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Reminder: Spike TV: Ultimate Gamer (Halo 2) at 11:00 PM eastern tonight


works for Gamestop (lol)
Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2
Next Show Time: Thursday November 04, 11:00 PM (ET/PT)
We searched the continent for the Ultimate Halo Gamer. Our winner will not only get a sneak peek at Halo 2 and hang with the mad geniuses behind it, he'll get to drive a fast attack vehicle and blow stuff up Halo-style... all while we pimp out his pad with the Ultimate Halo 2 game room!

Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2 Episode Guide
Thu, November 4 @ 11:00 PM
"Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2"

Sat, November 6 @ 2:00 PM
"Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2"

Sat, November 13 @ 1:30 AM
"Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2"

Sun, November 14 @ 9:30 AM
"Spike TV Ultimate Gamer: Halo 2"

Yeah I know, Spike TV...but..HALO 2!


Wow, it only took 30 seconds for me to decide that I'm not going to watch this nonsense...

CRAZY HOST GUY: Yo today we're gonna PIMP OUT Nick's apartment into the ultimate Halo pad! Blowin' up stuff is cool!

EMBARASSINGLY OBESE GUY WITH SHAVED HEAD: Yo I am the bomb at this game! I put days of my life into it!
How can he be the ultimate gamer if he doesn't know where Bungie is!? I call shenanigans!

*is so jealous*

They are showing some single and multiplayer it seems from the promo, I saw the blood gulch remake and the bridge level. And Colossus.


I haven't decided whether I am going to watch this or not. SpikeTV's shows that pertain to Videogames usually end up in flames anyway. Also I have been shying away from anything that could contain spoilers so I might as well not watch this.


I don't give a shit about this extra stuff but that game footage looks so awesome! Tuesday seems so far away ohh that looks so damn hawt revamped Blood Gulch looks kickass!


rollin' in the gutter
bheemer said:
they showed nothing new =/ well nothing that wasnt already on opa.

Did you see how big that thread was!? It had to have covered most of the game.

There's no way they'd spoil anything, just wait 4 days.


I really don't know when this was filmed, but supposedly he was the first person to own a copy of halo 2 legally (outside bungie, etc...) whatever.

I don't like how they redesigned his apartment though :lol


As expected the whole show sucked. It's funny how the ultimate Halo fan had no knowledge of Halo 2.. dual weilding... wa? vehicle damage... huh? brutes.. what's that? etc. In addition:

-His apartment sucked.. before AND after.
-Custom designed table! Two used army boxes and a pane of glass. Thanks professional design lady!
-They tell him to destroy his tv and 5 seconds later a guy with a "Superplasma" t-shirt comes in... they discuss the matter and he's STILL shocked there's a plasma tv in his house omgwtf!
-They stole the man's Xbox and he doesn't seem to care.... :lol
-He actually said "weaksauce" out loud during his match with the Bungie staff.
-The man was constantly tearing up... I half expected him to fall to the ground weeping at some point.
-If he's such a good/dedicated player why was he losing to the host of the show when they played multiplayer?

However, the Master Chief statue rocked!
They did something similar with THUG2 when it was coming out. It was hilarious seeing Neversoft show off the game to the guy since he seemed to be stunned by stuff that was in the first one. They then showed him talking about how amazing he was and how no one could touch him and then one of their testers came in and had a higher score on his first combo than the other guys whole run.

They also f'cked up the guys apartment by having some guy do a crappy graffiti design all over his walls.

Kon Tiki

raYne said:
As expected the whole show sucked. It's funny how the ultimate Halo fan had no knowledge of Halo 2.. dual weilding... wa? vehicle damage... huh? brutes.. what's that? etc. In addition:

-His apartment sucked.. before AND after.
-Custom designed table! Two used army boxes and a pane of glass. Thanks professional design lady!
-They tell him to destroy his tv and 5 seconds later a guy with a "Superplasma" t-shirt comes in... they discuss the matter and he's STILL shocked there's a plasma tv in his house omgwtf!
-They stole the man's Xbox and he doesn't seem to care.... :lol
-He actually said "weaksauce" out loud during his match with the Bungie staff.
-The man was constantly tearing up... I half expected him to fall to the ground weeping at some point.
-If he's such a good/dedicated player why was he losing to the host of the show when they played multiplayer?

However, the Master Chief statue rocked!

Damn, can not believe I missed that. Will watch it tomorrow.


I love how he said "I've put days into this game". DAYS?!? Once he said that, you automatically know he's just an average player.

I've put years in some games (No Mercy baby!) and I don't consider myself "the best player" or whatever.


Saw it earlier today. This show was absolutley retarded. So EXTREME!

He didn't even know where Bungie studios was. Haha - if he's the ULTIMATE HALO GAMAR, you would think he would have this knowledge. He didn't even seem that good at the game :p
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