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Resetera and the pedo problem (updates)

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We want people who are guilty to be held accountable, but that isn't at the cost of lowering ourselves to "by any means necessary".

“That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved.” – Benjamin Franklin

Just something to keep in mind as this takes its course. I’m not pointing any fingers or even saying fingers need to be pointed. I’m just a very casual observer.
I'm really sorry I didn't convince you and I hope you'll recover from that innocent blood being spilled.
He does have a point though and it's why Sony's censorship policy on Japanese games have been criticized on this forum. When it comes to drawings, how one should go about estimating a character's age is subjective unless the creator tells us that the character is X years old. In addition, these characters are fictional and are not drawn with realistic proportions. It's a rather big leap to claim that people who like lewd loli art are also attracted to real children.

This isn't to say you should like or be okay with lewd loli fanart. It's not my jam either. However, as long as (1) that stuff is out of reach of children and (2) actual children aren't victimized, I have no moral qualms against it. Now if you were to show that there's empirical evidence that there's a causal link between lewd loli fanart and children victimized by pedophiles, I would be singing a different tune.
They also call Celine a "permabanned guy", or one who 'claims to be a woman, and nobody would ever go on the internet and tell lies.'

If someone is a women outside of ResetEra, you have to question their gender. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Afterall, we're women-hating racists because communism is bad.

It's not like I can prove I'm a real woman anytime I want... I'm waiting for them to tell officially that I'm not a woman, like Resetera's staff dropping another official statement. If they do that, I'll just video record myself and post it. It would show how far they're willing to go just to discredit someone, misgendering the person and stuff.

To be fair, I won't lie, if I wasn't a woman, it would have been hard to get access to their discord server or even speaking to Cerium for months. That's probably why a lot of FBI field agent are women.
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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
A bit On-Topic/Off-Topic..

Can anyone explain to me the cross over that takes place between...

Anime (the cartoon child like appeal?)
Nintendo (is it the cutesy child like appeal?)
Furries (the cute...child like appeal?)


Gender issues. I notice many involved with the above things have gender and sexuality issues. Usually doing the trans thing but in an almost "fetish" type way. Where I can agree some transgender individuals suffer from legit mental dysphoria problems, the ones who operate in this Nintendo-Furry-Anime-Weeb realm are on a hyper-sexual degeneracy.

What is the correlation? Seems I can find MASSIVES amounts of these types in gaming circles or on social media.

Damage control 🤣

Lucky someone logs the discord’s to an external file and has over 12 months worth of chat logs :)

Edit...and for a place that has nothing to hide they sure are doing a great job of trying to hide things..im gonna dig the file out when I get home

Without giving away my alt I have at least 3 of the main boards in text form from the last 12 months but they would probably say it’s just a doctored as it’s simply a txt dump (rather large file)
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Dr. Claus

If you want to argue, at least do it properly. I'm not saying there's something criminal in all of this. I'm just pointing at suspicious stuff from people coming from the same rightous community, that's all there is to it.

We're not a court, internet isn't a court. Resetera never cared about laws when accusing others of being pedophiles, nazi, crazy woman with mental health issues or rapist. Why are you so uptight on what a judge would think of a fucking tattoo ?

Stop wasting your energy.

I'm really sorry I didn't convince you and I hope you'll recover from that innocent blood being spilled.

Then we should be better than Era, not stooping to the same level. You were definitely reaching with that particular claim and you were rightfully called out on it. If anyone seemed to be uptight on that particular subject, it was you.
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Fuck they are going all out damage control here...u should see the discord’s...admins are actually asking people to vouch for people....they are trying to plug the holes

Era admins..your chasing a ship that sailed away along time ago
If you want to argue, at least do it properly. I'm not saying there's something criminal in all of this. I'm just pointing at suspicious stuff from people coming from the same rightous community, that's all there is to it.

We're not a court, internet isn't a court. Resetera never cared about laws when accusing others of being pedophiles, nazi, crazy woman with mental health issues or rapist. Why are you so uptight on what a judge would think of a fucking tattoo ?

Stop wasting your energy.

I'm really sorry I didn't convince you and I hope you'll recover from that innocent blood being spilled.

Fair enough I may have misunderstood you because you seem to use being a lawyer as an argument and frankly that's what I responded too, we all know ERA is terrible and has shitty people in it no argument from me on that.

And while resetera may not care about laws let's at least do our due diligence before we accuse someone that's all I am saying, that does not mean I think you are wrong so please don't be angry I would love to see these motherfuckers brought down.

Being pissed at me when I am on your side here is not gonna help you.
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this is some kinda sad shit lol

Fuck they are going all out damage control here...u should see the discord’s...admins are actually asking people to vouch for people....they are trying to plug the holes

Era admins..your chasing a ship that sailed away along time ago
Apparently they've never heard of the Streisand effect. Even if it isn't a full blown pedo ring they're hiding something they don't want anyone to see...it's only a matter of time. I look forward to the fireworks.


What is the correlation? Seems I can find MASSIVES amounts of these types in gaming circles or on social media.

One thing that always amazed me about ERA is how there is such a high prevalence of LGBT people that post there. I mean the LGBT population is less than 5% in the US, and transgender people are less than 0.5%, yet there are TONS of them on ERA.

Part of me wonders if a percent of them on ERA are just lying about their sexual
orientation or gender for cred for the uber woke community there or if there really is a super high prevalence of LGBT folks there.
Fair enough I may have misunderstood you because you seem to use being a lawyer as an argument and frankly that's what I responded too, we all know ERA is terrible and has shitty people in it no argument from me on that.

And while resetera may not care about laws let's at least do our due diligence before we accuse someone that's all I am saying, that does not mean I think you are wrong so please don't be angry I would love to see these motherfuckers brought down.

They won't be brought down, not by something like this. I said it times and times again, there's nothing criminal in what I posted so far.

I'll share what a well-known gaming journalist said to me earlier, during a private conversation about this stuff. I'm not quoting words by words, but anyway : "I won't cover it because nobody cares about them. They're vastly irrelevant in the industry. I know about them by name just because Geoff seems to tease them to gather more streaming views for his events".

It has been the reactions of all the journalist I talked with (minus the Geoff comment). Someone even said to me Neogaf was covered everywhere because it was very influential, that it was a testimony of its success and how Resetera wasn't even 5% of what Neogaf was when it was brought down by medias.

But you know, maybe one day we will learn that there is a true pedophile within their staff and then good luck at pretending they never knew, they never saw it coming and how it was all a big misunderstanding. This thread will be linked back to them and people won't buy the bullshit.
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Who’s peddling hate? Pointing out creepy comments and posting tweets people have out in the open showing gross underage anime girls or creepy tattoos isn’t hate. It’s creepy and tends towards a person having pedo tendencies. Yet somehow the ERA idiots chalk this up to hate speech? What a bunch of dense morons.

And on the doxxing front, give me a fucking break. ERA has made it a mission to destroy THQ over the 8chan AMA by labeling the whole enterprise and their employees as pedophiles, while attempting to ruin the careers of individual employees who’s only offense is working at THQ. These same idiots see no problem with publicly shaming anybody who likes a pro-Trump tweet or twitter user, assualting people with MAGA hats, and outright doxxing these people and destroying their lives if possible. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.
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Quick summary : Squiddo start to cheer for pedo to be arrested. A random person answer him by putting a screen capture of one of Squiddo's tattoo, depicting what looks like 5 year old girl showing her boobs. WTF.

So, yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The guy calls out pedophiles on Resetera/Twitter, cheer for them to be arrested publicly and that's what he has tatooed on his fucking LEG :

Sorry guys, took a bit longer to grab all the screencaps and I wanted to be thorough.





Here he admits he had underage sex with a minor.



Summary; Squiddo is (I think) a Splatoon streamer so has a certain fanbase. He slides into the friendcodes of some girl who at the time claimed she was 18. He dated her for a few months they even had unprotected sex then she told him she was not 18 but underage. FYI Legal age of consent in Europe is 16, so that means the oldest she COULD have been was 15. You can't tell me that Squiddo at 23 years fucking old and after spending months with this girl not work out she was just at most 15. "But she lied to me" is not a valid legal defense, with all the other stuff Celine just posted it sure looks like willful ignorance on his part.
They won't be brought down, not by something like this. I said it times and times again, there's nothing criminal in what I posted so far.

But you know, maybe one day we will learn that there is a true pedophile within their staff and then good luck at pretending they never knew, they never saw it coming and how it was all a big misunderstanding. This thread will be linked back to them and people won't buy the bullshit.
That maybe, but they're full on damage controlling as if they really did something wrong and they're making themselves look even more guilty by purging everything and denying claims.
What do you mean ? Seems interesting.
I think they are Matching users in the forum back to the discord’s ...must be some sort of mismatch...that’s how I’m reading it

I know some of the discord’s existed before they did their forum upgrade and are not linked specifically to the forums userbase

Did the discord channel you were on check your forum status??

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
One thing that always amazed me about ERA is how there is such a high prevalence of LGBT people that post there. I mean the LGBT population is less than 5% in the US, and transgender people are less than 0.5%, yet there are TONS of them on ERA.

Part of me wonders if a percent of them on ERA are just lying about their sexual
orientation or gender for cred for the uber woke community there or if there really is a super high prevalence of LGBT folks there.

The majority I see arent out and out gay/homosexual. The most I see represented is Bi and/or trans. Which leads me to believe their is an abundance of sexual degenerates i.e. Ill stick my dick in ANYTHING that gives me a chance.
I feel it mostly comes down to men who have trouble with women or men who have low amounts of masculinity, which in turn means they feel they must swing both ways or they have to seek any sex even if its gay sex.

Thats why I think we see an abundance of trans users. I think many are low masculine men or men who have trouble with women. Some decide they will troon out cause they dont see the possibility of having a female relationship. The others are simply into the fetish of it...they are the "sex pest" type...
The "Trans-woman" lesbian who, after years of failure with women, decides the "way in" is to perhaps forgo manhood and try a new start as a new sex.

Lets not forget, their is also a correlation between Trans individuals and Autism/Asperger
Transgender people assigned female were more likely to have clinically significant autistic traits compared to any other group. No difference was found between those assigned male.

These are awkward, impressionable, young men...with underlying mental illnesses that limit their ability to achieve confident, masculine traits.
They love their cutesy Nintendo chracters, prob collect figurines, maybe toy with the idea of the cutesy Furry life... They fall into the fetishsized trans lifestyle...as an identity sexually since there manhood isnt doing it...for Ass-pats for being "brave"...in hopes of getting that pink haired Kawii pixie girlfriend whos hip...etc..

Degenerates...all of them...
Sorry guys, took a bit longer to grab all the screencaps and I wanted to be thorough.





Here he admits he had underage sex with a minor.



Summary; Squiddo is (I think) a Splatoon streamer so has a certain fanbase. He slides into the friendcodes of some girl who at the time claimed she was 18. He dated her for a few months they even had unprotected sex then she told him she was not 18 but underage. FYI Legal age of consent in Europe is 16, so that means the oldest she COULD have been was 15. You can't tell me that Squiddo at 23 years fucking old and after spending months with this girl not work out she was just at most 15. "But she lied to me" is not a valid legal defense, with all the other stuff Celine just posted it sure looks like willful ignorance on his part.

Really nice work Nush, thanks for that. I'm mostly alone and you're helping me a lot. That's what I would like people to spend their energy on instead of arguing with me how loli =/= pedo.
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Sorry guys, took a bit longer to grab all the screencaps and I wanted to be thorough.





Here he admits he had underage sex with a minor.



Summary; Squiddo is (I think) a Splatoon streamer so has a certain fanbase. He slides into the friendcodes of some girl who at the time claimed she was 18. He dated her for a few months they even had unprotected sex then she told him she was not 18 but underage. FYI Legal age of consent in Europe is 16, so that means the oldest she COULD have been was 15. You can't tell me that Squiddo at 23 years fucking old and after spending months with this girl not work out she was just at most 15. "But she lied to me" is not a valid legal defense, with all the other stuff Celine just posted it sure looks like willful ignorance on his part.
Someone got too inspired by the Splatoon song.

"She's a kid, she's a squid."
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Some people took it way too seriously, but they were good communities for the most part.
It was, and in GUFU, they were good people, but they all changed after 2016. They became autistic screechers and even Jandurin sunk to the bottom with what they were spewing turning against other former GUFU members.


I agree but the dude with the Tattoo can make the argument that the character in question Callie from splatoon is 19 years old and getting a conviction or charging him on anything is still gonna be an issue.

It's all speculation he enjoys a certain type anime which is not a crime even if you and I find it questionable.

What we truly need is a smoking gun that is completely irrefutable so lawyer or no lawyer I am not seeing a case here yet, don't get me wrong is this creepy as fuck ? yep it is but we need a smoking gun.

You might want to look at what evidence I've just provided.


A bit On-Topic/Off-Topic..

Can anyone explain to me the cross over that takes place between...

Anime (the cartoon child like appeal?)
Nintendo (is it the cutesy child like appeal?)
Furries (the cute...child like appeal?)


Gender issues. I notice many involved with the above things have gender and sexuality issues. Usually doing the trans thing but in an almost "fetish" type way. Where I can agree some transgender individuals suffer from legit mental dysphoria problems, the ones who operate in this Nintendo-Furry-Anime-Weeb realm are on a hyper-sexual degeneracy.

What is the correlation? Seems I can find MASSIVES amounts of these types in gaming circles or on social media.
I think they're all mentally ill. They want to live in their own little fantasy world filled with sunshine and rainbows. They want to pretend they're cute anime girls and not ugly as fuck dudes. They want to be children again. They're all ugly and all fuck each other.

I knew to never trust a Splatoon fan 😜
Honestly I'm always iffy about adults being into childrens things. Especially if it isn't a casual interest.


Neo Member
So tired of those fucking assholes at REEE, hope their site gets shut down now after the pedo reveal.
Has any of this been sent to press outlets yet? Would love to see media spin this while decrying THQ.


Not even one big YouTuber talked about this !!

Why is everyone so scared to talk ??

And the media not even one article asking for a reply from era admins about this serious accusations

Something not right specially from the verified journalists there
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