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Restarting Animal Crossing - Looking for a bit of Charity


In preperation for University, I've chosen to restart Animal Crossing...my old save file got deleted after I hadn't played it in over a year, but I figure I might actually be able to use the sorta-multiplayer aspect now, so I'd give it another go. I deleted the original file because I was too lazy to clean up the town...not quite realizing at the time that it meant everything I had gained.

Thus, I'm kind of starting from scratch. I know there's a few people still out there still playing the game (Searched for a topic, one from two months ago popped up, so if anyone's looking to help me out in actually getting back into the game, give me a shout. I even stupidly deleted my NES Present from the beginning of the game too...that was a real kicker.

And if you're not feeling charitable, answer me this. How in the hell have you been playing this for so long? I mean, I went from September to November of 2002 and DIED...just wasn't able to make the time. I think I might be able to do a bit better this time around...but we'll see what occurs.

If you're in the mood...

Name: Myles
Town Name: Acadia



Universal codes rule.

I'm still debating whether or not to restart a town. I did SO much in my old town that I don't feel like doing it all again. I sometimes wish there was an ingame clock; I think I did over 100 hours at least.


Dyne said:
Universal codes rule.

I'm still debating whether or not to restart a town. I did SO much in my old town that I don't feel like doing it all again. I sometimes wish there was an ingame clock; I think I did over 100 hours at least.

They rule...but I almost don't want to use them. I mean, sure, I'd love to have a lot of that, but without earning it or someone else who might have earned it...it feels like cheating. Sad, but true, I've got problems.

My choice was necessary to avoid a new memory card purchase to play Harvest Moon. If I had had a choice, I might have kept it.


insert blank space here
Hope you like surprises :D





Random Item:

Because I care:


Don't ask for anymore though :p ... I'm all out lol.


insert blank space here
Memles said:
I'm not the biggest fan, but I'm sure I'll be surprised enough. Merci...will give me something to do tomorrow morning.

:p Les surprises sont du fun :p. Ah well des indices peut etre :p....

Un montant d'argent et
Un jeu vidéo

sont inclus dans mon "grab bag".


TheQueen'sOwn said:
:p Les surprises sont du fun :p. Ah well des indices peut etre :p....

Un montant d'argent et
Un jeu vidéo

sont inclus dans mon "grab bag".

My god...I actually understood that, despite not having had to take French in 3 years. My use of merci is purely for kicks, but you've proven my knowledge of the French language has not totally disappeared.


Animal Crossing is a game I never thought I'd ever enjoy.

I dont want to lump the two in the same genre but just on a related note how is "Harvest

Moon"? in comparison to AC?


(more a nerd than a geek)
I have a batch of memory cards with "Visitor" saves. Each one contains all 18 NES games.

Want one?


TheQueen'sOwn said:
Hope you like surprises :D

Not the surprise I got, anyways, as none of them work.

"I have a batch of memory cards with "Visitor" saves. Each one contains all 18 NES games. Want one?"

Yes...yes I do. I'll take an NES game for sure. Everyone likes NES Game. The rarer the better.

"I dont want to lump the two in the same genre but just on a related note how is "Harvest Moon"? in comparison to AC?"

I think Harvest moon is great, personally. It's generally a bit more work oriented (Planting, Watering) and less about interaction. For the most part, I like it, but had a tough time getting back into it, and my copy is loaned out at the moment. It's a great game, though, and much more structured than AC.


If you're able to copy gci files to a card (either with a usb memory card or the PSO/BBA route), there's a save on gamefaq's that has every NES game only a visit away.

Also, Feng Shui is the way to go. It'll really help your bug catching and fishing.
MrPing1000 said:
out next month in Europe at last woo, finally will get to see wtf this game is about
Two years after the US release, three after the Japanese? o_O What the heck. Better late than never, though.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Ristamar said:
18? Does that include Zelda and other "unaccessible" NES games?

Yes, it does. Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Ice Climbers, Mario Bros., Punch-Out, and all the other games. I made the save files up a year ago and was selling memory cards on eBay... but the market sort of collapsed. Anyway, I'd gladly copy a save to a memory card if mailed to me, or I'll buy a $6 memory card from Wal-Mart and mail the save to anyone who wants it, for the cost of the card + shipping.


DavidDayton said:
Yes, it does. Zelda, Super Mario Bros., Ice Climbers, Mario Bros., Punch-Out, and all the other games. I made the save files up a year ago and was selling memory cards on eBay... but the market sort of collapsed. Anyway, I'd gladly copy a save to a memory card if mailed to me, or I'll buy a $6 memory card from Wal-Mart and mail the save to anyone who wants it, for the cost of the card + shipping.

Bah...thanks, but no thanks. I'll try to grab as many as possible myself for now, see if anyone else can scrounge them up.

In other news...I manage to pay off the first loan and grab myself 50,000 bells simply with Insects/Shells. He didn't get a fishing rod in yet, so I've been working simply with a net and a shovel. Thus, I caught a fair amount of Evening Cicada's between 4 and 7, and then went ahead and caught a helluva lot of Beetles for about an hour and a half to rack up the money. Can't wait to get some fishing going tomorrow (Hoping the rod comes in before the stupid Axe).


insert blank space here
Are you serious??! Son of a bitch... I must've typed in something wrong.. town name or your character name... piss that took a while to do :(


TheQueen'sOwn said:
Are you serious??! Son of a bitch... I must've typed in something wrong.. town name or your character name... piss that took a while to do :(

And don't think I don't appreciate it anyways, man.

I checked every single combination of common mistakes that could have been made in copying them into here...and got no results. Don't worry about it; can't ask you to do it twice.
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