inquisitive expression on his face. "Have you really a bid from our, shall we say, analogous organization in Nodoff? I hadn't heard anything, and I pay a great deal of money to remain well-informed. I may need to discuss terms with my contractors, if you're telling the truth. Not that it matters anyway..."

He turns to face Sagishi full on having to crane his neck slightly to look the taller kitsune in the eye. "I'm authorized to negotiate on behalf of my organization. Our counter offer is thus: Half the product up front, the remainder to be discussed after the election. We will not interfere with the conduct of other chambers, but we can guarantee the delivery of Mafun. We'll not be giving away the keys to the kingdom with our opposition research files, either, but we are prepared to give you all that we have on one chamber of your choice.

"Are these terms acceptable to you?"


Keranos and Thosar:
A copy of the fliers in question is easy enough to find; the nearest waste receptacle is full of them, folded, crumpled, shredded, and every state in between. Likewise, the agenda for the week with every scheduled vote and hearing is posted on a large board in the foyer of the Chamber. The first vote is scheduled at 8 bells, with the citizenship measure scheduled next at 10 bells.


Blitha drums the fingers of both hands on the edge of her desk. She doesn't seem to have a great deal of experience in interacting directly with lobbyists or petitioners. "I haven't given it a great deal of thought, in all honesty," she says, perhaps with a little too much honesty.

((You're going to have to start making rolls to sway her opinion one way or the other at this point.))

Mike M

Nick N
<Is Fhiess around to hear this renegotiation, and did the spokesperson already see the intended up front payment?>

((The representative is just in the common room of the inn at the time Sagishi set, the details of actually taking the Glurg into possession haven't been worked out yet. Fhiess is there if he wants to be.))
While the representative is preoccupied with speaking with Sagishi, Fhiess leans against a wall nearby and casts message to Sagishi to silently convey words without sound or movement. Nezumi:
PM'ing the message

Fhiess then thinks for a moment, and says, "That is a hard bargain, but perhaps a worthwhile agreement for how valuable the rights of individuals are."
Thosar takes a couple samples and notes the times for meetings before turning to Keranos. "Alright, I believe we have what I'll need for now. Let's go back to operations and confer with the others, see what our progress is. Besides, I could use lunch."

Once arriving back at the inn, he notices Fheiss and Sagishi negotiating with a stranger. He makes for the bar to order a meal and keeps an ear on the discussion.
"Very well," says Keranos, "Lunch at the inn, but then immediately back to Oliff's office. He's more likely to have the supplies we need to implement our plan, and besides, I've a promise to keep for our new friend."

He turns to Billis. "You have business to conclude with the Majority Leader, so what say we reconvene at Oliff's office in an hour's time? You'll find it in... er... The lobbying building? I'm not sure what it's called, but it's in that direction. Make a left, then a right, and it's the third building on the right."

He walks to the inn with Thosar, and is glad to see that Fhiess is there.


To the strangers question about whether the bid from Nodoff was real or not, Sagishi answers with only an enigmatic smile. When the dwarf finally presents his counteroffer, he is hard pressed not to grin from ear to ear. He had been aiming high with his demands and half expected not even get as much as he was offered now, still, he doesn't want to seem too eager to jump on the offer, so he looks into his glasses of wine, giving the impression to ponder the dwarf's words.

It takes all his restraint not to jump when Fhiess voice suddenly sounds in his head. Was everyone in their group able to do that? He likes the idea of the half-elf, but it is risky, so for the moment he decides to try something else first.

"Hmm, I respect that you don't want to get involved with the other houses on our behalf."

He makes a show of thinking on it further.

"I need to think about which chamber we need information on with my associates. It's a bit less than I hoped but it will probably suffice.

"Giving you 50% of the merchandise just like that is out of the question though. My offer remains at 1/3. However, should everything work out to our satisfaction, I'm willing to negotiate the price only for the 50% and give you the remainder of the merchandise as a bonus."

He thinks some more.

"Unless, you want to rethink your offer regarding the information. If you were to give us information on two chambers, I might consider the 50% upfront."

Persuasion : 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17

Mike M

Nick N
The representative replies without even a hint of hesitation. "Half up front, the vote of Mafun, leverage on the single chamber of your choice, and as an added bonus, we'll direct you to an associate of ours who will supply you with what ever other damaging information you need at a friends and family discount."
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