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Resident Evil 2 trailer aka the trailer that was worse than catwoman

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LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Kuroyume said:
Milla's character ran down a skyscraper... oh my god that is retarded even for a retarded movie...

She did have a bungee cord on :p


Hollywood Square
Matrix said:
She did have a bungee cord on :p

Whew. For a moment there I thought it was just completely retarded. Now it's like, semi-retarded. Paul Anderson owes you a debt of gratitude, son.

Excuse me, Paul Anderson and first-time director Alexander Witt.


She did have a bungee cord on :p

I didnt notice that. Okay so now she was repelling. Hey just like James Bond in Everything or Nothing. If true then this arguement is over.

This is not.

Yes yes it really was a cheesy trailer. He has SPIDER SENSE so he grabs his girl and TWIRLS!!!! though the air in SLOW MOTION!!!! as he narrowly avoids it. AMAZING! SHIT!

Stretching the limits of imagination, one step at a time.

Just like comic books with MUTANTS!!!

Anyways is that what video games are suppose to do, and in turn shouldnt their adaptive movies do the same. Stretch imagination. Or do you prefer the boring drab of real life.


Hollywood Square
AeroGod said:
I didnt notice that. Okay so now she was repelling. Hey just like James Bond in Everything or Nothing. If true then this arguement is over.

It doesn't make it any less stupid. It's not like James Bond is exempt from being a retard. Didn't we all see him surf the magic that is blue screen in his last outing to horrible effect?

Yes yes it really was a cheesy trailer. He has SPIDER SENSE so he grabs his girl and TWIRLS!!!! though the air in SLOW MOTION!!!! as he narrowly avoids it. AMAZING! SHIT!

Uh, that trailer was awesome. But you like Resident Evil, so it's not even worth arguing with you.

Just like comic books with MUTANTS!!!

Which is a good reason why I don't read a lot of X-Men comics anymore. The movie adaptation deals with the X-Men a lot more seriously, which is something I cann appreciate.

Anyways is that what video games are suppose to do, and in turn shouldnt their adaptive movies do the same. Stretch imagination. Or do you prefer the boring drab of real life.

Videogames are supposed to be fun. This movie looks like the opposite of fun. But don't take my word for it PAUL ANDERSON, let the box office results speak for themselves!

I guess it could be worse. This could be a Uwe Boll film.



Whatever, Im done arguing. I need to go water my grass before it dies. FUCKING HEAT!!!
Marty Chinn said:
I thought the jumping off the wall kick into the dog was the stupidest thing I'd see in Resident Evil and yet somehow they seemed to have topped it with the running down the wall of the building. Unbelievable....

My thoughts exactly....

You've seen somebody run down a building like that in the games?


I just ran the trailer again... she's attached to a cable... so it's not a superpower... but the idea of a geneticly enhanced Alice sounds too crappy to be true.


being watched
That does look hilariously bad.

But a shit trailer (or demo in the case Riddick) can always give the wrong impression.

And besides...it has hot Jill in. +1 Ticket sale!


Heh, there are no words for how terrible this movie will be. This is some straight-to-video type shit for sure. However, I'm still looking forward to it - if only to see just how bad it really is.

evil ways

I never thought I'd see the day when someone would run heavy damage control for a Resident Evil movie.

Can't wait for the Catwoman defenders to show up in the next few weeks.


Looks like shit, but I guess we can't blame Paul Anderson this time. heh heh heh

Oh wait. That asshole wrote the movie! DAMN YOU PAUL ANDERSON! YOU SCREWED ME OVER AGAIN!


The trailer was cheesy but not THAT bad. How the hell can you compare this to Catwomen? Maybe you need to watch that preview again.


It'd take the solemn promise from the film makers of an even longer twat shot to get me to see it. Perhaps a closeup including some bittie shots.


Eh, the trailer is bad and I'm sure the movie is bad, but the trailers for Catwoman are SO MUCH worse. Seriously, seeing the Catwoman trailer in the theatre was deliciously terrible.


Yeah I don't get the comparision to Catwoman at all. Catwoman looks like an abortion from the word go. This seems like Resident Evil 1 with maybe better production values.


From the looks of it, Milla has a harness on the building so instead of just repelling down she runs.


Online Ho Champ
...After seeing the even LONGER catwoman trailer at the movies I feel like strangling the thread starter for even insinuating this looks anywhere NEAR as bad as Halle Berry getting off on a jaguar hood ornament and then stealing the guys car.....


DonasaurusRex said:
as Halle Berry getting off on a jaguar hood ornament and then stealing the guys car.....


Tell me she doesn't do that! haha you're having a lend of us, aren't you... right? please... tell me you are. :(
C'mon, I mean it's the lesser of two evils here:

"We're expendable assets.............and we've just been expended......"

*woof woof!*
Halle Berry: *hisss!*
Someone in need of a paycheck: "What was that?!"
Halle Berry: "Duuurrr...allergies?"


works for Gamestop (lol)
Prince of Space said:
C'mon, I mean it's the lesser of two evils here:

"We're expendable assets.............and we've just been expended......"

*woof woof!*
Halle Berry: *hisss!*
Someone in need of a paycheck: "What was that?!"
Halle Berry: "Duuurrr...allergies?"

I watched the trailer. What makes the movie look terrible are the very amateur style camera work and the flat Resident Evil style line delivery. The women in it sound just like the women in the FMV's for the games.

Anderson didn't direct this one folks. Ridley Scott's camera operator/2nd assistant director did...which once again proves that in movies, it is the director that makes the difference, not the people below him.
I agree with the guy who said it looks just like the first one. I don't see why everyone is slamming it so bad. Yeah its hella cheesy looking but if you're surprised by that you either didn't see the first one, or have forgotten what the first one was like.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wow, this looks terrifyingly bad, right down there with Aliens vs Predator and Catwoman. There need to be laws against such shitty directors.


being watched
I loved the expendable line...that's perfectly in keeping with the games ;)

And I will shriek and run up and down the aisle if they work in the master of unlocking line.


Dan said:
Wow, this looks terrifyingly bad, right down there with Aliens vs Predator and Catwoman. There need to be laws against such shitty directors.
Yeah... I must add Anacondas or whatever the name was. Haha, they showed the trailer before Spider-man 2 here in Europe. I almost laughed my ass of. First I thought it was a remake of the original Anaconda.
They're peddlin so much crap our way.

Starting with the First RE..then HotD...then Catwoman...then AVP...then RE2.

All crap. They should burn these films along with the people responsible for making them.
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