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Republican or Democrat?

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There should be a distiction between a Bush republican and a normal republican. I'll either vote Kerry or Nader this election. If it looks like Kerry is sweeping Michigan then I'll vote Nader. If it's Bush I'll vote Kerry


Unconfirmed Member
I support a lot of original ideals of the Republican party (ie, limited federal government in state issues, being fiscally conservative). Unfortunately the Republican party now is a hard-right group, doing their best to pull in that Christian Coalition crowd, and pissing away money like a sailor on shore leave. I strongly disagree with many of the social stances of the Republican party, namely the whole gay marriage fiasco that we're currently in. I consider myself more pro-life than pro-choice, but I just don't like the idea of abortion, period, except in very extreme cases. Basically I consider myself conservative on fiscal issues, and way more liberal on social issues. As far as defense and shit, I'm all about isolationism... but I doubt we'll see that any time soon.

What does this all add up to? I can't get behind any of the canidates for whatever reason. Bush sucks, Kerry sucks. They're not quite as alike in their suckocity as Bush/Gore, but it's still a whole lot of suck. I like Edwards more than I like Cheney, though (I think W's cabinet is pretty much atrocious save for Powell, and sometimes Rumsfeld), and that may sway my vote. Not that it matters, North Dakota will be a red state pretty much regardless come November 2.

We need some radical changes in government, but canidates aren't ballsy enough to try for it, and people aren't far sighted enough to see that it's something we desperately need. Sigh.
Registered Republican, voting Republican.

Democratic taxing policies hurt small business owners like my parents, so I vote in order to support tax laws that benefit business owners AND individuals that conduct their finances in a business-like manner.

Most all the democrats I know and operate with fall under two categories: Those who don't understand how the business world works at all and those who are already financially set who don't have to worry about how business is run, who make enough or who's parents make enough dough, allowing them to live in ignorance of day-to-day business dealings. I can't imagine living like this, and I can't imagine not caring what the government takes away from me in taxes.

From my experience, my Republican vote goes to anyone who wishes to advance in the world of business.

I'm lower-middle class if I had to put a label on my family's financial position, and basically we started with nothing. My parents just work hard, and I hope I can continue the trend. I want smaller government that doesn't interfere in business every little step of the way. laissez-faire, folks, laissez-faire.

Also, I have very strong Libertarian tendencies because I'm all pro drug use and other things. However, the joke between a friend of mine and I states: "Libertarians want the freedom to do anything and everything. They want to be able to smoke drugs in their front yard while fucking a sheep and shooting off rounds(of ammo)." ...so there should be some basis for control in this society, but don't tell me how to run my business through punitive tax laws against business that are just trying to get ahead.

I'm sure I'm not making any converts, nor am I trying for any. What I just want is people to educate themselves. My friends and fellow students feel the same way, so we started a group called Students Towards a New Democracy or S.T.A.N.D. for short. Here's the addy www.standts.org, and it lists our mission statement, which is based on educating yourself and learning to critically think about your world.

war :

Check yoself befo you wreck yoself.

And realize that when Democrats this year harp about spending and about the deficit in relation to the war, realize that something eventually had to be done about the Middle East and the terrorists that come from the area. Iraq was a good place to start. We're still after Osama who is the one responsible for an attack on our shores in 2001, but why not just start cleaning house where it needs it. We might as well start with somewhere dirty that we know we can clean up, and liberate some people in the process. Democrats and all partisan / non-partisan people bitching about war spending should come to realize that we are the world police. People bitch when we don’t take action and when we finally do take action. Those people speaking out against war spending, those that are supposed to be huggy-feelly and care about people should think about the mass graves. Think about all the people being tortured, gassed, and killed in the Middle East and worldwide. We can't save everywhere all at once, but we can start closer to where evil cropped and attacked us. In effect, Iraq was a good start. Militants and extremists close-by should take notice and know that we mean business. With what the IRA has done for years in the U.K., the bombings in Spain recently, we’ve got to show the world we mean business. I’m tired of shit like this
happening anywhere.


Can someone explain to me how this 'registering as X' thing works in the US? Like, is this your voter registration that lets you actually vote, or is it just joining one of the parties? And what on earth does it mean to be 'registered' as independent. Isn't that kind of contradictory?


it's for census-ish purposes. so the polit-bureau types can count the number of registered individuals with this or that party affiliation. 'independent' is just a 'none of the above' box for parties, since there are more than can be listed and the man is marking off people who don't play by the two party game for elimination with Xtreme prejudice.

i think you also put yourself on the party roles (ie, mailing lists) when you tick off the appropriate box. there is also a 'decline to state' option.

oh, one more thing, in some states it makes you eligible for a primary vote. other states have open primaries.




Raoul Duke said:
Why are almost all Nintendo fans Republicans? It makes blanket hating easier, but I have to wonder.

Please stfu. I'm not american, but if I were I wouldn't be republican and I'm a nintendo fan. :p


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

I'm sitting on some explosive news that will rock the world of the Liberal-xbots.



Gahiggidy said:

I'm sitting on some explosive news that will rock the world of the Liberal-xbots.

Is Nintendo going to show it's profits earnings with a holographic display?
Lambtron said:
I support a lot of original ideals of the Republican party (ie, limited federal government in state issues, being fiscally conservative). Unfortunately the Republican party now is a hard-right group, doing their best to pull in that Christian Coalition crowd, and pissing away money like a sailor on shore leave. I strongly disagree with many of the social stances of the Republican party, namely the whole gay marriage fiasco that we're currently in. I consider myself more pro-life than pro-choice, but I just don't like the idea of abortion, period, except in very extreme cases. Basically I consider myself conservative on fiscal issues, and way more liberal on social issues. As far as defense and shit, I'm all about isolationism... but I doubt we'll see that any time soon.

What does this all add up to? I can't get behind any of the canidates for whatever reason. Bush sucks, Kerry sucks. They're not quite as alike in their suckocity as Bush/Gore, but it's still a whole lot of suck. I like Edwards more than I like Cheney, though (I think W's cabinet is pretty much atrocious save for Powell, and sometimes Rumsfeld), and that may sway my vote. Not that it matters, North Dakota will be a red state pretty much regardless come November 2.

We need some radical changes in government, but canidates aren't ballsy enough to try for it, and people aren't far sighted enough to see that it's something we desperately need. Sigh.
http://www.lp.org Read up on the Libertarian party. They sound right up your alley.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Raoul Duke said:
Why are almost all Nintendo fans Republicans? It makes blanket hating easier, but I have to wonder.

OMFG. THANK YOU!!! I swear I thought it was just me who thought that. I was even tempted to make a thread about it a few weeks ago.


When it comes to Abortion, I'm with the conservatives. Other than that, all my views are more liberal. I wasn't always a complete liberal but in the past few years, I've become more and more left wing.


Gen.Wedge said:
http://www.lp.org Read up on the Libertarian party. They sound right up your alley.

Now that I have read about the libertarian party, that party is teh suck.
Im a registered republican, and like so many on this board, who is conservative on social issues but liberal on economic issues.

I dont get why cutting taxes is considered a conservative economic policy though, shouldn't it be the other way around?
Always sided with the Empire, how could you not? Meh the Rebellions have always been the seperatists. Evil they are, if it weren't for them the galaxy would be a much safer place. Th eonly reason the Empire must create such devices as the Death Star is because of this bullshit Rebellion, and despite our major losses in the Battles of Yavin and Endor. I do feel that we have taken critical blows against the Rebellion movement with such victories as we saw on Hoth.

Pfft, and all they have as a leader is a woman one liner, if they had any since that Organa woman would be in charge. Meh the pigs.


pollo said:
I dont get why cutting taxes is considered a conservative economic policy though, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Taxes are an instrument of fiscal policy. They fund public programs and reintroduce money that would likely otherwise be saved (pulling it out of the economy) back into the economy. As such, decreasing taxes are part of a conservative platform since they mean less use of fiscal tools to impose controls on the economy.
fart said:
it's for census-ish purposes. so the polit-bureau types can count the number of registered individuals with this or that party affiliation. 'independent' is just a 'none of the above' box for parties, since there are more than can be listed and the man is marking off people who don't play by the two party game for elimination with Xtreme prejudice.

i think you also put yourself on the party roles (ie, mailing lists) when you tick off the appropriate box. there is also a 'decline to state' option.

oh, one more thing, in some states it makes you eligible for a primary vote. other states have open primaries.
To add, some states (Indiana at least) don't have you register with a party. When I went in to vote in the primaries, though, I had to choose between an R and a D card.

Socreges said:
Well, the most prominent. Gahiggidy, olimario, and Meier. "almost all" is an interesting thing to say, though.
Also efralope (though he's voting Nader) and I'm pretty sure KobunHeat is by his Off-Topic participation. It's something I've noticed too. As a liberal Nintendo whore, it's a good reminder that just because I can completely agree with someone on one topic doesn't mean we necessarily share much else.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
JoshuaJSlone said:
Also efralope (though he's voting Nader) and I'm pretty sure KobunHeat is by his Off-Topic participation. It's something I've noticed too. As a liberal Nintendo whore, it's a good reminder that just because I can completely agree with someone on one topic doesn't mean we necessarily share much else.

Yup. I was going to mention them but I didn't. Also when I went to college this guy used to hook his Gamecube up to the big screen TV in the university center (think: arcade/lounge/pool hall) and play Smash Bros all the time. Him and all of his friends were republicans (and proud of it I might add). The correlation that many Nintendo fans are republicans is something that I've suspected for a long time. In all likelyhood there probably isn't any real correlation but from my own personal experience at least 80% of the diehard N-fans are.

And Efralope voting Nader... haha. Who was he trying to kid when he posted that?


Raoul Duke said:
Why are almost all Nintendo fans Republicans? It makes blanket hating easier, but I have to wonder.
I posted a thread about that on the old GAF -- I'm not sure it's actually the case, though. On the other hand, isn't WordofGod a Nintendo fan? And wasn't IronKnuckle, too?


Raoul Duke said:
Why are almost all Nintendo fans Republicans? It makes blanket hating easier, but I have to wonder.

I can't speak for the rest, but I really detest all of this neo-conservative bullshit. Armed with only my naive ideas that every vote counts, and that just one man can help make a difference, I registered under the Rep party to help vote (in the primaries, mind you) for the better candidate and help put it back on track.

'course, it was also funny working for an anti-Bush establishment and being registered as a Republican, so that factored into it as well.

KERRY 2004


Now, onto the actual content. I believe that the Nintendo/Republican connection is based upon the conservative views of Nintendo itself, whether it be the "base" on morals (Mortal Kombat SNES, never forget!) or the constant reminiscing to when people actually liked 'em (1980's-a-go-go!).
Kobun Heat said:
I'd think the Nintendo fan/Republican connection would be obvious.

Seriously, though, to me my liberal stances and love for bizarre video games come from a similar place. Whether it's the environment or cel-shading, gay rights or Animal Crossing, my most basic thought is something like "If it seems good and isn't hurting anyone, go for it all the way. Pay no heed to the haters."
Matlock said:
Now, onto the actual content. I believe that the Nintendo/Republican connection is based upon the conservative views of Nintendo itself, whether it be the "base" on morals (Mortal Kombat SNES, never forget!) or the constant reminiscing to when people actually liked 'em (1980's-a-go-go!).
And to me, it's the way they defy convention (cel-shaded Zelda, paper-thin Mario, the deliberate drawn nature of Yoshi's Story), and introduce ideas (connectivity, DS, four controller ports and analog as standard) that appeals to the progressive in me.
Oddly, the hardest-core Nintendo fan I know is a shrieking liberal. That said, the Republican/Nintendo connection is obvious: fear of change; preference for "the good ol' days when times/choices were simpler", family values, authoritarian market behaviors, corporate elitism. Booyah!

It's the Republican/Christian thing that I sometimes have difficulty fathoming. Let's face it: the GOP is the party of KEEPING the moneylenders in the temple, as it were -- and I think we all know where Christ stands on the separation of Church and State, besides just rendering unto Caesar and all that. Where's your camel and your needle when it comes voting time, eh? The conflict of selfish Libertarian interests and selfless Christian ideals always produces hilariously angry responses when prodded, for sure.


JC10001 said:
OMFG. THANK YOU!!! I swear I thought it was just me who thought that. I was even tempted to make a thread about it a few weeks ago.

Hmm. I never noticed... maybe because I avoid a majority of the political threads.


For every handful of 'Nintendo fan Republicans' you guys name (and there have been, what, six?) there are about 30 more Nintendo fans on this board.
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