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Republican-led committee approves bill restricting Donald Trump's ability to wage war


The House Appropriations Committee recently approved an amendment to revoke the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which allows the president to undertake war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates without Congressional approval. The law, passed shortly after the terrorist attacks of 11 September, 2001, has been used to approve conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

A visibly surprised Ms Lee welcomed the addition of the amendment on Thursday, condemning the AUMF as “a blank check to wage war anywhere, at any time, and for any length”.

The AUMF has been used to justify military action more than 37 times in 14 countries since 2001, according to the Congressional Research Service.

“This issue is more urgent given the erratic behaviour and inexperience of our current Commander-in-Chief,” Ms Lee said. “No president should have a blank check for endless war, least of all President Donald Trump.”

Revoke my ability to wage endless war if old.


Should be a pretty bipartisan measure with our current president and the next president almost certainly being Democratic.
It's should have never been allowed. Look at the fucking mess it's gotten us. Congress can fuck off if they think they are in need of congratulating they where the ones who passed it in the first place so they could wash their hands and never have to admit they authorized so and so during elections.
Should have bombed North Korea when you had the chance, Donny. Now you won't have anything to fall back on when Judge Dredd Mueller comes for your fat ass.
so they can admit that the dude is unfit to possess this power but won't say he's a fucking idiot who shouldn't be President? Got it!


this is actually a fucking massive deal


very very cool stuff

I hope this passes

if there's anything the orange idiot gets done inadvertently, him constraining the executive's unilateral ability to bomb the middle east on the basis of 9/11 is quite a positive one
i always imagine Trump not being able to do something, throwing a tantrum, and then his aides having to explain to him that being president is not the same as being king/god and him trying to comprehend that


so they can admit that the dude is unfit to possess this power but won't say he's a fucking idiot who shouldn't be President? Got it!

Congress knows he's incompetent, but coming out against him too much at this point will hurt their party more.
Whoah. I honestly believed Republicans would NEVER touch this. The skeptic in me says they see the writing on the wall and are taking action to limit the abilities of the next Democratic president.
He still has time. It'll take awhile to get through Congress.
Somehow I feel like Mueller won't come out with everything until next year at the very least and I'm hoping that the house and senate don't play hot potato with this bill for another year.
at this point what most of the GOP wants is for trump to stfu and not doing anything so they can see if they can keep their wacky party together long enough to pass any shitty bill without him accidentally sabotaging everything by opening his piehole
This is the kinda stuff I wanted to come up of a Trump presidency. Congress to take back some of its balances. I mean I'd rather not have it at all but we're past hat now.
For bills like these, they shouldn't even specify the Office of the President when talking about abridging the powers and authority, they should actually read "Donald Trump" on the legislative paperwork.


Master of the Google Search
Can't Papaya Pinochet veto this?
It's an amendment they are tying to the 2018 defense budget. He would have to veto the funding bill to remove it.

Bad news: Congress still has to agree upon next year's budget, vote upon it and then still wait 8 more weeks for it to take effect. Plenty of time for Trump to do something.
This is the kinda stuff I wanted to come up of a Trump presidency. Congress to take back some of its balances. I mean I'd rather not have it at all but we're past hat now.

Yeah, after 9/11 the checks and balances got all fucked up. Most of the power in this country should rest in Congress, the body directly elected by the people. They call it the "first branch" for a reason.
I would love for this to happen. As others have said, long overdue. It was a knee-jerk during 9/11 and has contributed to a fearful power consolidation in the executive branch.

Patriot Act next please.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Foreshadowing of possible 25th amendment use? Please for the love of God I hope so.

I doubt it, however Congress will, because of the nature of the investigations, "suddenly" know way more than the public. So if it gets to a point where there's so much smoke and fire that even Congress feels it needs to act, it will not be a drip drip, it will be an instant 180 based on something they see in closed session.

Will be hilarious watching the junior congressfolks and senators scrambling to figure out what they're supposed to do. (if something happens, that is - we may well just be doing this for three years).


Please please please. If there's any part of the conservative platform I agree with, it's limiting the power of the executive branch.

And it's not just a Trump thing for me. I just don't want any single individual to have such sweeping and consequential power.


Good. Letting him have that kind of power is beyond irresponsible. It's like giving a loaded gun to an infant.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Please please please. If there's any part of the conservative platform I agree with, it's limiting the power of the executive branch.

And it's not just a Trump thing for me. I just don't want any single individual to have such sweeping and consequential power.

I agree, however Obama had to deal with completely political obstruction of a kind not seen in the history of the institution - and the deliberate distillation of those same forces means another president, after Trump, will have to be constrained by both executive ability and obstruction. Something will have to give.


Unconfirmed Member
Should have been passed after Bin Laden was killed.

Whatever their intentions I welcome limiting the Presidents power.


Neo Member
Left-wingers sure love limited government when their opponent is in office. I wish they were more vocal about this when Obama was going to war without congressional approval. At least George W. Bush asked congress.

I agree with the action though. The executive branch has gotten way out of control, and the last person I want all that power in the hands of is President Trump.


Wow....This is actually a pretty big something.

I mean, this was a HUGE issue in the Bush years...and should have ended in Obama's years, but he didn't do it either.

I tell ya...in 2004, if you would have told me that Donald Trump would have been President with a Republican Congress voting to take away the AUMF, I would still be laughing.
Left-wingers sure love limited government when their opponent is in office. I wish they were more vocal about this when Obama was going to war without congressional approval. At least George W. Bush asked congress.

I agree with the action though. The executive branch has gotten way out of control, and the last person I want all that power in the hands of is President Trump.

I think you mean, right wingers sure love it, right? This was a GOP lead committee.

Also... The left needed Republican votes, that's why it hadn't happened until now.

See below.

Obama was trying to neuter AUMF but Republicans turned him down. Now they're doing the neutering because...Trump. You can't make this shit up.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Left-wingers sure love limited government when their opponent is in office. I wish they were more vocal about this when Obama was going to war without congressional approval. At least George W. Bush asked congress.

I agree with the action though. The executive branch has gotten way out of control, and the last person I want all that power in the hands of is President Trump.

Many, many of us were extremely vocal about Obama's use of drones and strikes. I protest voted against him on 2012 because of it. Don't bring that false equivalence shit in here.
Left-wingers sure love limited government when their opponent is in office. I wish they were more vocal about this when Obama was going to war without congressional approval. At least George W. Bush asked congress.

I agree with the action though. The executive branch has gotten way out of control, and the last person I want all that power in the hands of is President Trump.

Who gave Bush that excessive power? Perhaps before you criticize "left-wingers," you should remind yourself that a bipartisan Congress voted for the PATRIOT Act, the Authorization of Force - all the moves that created an imbalance in the system. Both parties know that the public eventually sours on war, and they wanted the president to shoulder most of the blame when the polls shifted. For once we can actually blame #bothsides.

I, a left-winger, opposed such legislation during Bush's tenure, Obama's tenure, and now Trump's tenure. As I said previously, the majority of the power should reside in Congress, the first branch of our government. But you'll ignore the basic facts to criticize left-wingers


Whoah. I honestly believed Republicans would NEVER touch this. The skeptic in me says they see the writing on the wall and are taking action to limit the abilities of the next Democratic president.
What writing? Iraq and afghanistan weren't democratic presidencies. This mostly limits republicans, which makes it more surprising they'd do it.
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