lmao"We have to obey the laws"
"But we have to expand our laws to include torture"
Will someone take this Neo Nazi out please?
Trump is going to legalize murder. Good to know.
there are churches in the US that say "death to the gays". fuck you Drumpf
He bo longer needs to attack, just sit patiently and get the nomination and work on his general election campaign.
Less ships more ship girls!We have less ships 2.0.
Can't wait for the bayonets and horses.
Trump just proposed finding the solution to the Muslim problem, so not really.
An awful lot of Trump's policies and ideas seem to be based on who is "laughing at us"
The year of Trump.I can't believe Trump is actually advocating reverting to barbarism. What the fuck year is this?
I tune in and hear Trump talking about ISIS chopping off heads and mass drownings, and he sounds sad we can't do the same.
I'm out.