Well, the island's name isprobably for a reason"Zabytij" - "Forgotten" -
Not to mention, most files were written in Russian - we don't know if and how good Claire knows Russian language
As usual, use melee attacks. Moira's crowbar can be really useful to stun enemies. Also, remember that after you do a melee attack with Claire you can switch to Moira and do a follow-up. It can save you a lot of ammo.
Same with Barry - Natalia episodes: Natalia can throw bricks at enemies; usually a brick automatically stuns most enemies.
I recommend you buying the Unholstered skill as fast as you can. That way when you switch to Moira/Natalia, AI-controlled Claire/Barry will still be able to use their weapons - shots will be less powerful, but they also won't consume any ammo. It's especially useful if you equip your gun-using character with a shotgun or magnum since even if they don't deal that much damage they can still stun or at least push back enemies for free.
Cool, thanks. I bought that skill after beating the first level, but I hadn't thought of equipping the shotgun before switching characters. That's a good idea.
I never really considered using Moira at all since she seemed kinda useless but I guess I'll give her flashlight/crowbar combo a try.
WTH, did they just make Code Red heaps harder since the update? (Steam)
I was using 5-6 Code Red as my go-to grind area to get A. up to a good level, everything was fine, using my level 100 Chris to beat level 95 baddies. A challenge but nothing too crazy. Now all the enemies in that area are level 105!! I keep dying as it is with level 100 Chris, there is noooo way I can beat that on the recommended level 90. What gives? :/
In addition to enabling Online play, this Title Update will also up the difficulty of all the "Code Red" stages in Raid Mode. After applying the update you'll be able to test your might against these harder stages just by being online.
COOOOL > (don't read if you don't want a surprise ruined)HYPEERaid Mode Character: Bloody Gina? New character skins are incoming?!!
Unless it's just a RE.net avatar or something terrible like that...
Its very easy guys to make it in cca 8 mins, get lvl 100 character , max up electric bombs , rocket launcher, weapons ... Then have hearts to resurect. Everytime you resurect you get back launcher ammo and bombs , die 5 times to get 15 launcher ammo . Easy as whole revelations 2 raid . Have a nice day all
I don't see where you read that...
Event Rewards
Witness the enemy's defeat
Raid Mode Character: Gina (Bleeding)
Is the patch for online play live on the Xbox One version yet?
When is that Huge Creature thing available? The only event for me is the first level of raid mode with an hour time limit..
starts friday
Still love this game dearly and haven't forgotten it, although I am currently obsessed with Bloodborne.
Can someone explain how the online events work? What I do, and at what times? I would like to unlock extra costumes.![]()
What's the reward for the current event? I'm mainly in it for the new costumes.Events are scheduled. Usually a few day window per event, but it varies.
You access the events same way you would a daily or whatever... through Raid menu.
Don't worry about high level rewards, the top 100+ spots on the leaderboard is already cheaters. Fortunately costumes and stuff are usually awarded just for participation. Although sometimes the actual event has to be completed by the community. These are always completed though. Like I said, so many cheaters.
What's the reward for the current event? I'm mainly in it for the new costumes.
Also, are there any pics of "Trenchcoat Claire" and "Trenchcoat Barry?"
I never really considered using Moira at all since she seemed kinda useless but I guess I'll give her flashlight/crowbar combo a try.
Well, the island's name is "Zabytij" - "Forgotten" - probably for a reason![]()
Be pleased, my dear visionaries of the new world.
The time has come to finally avenge my mentor.
It's all gone according to my scenario up to this point.
Afterwards, I'll end my last business with that woman.
When I get it in my hands, the global order will finally change.
Yes, many deranged tragedies have graced this "Existence" and will soon unfold all over the world as well.
This time when our name once again echoes throughout the globe, we will deal judgement to this vacuous world.
The plan my mentor Mr. Morgan originally put into action in "Terragrigia", I will merely change the actors again.
Therefore I used that woman.
However I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel guilty for betraying my friends too.
But in order to wake the world, it was unavoidable.
Noble ideals are built upon precious sacrifices.
Their sacrifices will not be in vain.
Already Chilling on the PC version thank to mods.
Ah, Bloody Gina is a reward. I thought it was a scrapped costume. Some may remember a bit after Episode 1 released I was mentioning Raid Mode portraits in the game's files for Raid Mode, and said Bloody Gina was for some reason one of them, but thought they scrapped it. Guess it's a Raid Mode reward for some events.
Here's hoping (and I bet) that the Claire and Barry costumes will be rewards as well.
Charge Shot A
Charge Shot B
Charge Shot C
Close Range
Critical Hit
Easy Hit
Electric Ammo
Elite Killer
Extended Burn
Final Shot
Fire Ammo
Fire Rate
Follow-Up Strike
Force Ammo
Full Burst
Greedy Killer
Homing Ammo
Ice Ammo
Life Stealer
Long Range
Mundane Murderer
Quick Load
Soul Eater
That's not how I'm reading it. He confirms she is attracted to him, and respects him. He just says that their official relationship, in terms of what was going on between them, was just coworker and acquaintance. That doesn't contradict the English version.New interview with the game's director Yasuhiro Anpo.
Confirms a few things I thought of. Namely t-Phobos adaptation and Claire's crush on Neil in the English version being ridiculously exaggerated.
R: Regarding the relationship between Claire and Neil, were they boyfriend and girlfriend? Or did Claire have some platonic feelings for him?
YA: For Claire, Neil is supposed to be the kind of superior she can respect… as well as the kind of man she’s attracted to. In actuality, their relationship was more on the co-worker and friendship level as opposed to anything more.
Parts lists:
I think my game is glitched, I have every weapon but it isn't registering that I have all of them.
I thought that interview did a good job of tying everything together.On another note some of the explanations for the plot in that interview are why RE's stories aren't taken seriously. It's better to enjoy it for the stuff like the Good Ending.
So I guess I don't have auto-shot.
Don't even know what that is.
It just auto shoots as long as you aim at an enemy. Basically noob skill.
I thought that interview did a good job of tying everything together.
Do you have it? You know, because yer a noob?
edit: lol I meant to put that as spoiler text. but i'll just leave it like that haha
That's not how I'm reading it. He confirms she is attracted to him, and respects him. He just says that their official relationship, in terms of what was going on between them, was just coworker and acquaintance. That doesn't contradict the English version.
How could our heroes ever lose when the Power Of Overcoming Fear trumps biochemistry?
In that interview, the director said 1) Claire is attracted to Neil, which is consistent with the English version, and 2) they're not boyfriend/girlfriend, which Claire herself says in the English version. I'm just pointing out the interview doesn't contradict the English version with regards to Claire's feelings of attraction, etc.It outright contradicts the English version. A lot of Claire's lines in English are absolutely not what someone would say about a coworker. Least of all her desperation when Moira suggests the slight possibility he might not be what he seems, especially when her reaction is the polar opposite in Japanese.
Is it really so hard to accept that the English translators exaggerated or outright changed character personalities or perceptions? Every single character in the game, even those that don't even appear are affected.
The nature of this virus was it's only triggered by fear. Within those rules, it works.How could our heroes ever lose when the Power Of Overcoming Fear trumps biochemistry? Also getting hit in the back by a ton of concrete.
How does it trump biochemistry? t-Phobos is a virus that reacts only to adrenaline and noradrenaline. They're secreted in large amounts during fear, which is mostly psychological.
The sensors found on each of the test subjects change color according to the amount of adrenaline secreted into the subjects blood stream. However, if a subject is able to win over their fear, mentally speaking, even though physically they have adrenaline pumping through their body that is having truly conquered their fear.
I know a lot changed, but on that particular front, where authorial intent is concerned, the director said 1) Claire is attracted to Neil, which is consistent with the English version, and 2) they're not boyfriend/girlfriend, which Claire herself says in the English version. I'm just pointing out the interview doesn't contradict the English version with regards to Claire's feelings of attraction, etc.
According to this the mental state of "overcoming fear" is completely separate from the adrenaline being pumped through your body. It's a mystical shield against a virus that reacts to physical chemicals in the body, even if those chemicals are still present.
Yes, their relationship is that of coworkers. As in, they're not officially together; they're not boyfriend and girlfriend. Which Claire herself says in the English version: "He's not my boyfriend." Neil doesn't think of Claire as a girlfriend, and Claire doesn't think of Neil as a boyfriend.He said their relationship is more like coworkers. So Claire's lines are completely out of tune. She treats him normally in the first two episodes and then all of a sudden gets all hormonal in episode three because the translators wanted to make it more obvious that she was attracted to him.
When all she can say is "where did we go wrong!?" while fighting the monstrous version of someone she wasn't even in a relationship with... it's kinda desperate.
He said their relationship is more like coworkers.