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Reporter Who Quit On Air in Support of Pot Legalization Facing 54 Years in Prison

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Charlo Greene did not plan to curse on live television, but on 22 September 2014, the words came pouring out.

Then a reporter for KTVA, a station in Alaska, Greene ended her segment on marijuana by revealing that she was a proponent of legalization – and was the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, the subject of her news report.

“Fuck it, I quit,” she said, before abruptly walking off camera. The 26-year-old’s stunt shocked her colleagues and made her a viral sensation overnight.

Greene quickly became a full-time cannabis advocate, working to help Alaskans access pot after the state became the third in the US to legalize recreational pot in November 2014.

But despite the voter-approved initiative, Alaska has not helped her start a legitimate marijuana operation. On the contrary, the state launched a series of undercover operations and raids at her club,
ultimately charging her with eight serious criminal offenses of “misconduct involving a controlled substance”.
But once weed became legal, Greene grew determined. She was particularly moved after meeting an older woman with a neurological disorder who was forced to buy marijuana on the streets – at one point leading her to be robbed at gunpoint.

The reporter organized a private patients’ association, which soon became more than just a hobby. Eventually, she decided to use her media job to unveil her cannabis club.
The 2014 measure – which legalized the manufacture, sale and possession of marijuana – went into effect in February 2015. The state, however, had not yet finalized its regulations for retail operations and in the interim, the Alaska Cannabis Club allowed people to purchase “memberships” – supplying marijuana when members made “donations”.

Detectives immediately targeted the operation, with six undercover purchases and two raids in a five-month period, records show.

“The fact that they were watching us for so long, I kind of felt violated,” said Jennifer Egbe, Greene’s 26-year-old sister, who helped out at the club. “I was really just heartbroken. I never assumed it would go this far.”

The raids, which brought armed officers to their property, were especially stressful for Greene, who was worried police might shoot one of her four siblings at the club.

“I saw all my siblings ... with these guns that my tax dollars paid for pointed at them for what was now legal.”

Court records show that Greene was not directly involved in any of the undercover transactions, but state prosecutors solely charged her, noting that the club was registered under her name.
Cynthia Franklin, director of the state’s alcohol and marijuana control office, said that Greene’s club and two other businesses are facing consequences for launching before regulations were in place.

“These people got ahead and said, ‘We’re not going to wait.’”

Alaska’s weed industry is only getting off the ground now. The state has approved a total of 83 licenses – only 17 of which are for retail businesses, and they haven’t yet opened, Franklin said.

Greene doesn’t have a lot of vocal supporters in Alaska, even among pro-marijuana activists.

Tim Hinterberger, who chaired the 2014 legalization campaign, said, “The vast majority of people who are interested in growing or selling … have followed all of the timelines and have been waiting patiently.”
The most recent charges against Charlo Greene in her marijuana case include six more offenses than the original indictment, according to a spokeswoman for the Alaska attorney general’s office. Instead of eight counts for a total of 24 years in prison, she is facing 14 offenses for a possible 54 years.

Reached by phone on Thursday, Greene said she was unaware that she was facing a sentence twice as harsh as the original indictment filed against her last year.


And John Stumpf walks away with millions for doing something terrible. Nothing wrong with our justice system at all.
Thanks Obama.

No, seriously, what the fuck is with the justice department's continued persecution of a drug that's going to be legal nationwide within a decade anyway? I don't even like marijuana and I am completely dumbfounded as to the response of lawmakers, police, and the judiciary to this issue in the last few years. The steadfast refusal to accept marijuana as less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol is one of the greatest failings of leadership in my lifetime, and I've lived through some pretty stupid shit. I guess when you've got something you can use to imprison a disproportionate number of blacks and hispanics, you hold tight and never let go, logic, justice or basic human decency be damned.


The steadfast refusal to accept marijuana as less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol is one of the greatest failings of leadership in my lifetime
The science is settled:
During a speech to a conference of sheriffs in Washington, D.C., last week, Michele Leonhart, head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), reportedly criticized President Obama for saying marijuana is safer than alcohol. Bristol County, Massachusetts, Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson gave this account to the Boston Herald:
She’s frustrated for the same reasons we are. She said she felt the administration didn’t understand the science enough to make those statements. She was particularly frustrated with the fact that, according to her, the White House participated in a softball game with a pro-legalization group….But she said her lowest point in 33 years in the DEA was when she learned they’d flown a hemp flag over the Capitol on July 4. The sheriffs were all shocked. This is the first time in 28 years I’ve ever heard anyone in her position be this candid.

Kern County, California, Sheriff Donny Youngblood, president of the Major Counties Sheriffs’ Association, the group Leonhart addressed, confirmed that she “called out Obama for what Youngblood described as ‘irresponsible’ comments that were a ‘big slap in the face’ to cops who have lost their lives keeping drugs off the street.” He said she received a standing ovation.
In response to questions from Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) in 2012, Leonhart famously declined to say whether marijuana was more or less dangerous than crack, heroin, or methamphetamine (which is actually less restricted), repeating the mantra that “all illegal drugs are bad.”



I guess when you've got something you can use to imprison a disproportionate number of blacks and hispanics, you hold tight and never let go, logic, justice or basic human decency be damned.

don't forget that sweet, sweet pharmaceutical company money. can't have people medicating themselves with something you can grow in your back yard when they can just prescribe them oxy or hydrocodone! seriously, fuck this and anyone who supports it. disgusting.


Yes they got her! I hope they all went to the local bar and celebrated after because they all deserve it. Their drinks wouldn't taste ironic at all. One less Black..Market supplier on the street!


This is fucking disgusting! Fuck! Alaska, you are such a great state. Why fuck up like this?

it isn't just a problem in Alaska. a 56 year old man a county over from me got 30 years for 6, as in six, plants. that is literally a death sentence.

Chris R

She broke the laws. Yes cannabis is now legal here in Alaska, but she wasn't following the rules setup to govern the process. Hell, no legal product has been sold to date.

She has very little good will in the state because she's the one breaking laws while others are trying to prove we can follow laws like adults.

Doesn't deserve any jail time but she should be fined and excluded from opening a site for a year.
It's important to remember that Obama has been the most rabid anti drug president since Reagan in his actions against the medical and legal marijuana industry. Hrs launched more raids in the last 4 years than Bush did in eight.

This is a massive stain on his legacy, and he deserves to be taken to task for it.
As a black person, she should have known better.

Hopefully she can get a decent plea deal.

Cant make up the rules no matter how righteous you are.


Our government is still taking the lives of people growing and using a harmless and helpful plant. 54 years for a 26 year old is a death sentence. Any number of years is inhumane, but this case in particular is soul destroying.

This is just another reason why I hate this country. Fuck patriotism. Fuck nationalism. Fuck anyone who says we live in a free country, because it's anything but that.


It's deeply upsetting that I no longer even have to see a photo to know that the victim is black in stories like these.


She broke the laws. Yes cannabis is now legal here in Alaska, but she wasn't following the rules setup to govern the process. Hell, no legal product has been sold to date.

She has very little good will in the state because she's the one breaking laws while others are trying to prove we can follow laws like adults.

Doesn't deserve any jail time but she should be fined and excluded from opening a site for a year.

Well at least that is reasonable.


I remember this woman, holy shit at the number of years they threw at her. It's like she murdered someone.

The war on drugs still finding new battles to fight I see.



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Black people aren't intended to make money off this, sorry.

How many of those 18 businesses waiting to open are gunna be run and owned by white folks. Gunna bet the majority. Foolish. Just foolish.


Any prison time whatsoever would be absurd beyond belief. This type of punishment is one I would expect out of North Korea, not the US. If she spends one minute in prison, it would be pathetic.

Marijuana shouldn't be banned in the first place, and the fact that she's facing a potential 54 year prison sentence for selling a plant, while rapists and murderers can get out in well under a fifth of that, is a travesty. I wouldn't blame her for fleeing the country if it looks like they're going to throw the book at her.


Jesus that is awful. If she gets convicted I hope she can get pardoned. She shouldn't lose her life over this. She's not a danger to society at all. It sucks to watch all these pointless tragedies from the sidelines not being able to make a difference


She broke the laws. Yes cannabis is now legal here in Alaska, but she wasn't following the rules setup to govern the process. Hell, no legal product has been sold to date.

She has very little good will in the state because she's the one breaking laws while others are trying to prove we can follow laws like adults.

Doesn't deserve any jail time but she should be fined and excluded from opening a site for a year.

Fifty. Four. Years.

How many of those 18 businesses waiting to open are gunna be run and owned by white folks. Gunna bet the majority. Foolish. Just foolish.

The majority? Try well over 95%.

This case, and how it fits into the larger bullshit surrounding weed legalization, is just... I have no words. It's beyond disheartening.

Edit- maybe a naive question, but what's the bail situation in a case like this? Could a gofundme potentially buy her way out of prison?
What the hell?

You get longer sentences than manslaughter for freakin' weed. Weed! What the hell is wrong with this country sometimes. Who is this supposed to protect?


Absolutely outstanding investment of time, money, and energy. A standing ovation is in order for the police and state of Alaska for going after and (finally) nailing such a dangerous criminal. God bless everyone involved in the high stakes operation, and more importantly, God bless everyone who can find it in themselves to wake up every single morning and target individual members of society who commit laughable crimes but are penalized to the full extent of the law due to the color of their skin and their 'inability' to "conduct" themselves in a fitting manner.
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