Remedy reports 22% revenue decline, €28.6 Million Operating Loss in 2023, expecting AW2 sales to increase profit in 2024


Enlighten me because playing this game I didn't see anything racist.
I don't have the time or energy to enlighten someone who doesn't really want to.

Again, you can find all this information in the Sweet baby thread yourself.

The second main character adds to the game and makes it better then the first.
For me it ruined the whole game, completely. But that's just me.

Fun fact though. This character and her dialog wasn't the original one the developer intended. It was altered and shoehorned by the racists at Sweet Baby inc. among some other small racist touches. Again, all the information is in the related thread. But i know you don't care.


Gold Member
Remedy games have always had a small but dedicated audience. They just reached fewer people with Alan Wake 2 with no Steam/physical release, an unwanted new main character, questionable social commentary, etc. Hoping they nail it with their next projects. Control was kinda meh but I did finish it. They need to inject some excitement into the sequel. Max Payne is a surefire hit if they don't botch it.


I don't have the time or energy to enlighten someone who doesn't really want to.

Again, you can find all this information in the Sweet baby thread yourself.

For me it ruined the whole game, completely. But that's just me.

Fun fact though. This character and her dialog wasn't the original one the developer intended. It was altered and shoehorned by the racists at Sweet Baby inc. among some other small racist touches. Again, all the information is in the related thread. But i know you don't care.
I literally played the game. Nothing racist about it so it's up to you. One of the protagonists was black. Most of the game was white. Get over it.
Opinions on this game seem to get more negative over time.
That happens with most games. People who buy games at launch tend to be enthusiasts who are hyped for the game and are willing to look past most flaws. Look at how great the Steam user reviews for Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League are despite its very poor sales performance. Or how The Last Of Us was considered one of the greatest games of all time in 2013 but today it's just considered pretty good. Or how Starfield reviews have steadily declined over time.

As games move further away from their high-priced launch window, more people pick up the game through sales or from it coming to Gamepass or PS+. These tend to be gamers either curious about the title or who were interested but didn't feel it would be worth the full MSRP. These players tend to be more objective, or in some cases, have a more cynical view. If you feel a $70 game is only worth $30 - $40, you're expecting the game to be mediocre, and you'll likely view the game through that lens. It's not a foregone conclusion, but its an expectation you're subconsciously setting yourself up for.

The less you pay for something, the less valuable it tends to be to you, the less "sacred". It is very rare that a game launches to universal acclaim and stays there.
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