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Republicans’ Kansas’s economy experiment survives a revolt from their own party

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Gold Member
No fan of Brownback's, but our sales tax is high here(10% almost in Johnson county), highish property taxes, already pay state income taxes, and this new bill would have meant an additional 1300 plus yearly in state income taxes alone for my family. They need to stop fucking over the people and make the businesses and corporations pay their fair share, not raise our state income taxes.


No fan of Brownback's, but our sales tax is high here(10% almost in Johnson county), highish property taxes, already pay state income taxes, and this new bill would have meant an additional 1300 plus yearly in state income taxes alone for my family. They need to stop fucking over the people and make the businesses and corporations pay their fair share, not raise our state income taxes.

I mean, isn't Brownback responsible for the move to consumption taxes?


Gold Member
I mean, isn't Brownback responsible for the move to consumption taxes?

I am not blaming the house for Brownback's fuck ups. Asking the people bail them out of this shit is wrong. This burden should be placed at the feet of the businesses and corporations who have had a windfall, not some family making 100K.


Why do people in Kansas continue to vote in Republicans after this cluster fuck of an experiment? Those people are so stupid and deserve what they get. Everyone else I really feel sorry for especially young people because they will be the ones paying for this for years to come.
Why do people in Kansas continue to vote in Republicans after this cluster fuck of an experiment?

Because all that's required is blaming democrats or minorities for the failing economy for them to forget that the people they put in charge don't have their best interests in mind.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
When an experiment fails, you try a different one. These guys are whacked out
That's called science, and science is the enemy of God™. God™ says, you do an experiment and it works because you have Faith™. If it didn't work, you didn't have enough Faith™ and need to try harder to have Faith™ in God's Plan™.

For instance, the Republican Party had Faith™ that if they pandered to religious Christians, they could say and do anything they want as long as the spun it and said it had something to do with Christian principles, even if it was opposed to Biblical ideas. Their Faith™ was strong, and look, it worked! It's been working for almost 30 years and shows no sign of stopping! Look at the wonders that Faith™ can do for you!
The real problem is the GOP members voting to keep this stupidity don't see it a failure at all. This was the desired and expected result. The economic plan is to create massive shortfalls that are made up by cutting public programs they don't want.


Welcome to Wichita. A conservative shit hole city in a state that is in ruins. Glad you can be stuck here with me. I can give you a tour. Here is a dumpster. It's on fire. Enjoy.

As a side note, where is that twat Gaffer who championed this financial disaster of an experiment? The arm chair economy expert who kept harping that this is a good solid policy for kansas even though he lived half a world away.

holy crap, i remember that guy. his ability to deny reality was off the charts
Kansas was pretty much always a fairly friendly relationship between Moderate Republicans and Democrats. Brownback ruined that. Watch the hardliners continue to lose in 2018.


Welcome to Wichita. A conservative shit hole city in a state that is in ruins. Glad you can be stuck here with me. I can give you a tour. Here is a dumpster. It's on fire. Enjoy.

it hurts how true this is. every time i go to Wichita, it blows my mind how shitty it is.
it hurts how true this is. every time i go to Wichita, it blows my mind how shitty it is.

To be fair, a lot of Kansas's shittiness is purely geographical and has nothing to do with the government or history.

Even in the best case scenario, it would've always been sort of shit. It's just, you know, we're looking increasingly at a worst case scenario instead.


Welcome to Wichita. A conservative shit hole city in a state that is in ruins. Glad you can be stuck here with me. I can give you a tour. Here is a dumpster. It's on fire. Enjoy.

The only part of Kansas that is worth anything is the north-eastern part. The Lawrence to Kansas City part. I live in Topeka and this place is a conservative shithole that I take every opportunity to leave to go do things in the fun part of this state, which luckily is between 30 min to an hr away from where I live.

I will say however, than since Brownback's experiment has clearly fucked this state up, I've been seeing a bunch of the aforementioned conservatives converting over to hardcore-libertarianism, which is still fucked, but a different kind of fucked.


The only part of Kansas that is worth anything is the north-eastern part. The Lawrence to Kansas City part. I live in Topeka and this place is a conservative shithole that I take every opportunity to go do things in the fun part of this state, which luckily is between 30 min to an hr away from where I live.

I will say however, than since Brownback's experiment has clearly fucked this state up, I've been seeing a bunch of the aforementioned conservatives converting over to hardcore-libertarianism, which is still fucked, but a different kind of fucked.

I can attest to this, having graduated from KU. Lawrence to KC is the only saving grace of this miserable state and Lawrence is dead during summer once college let's out while half of the good parts of KC belongs to the Missouri side. Kansas just can't win.

I am also starting to see more libertarianism in Wichita. Some of which are my friends. It has depressed me immensely.

I would leave here asap but, due to obligations, I have to stay behind. But maybe only for a bit longer.


No sympathy at all. This is what the majority voted for.
Enjoy your tax cuts and ultra shitty everything else in your dilapidated state.


Wichita isn't that bad guys. We have a nice Zoo and the Warren theaters are pretty good.


Who am I kidding, Wichita is terrible. Now it's just going to keep getting worse. Can't wait.
Wichita isn't that bad guys. We have a nice Zoo and the Warren theaters are pretty good.


Who am I kidding, Wichita is terrible. Now it's just going to keep getting worse. Can't wait.
Warren theaters are nice, but I hate that they have a virtual monopoly here. I wish we could get an AMC or something to compete. Never gonna happen tho.


Grew up in Wichita and I go back 2 or 3 times a year as my family is there. It is certainly a shit hole, but the Zoo is great and I will say there are some decent restaurants and bars in old town now. Hopefully the city to step up and do the right thing in the Special Election in a few weeks and not vote for a brownback crony.
Grew up in Wichita and I go back 2 or 3 times a year as my family is there. It is certainly a shit hole, but the Zoo is great and I will say there are some decent restaurants and bars in old town now. Hopefully the city to step up and do the right thing in the Special Election in a few weeks and not vote for a brownback crony.
Why would there be a special election? Shouldn't the Lt Governor just take over for the rest of the term?


Bumped for the hilarious rumor that Brownback is about to declare victory and leave the governorship for an ambassador post in a agricultural organization in Rome.


And yet still some people will still try and act like this is working and not destroying the state.

The experiment failed, stop trying to make it work.

nah, that'd be admitting much of the conservative mantra is actually an unlivable nightmare for most; the trick is to always double down/ system's failing? make gov't smaller & free the markets moer! you can't just break kayfabe & admit you don't give a fuck about anyone but the rich

Bumped for the hilarious rumor that Brownback is about to declare victory and leave the governorship for an ambassador post in a agricultural organization in Rome.

ahahaha, that's fantastic


I am Korean.
Welcome to Wichita. A conservative shit hole city in a state that is in ruins. Glad you can be stuck here with me. I can give you a tour. Here is a dumpster. It's on fire. Enjoy.

As a side note, where is that twat Gaffer who championed this financial disaster of an experiment? The arm chair economy expert who kept harping that this is a good solid policy for kansas even though he lived half a world away.

What's the point? All he'll say is wait 10 years which is when the fruits of the seeds Brownback's been sowing will come to fruition.




I feel bad for anyone living in Kansas, but it seems like we will get another 2 years of prove that massive tax cuts don't magically result in more revenue for government, and that massive tax cuts don't spur massive economic growth.

It's proven already but if the governor wants to give it two more years let him. And then the Kansas experiment can be cited as proof. Then again, Republicans don't care about facts.
The old Southern slave states ran their economies in a similar manner, low taxation, little to no public services until after the Civil War.
It's what Trump admin will do as well. Cut taxes and profit while almost everyone else suffers and flee elsewhere when it all crashes.

No wonder Peter Thiel is getting citizenship in New Zealand.


Why would there be a special election? Shouldn't the Lt Governor just take over for the rest of the term?

Special Election is for the Congress person for Kansas 4th district. The previous congress person was appointed by Trump to head the CIA. The Republican running is Brownback's treasury secretary.
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