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Resident Evil 2 trailer aka the trailer that was worse than catwoman

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Oh wow. "We're expendable. We've just been expended."

Ouch, whatever anticipation I had for this has just been destroyed. This looks on the level of House of the Dead!

The nemesis looks like the shit monster from Dogma! UGH!


well not really...yet
I love how fake the Nemesis looks.

Who lets shit like this get made. ugh. Paul Anderson must be laughing his ass off and thanking the dudes behind this as it will make his movie seem like a fucking masterpiece.

jesus christ....
A little ode to the Code Veronica opening movie at the end of the trailer.

It does look pretty blah though. Pity, I had high hopes for what could have been done after the ending in RE.


Your opinions are overrated. :p It doesnt look that BAD. Were you actually expecting Oscar calibur work here? LOL. It looks perfectly fine for a Resident Evil movie, if a bit heavy on the action side. But if you SERIOUSLY think it looks as bad as you are saying , "worse then HotD" or "making Uwe Boll look like Kubrick" then Im sorry, but you are freaking retarded.

Some of you people do nothing but COMPLAIN non stop, its depressing. You people almost make it sound like this is the end of the world "THAT 3 SECOND CGI SUCKS I MUST TAKE MY OWN LIFE NOW, FUCK YOU HOLLYWOOD!!!"""

Big big ROFLMAO at you people.


LinesInTheSand said:
?? Looks fine. Looks to be just like the first one, what's with all the shocked reactions?

Exactly. Did you people even see it FIRST movie, or did you forget all about in hopes that the second one would be any different because it follows teh game more closely. Hehe


I never saw the first one but I figured the second would be better due to that really stylish teaser trailer. :\


what the fuck? worse the catwoman ??

Thats crazytalk. Anyways Ill most likely see this movie since I liked the 1st one.

edit: ohh and dont judge CGI ever from a trailer which the movie release date is still months away.


I heard a guy raving to his two hot female friends about the sequel to ANACACONDA in the subway train today. They were totally mesmerised by the concept of a sequel. I loved the way he explained the trailer

"The name is like *pause*.. Annanconda 2 the search for something.. And they are looking for a plant i think, that can.. *pause* save people * 5 seconds pause* and they want to get rich *pause* and they go to this island * getting more and more exciting* WHERES THERES ANOTHER ANACONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dramatic pause* yeah and it looks AWESOME!"

The way he was constantly buffering was hilarious. He was a human version of real media player or he was just being deconcentrated by his friend's massive clevage.


Well, the scene where she is running down the skyscraper really did it for me. And, yes, the fighting in the graveyard looks scene-for-scene HotD. RE was bad, but it wasn't this stupid. The CG is garbage, not even the dog scene looked on par with RE. This trailer makes it seem that bad. From what I can see now, they should have taken it DtV. And this film got a 15 mil budget increase!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Prince of Space said:
Umm, that's nowhere NEAR as bad as the Catwoman trailer. It looks better than AvP, anyway...

You speak the truth. That RE2 trailer seemed perfectly fine to me...exactly what I expected after seeing the first movie. I mean its a freaking popcorn flick for god's sake, its suppose to have big explosions and cheesy lines, not to mention its part of a franchise that is known for cheesy lines. That trailer was no dumber then some of the plots in the Resident Evil game series.

That looked better than the trailers for Catwoman and Alien vs Predator combined, but thats just my opinion. And I didn't think the 1st CGI scene of the Licker was that bad, maybe that last scene with the tongue was kinda iffy, but what can you do? I very surprised that anyone thinks the Catwoman trailer looks better than this. Damn personally I think the House of the Dead trailers were better than the tv spots I've been seeing for Catwoman.

Ok, I defended the trailer. But that running down the skyscraper as SOOOOOOOO dumb. I still might check this movie out though.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's certainly not bad, but I was expecting better. It looks like it'll be an entertaining movie though, and this is coming from someone who didn't like the first RE movie. And yes, wtf is with the skyscraper run? Oh well, at least Jill Valentine still looks hot
I thought the jumping off the wall kick into the dog was the stupidest thing I'd see in Resident Evil and yet somehow they seemed to have topped it with the running down the wall of the building. Unbelievable....


I think it looks more interesting then part 1, even if I did dig as hard as I could to find how stupid the story is in this one.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yea really,this doesnt look that bad and shit it might even top the first.

Catwoman looks ten million times worse than this.


shuri said:
I heard a guy raving to his two hot female friends about the sequel to ANACACONDA in the subway train today. They were totally mesmerised by the concept of a sequel. I loved the way he explained the trailer

"The name is like *pause*.. Annanconda 2 the search for something.. And they are looking for a plant i think, that can.. *pause* save people * 5 seconds pause* and they want to get rich *pause* and they go to this island * getting more and more exciting* WHERES THERES ANOTHER ANACONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dramatic pause* yeah and it looks AWESOME!"

The way he was constantly buffering was hilarious. He was a human version of real media player or he was just being deconcentrated by his friend's massive clevage.

You should have informed them that the characters in the movie are in search of "the blood orchid, which holds the key to the fountain of youth."


Flynn said:
You should have informed them that the characters in the movie are in search of "the blood orchid, which holds the key to the fountain of youth."

And sadly Ice Cube, the original's star actor, will not be returning. :(


Banstick Emeritus
That RE2 trailer wasn't that terrible, considering the subject matter. Dumb-ass skyscraper running notwithstanding (insert huge rolleyes here). Catwoman's trailer is much more asstastic, and they show it every 2 minutes on television up here. :(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My theater didn't know a Catwoman trailer with Spider-Man 2 for some reason, we got I, Robot, Anaconda 2, and The Bourne Supremacy.

Anaconda 2 is just sad. Everyone was like "omg, why even bother making a sequel?".

way more

I remember after seeing RE all I could think was that at least it would be a hell of a sequel. I think now that my expectations have been suitably lowered, I could enjoy this. With a fith of rum.


That was just out & out terrible.

Funny, because didn't the first teaser win some award or something for originality?


So its okay for Spider-Man to run and crawl up and down skyscrapers but not Milla. Haha. Sure Spider-Man was a Super-Hero, but Milla's character was also genetically altered so she could combat the Nemisis. She is suppose to do incredible and unhuman things to make us believe she has a chance against the Nemesis and the legion of hellish creatures.

But its your own opinion, and im happy for you. Sure its a bit cheesy, but every movie has cheesy things. Deal with it :p


Spiderman doesn't look retarded doing it... Did you see that CGI? Please, stop trying to rationalize such a stupid thing... Through genetic alterations she can slow down time huh? Wow...


Hollywood Square
Yeah, and I must've missed the part where "Alice" got bitten by a radioactive zombie spider and given spider powers.

That looked lame. Even by Paul Anderson standards. I've got more hope for Aliens vs Predator. Oh well, our zombie money is better spent on Shaun of the Dead, which will hopefully see release sometime this year.

Also, Nemesis looks like Sloth.
Still not sure if I'm going to see this at the theatre or not. The teaser trailer had me pumped, but now I'm kind of iffy about it. I mean, it's not like the games themselves aren't campy, but still, this is Hollywood. It should be entertaining enough. Probably see it on cheap night.


Hollywood Square
trippingmartian said:
Still not sure if I'm going to see this at the theatre or not. The teaser trailer had me pumped, but now I'm kind of iffy about it. I mean, it's not like the games themselves aren't campy, but still, this is Hollywood. It should be entertaining enough. Probably see it on cheap night.

There's a cheap night? What theater do you go to?


Spiderman doesn't look retarded doing it

Yes he does. He wears blue and red spandex.

Did you see that CGI

Yes I did, for 3 whole fucking seconds, just like you. Alot of GOOD movies have bad CGI parts, even Spider-Man 2. Nobody bashes that movie without remorse. LOL Even the trailer the first trailer for Spider-Man 2 was cheesy as shit.

Please, stop trying to rationalize such a stupid thing


Through genetic alterations she can slow down time huh?

I dont know, I havnt seen the movie. Maybe. It could have been added as a shooting technique for effect. Obvioulsy its not working for you...sorry.

Yeah, and I must've missed the part where "Alice" got bitten by a radioactive zombie spider and given spider powers.

She wasnt bitten by a spider and give spider powers, she was genetically altered. If that means she has an increased sense of perception and agility/reflexes so she can negotiate a fall in that manner then so be it.

Also, Nemesis looks like Sloth.

He looked stupid in the video game too. He's a fucking horrific creation of genetic science, not a muscular body builder with peak physical conditions. He is suppose to look ugly, awkward, and disgusting. Ohh well, I guess you cant please everyone.

Oh well, our zombie money is better spent on Shaun of the Dead, which will hopefully see release sometime this year.

Ohh great, another cult movie. The world really needs more of those.


Hollywood Square
AeroGod said:
Yes he does. He wears blue and red spandex.

And yet, he still looks cooler than anything in this craptastic trailer.

Yes I did, for 3 whole fucking seconds, just like you. Alot of GOOD movies have bad CGI parts, even Spider-Man 2.

This is true.

Nobody bashes that movie without remorse. LOL Even the trailer the first trailer for Spider-Man 2 was cheesy as shit.

This is not.


I dont know, I havnt seen the movie. Maybe. It could have been added as a shooting technique for effect. Obvioulsy its not working for you...sorry.

I'm sure he appreciates the apology. You sure you didn't write this trainwreck?

She wasnt bitten by a spider and give spider powers, she was genetically altered. If that means she has an increased sense of perception and agility/reflexes so she can negotiate a fall in that manner then so be it.

Stretching the limits of imagination, one step at a time.

He looked stupid in the video game too. He's a fucking horrific creation of genetic science, not a muscular body builder with peak physical conditions. He is suppose to look ugly, awkward, and disgusting. Ohh well, I guess you cant please everyone.

Uh, I played RE3 and he looking nothing like that. Really, are you a studio plant?

Ohh great, another cult movie. The world really needs more of those.

It's better than another shit movie. The world really needs more of those.

Back to the original topic, before it got derailed by AeroGod aka PAUL ANDERSON, I don't think this trailer is as bad as the Catwoman trailer. It's like, Swimfan bad.
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