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Retarded Simple Car Problem...

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So I drove up to visit a friend for a few days, and when I tried to drive my car last night, it wouldn't start. So now I'm stuck about 2 hours from home, and I know SHIT about cars. I had my car lights on while driving up here (as it was raining heavily), and I'm thinking I may have drained the battery. When I try to start it up now, I can't even get the radio to come on, and the lights barely come on.

Do you think I just need to jump it and let the alternator charge it back up, or perhaps I need a new battery (I can't remember the last time I had to buy a battery).

I'm retarded when it comes to cars, so any help appreciated. Oh, and my friends are just as useless as I am when it comes to cars.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
no harm in jumping it... just read the manual if you've never done it


The only way you'll know is if you jump it and, after letting it run for a while, try starting it again. If it won't start on its own (after jumping) check to see if the battery terminals are making a good connection, make sure there's no acid or corrosion going on. If they're clean, then your battery might be low on fluid or just dead :)
If you were driving your car with the lights on, and now the battery's dead, your alternator is 99.9% probably dead as well. Your battery wouldn't have drained if the alternator was working properly. If you can afford it, I would buy a new battery, because when car batteries are completely drained, their lives are signifigantly shortened. If you can't, well, then jump it and hope that it lasts long enough for you to get a new one. But I'm almost positive that your alternator is toast. Two to three hundred dollar job. Sorry to say.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
oh, I was assuming he left his lights on overnight, but he didn't actually say that.


Even if the alternator is dead, you should be able to jump it and drive it home. Just don't turn it off anywhere alond the way. Also, it could just be the belt on the alternator, I have had that problem.


If his alternator is dead, the car won't run once he removes the jumper cables. A car can't even run off a charged battery for long
Do as Thaedolus said and check the battery terminals. If they are corroded, you may have a poor connection with the cables, which would prevent the alternator from re-charging the battery. Try loosening the cables and then cleaning the terminals and cable connectors wiht a wire brush or sandpaper. It's a simple fix that is worth checking out.


Sounds like an alternator problem...

There's a way to test to see if it is the alternator, but it can fuck up the computer in your vehicle... and then you are REALLY fucked.

Edit: can't you clean the contacts with coke too? Or is that just some urban myth?
I remember when my focus' ignition switch fucked up (COMMON) and ended up costing 300 dollars to fix. I love my focus but FU ford for not recalling a COMMON PROBLEM.

Hell, the new focusi use the same ignition switch. Dumbasses.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Ive been told by a mechanic friend to boil a kettle full of hot water and pour it over to the contacts if u have any battery acid, shit around the terminals.



MAF owned by Ford.

Buick had the same problem in some of their cars but they did a recall and I got it replaced free of charge
Its dumb cause its very common. The idiot at the dealership gave me some line about a heavy keychain but I have almost nothing on it.

Ford just sucks about the ignition switch.


Car batteries generally last about 5 years if you don't abuse them.

Sounds like you just need to recharge yours. You can do that with a battery charger, or by jump starting the car and letting it run for a long while. (Don't just let it idle without keeping an eye on it, though.)
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