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Rex Tillerson wants to work directly with Russia on cybersecurity

The cybersecurity plan probably consists giving Russia US passwords for "safekeeping".

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly has a three-point plan to both improve relations and work with Russia, one of which includes facing global threats posed by the Syrian civil war, the proliferation of North Korea’s missile and defense program and a third that could seem strange to some: Cybersecurity and cyber-espionage.

A BuzzFeed report published Monday detailed the former ExxonMobil CEO turned U.S. statesman’s plan, which included each side vowing to avoid “aggressive actions” that wouldn’t be productive for anyone as well as a third point called “strategic stability” meant to bundle together problems the two superpowers face.


They're out of their mind.


Tears in the rain
And the GOP and their voters will see nothing wrong with this. Collusion is in our twisted librul minds only.
Saving the Russians plenty of time and effort to hack the next election I see. This administration has zero self awareness on how this looks.


Russia is our friend.

U.S. intelligence agencies and their allies are saying Russia is the "greatest threat of any nation on Earth, given their intent and capability", with Germany building an election firewall to fight Russian hackers, but nevermind all that.
Oh, but guys, he sounded kind of reasonable in his confirmation hearing. He said some nice sounding things compared to Trump on foreign policy. He was a international CEO, which is kind-of like a Secretary of State, right? That whole close friends to Putin and being part of a company that worked with Russia and benefits from sanctions being lifted totally isn't going to matter that much.

To think, there were people on this board who typed that goddamn shit when this fucker was being confirmed to one of the highest offices in the country. Fucking disgraceful, every damn one of you. You know who you are.


Anyone who knows about the connections between Exxon and Russia knew what Tillerson's been after. He's just better at hiding it than the rest of the administration (which isn't saying much).

Hope that new sanctions bill goes through and the president's veto overridden.


Oh my god this all makes sense

There are companies out there that you can pay to hack you so that you understand your security posture and vulnerabilities

Russia is just doing us a solid, guys
I can imagine the heads of the CIA, NSA, and long time members of the FBI reading this, spitting out a glass of wine, and going "so that's how it is huh? Let me get the WaPo on the line."

We have an executive branch that does not acknowledge - at all - the Russian cyber attacks last year. Even Republicans in Congress acknowledge that it was a thing that happened.


I can imagine the heads of the CIA, NSA, and long time members of the FBI reading this, spitting out a glass of wine, and going "so that's how it is huh? Let me get the WaPo on the line."

We have an executive branch that does not acknowledge - at all - the Russian cyber attacks last year. Even Republicans in Congress acknowledge that it was a thing that happened.

It'll be interesting to see how much the congress and Trump's administration clash here. Russia's still unpopular with the Republican base, and I don't think Republicans in congress want to be known as the party that let the country be compromised by Russia (as much as they can spin).


What insanity makes them think that this in any way sounds like a good idea when "Russia!" is the major headline Every. Fucking. Day?


Russia's civil service academy must be running round-the-clock classes on how to hold a poker face. Espionage today doesn't mean weaseling info out of people, but just keeping your cool while Americans voluntarily shovel everything you want at you.


The US and Russia have had long standing agreements in place on cybersecurity as far as working together etc.

No one ever bothers to wake the fuck up and realize Russia doesn't give a fuck what is signed on paper. Their interests and the US/EU interests will never be on the same trajectory until Putin etc. are gone and Russia is free.

Russia needs to be treated as the problem child it is and stop bullshitting that we can work together



Really? Russia is the main cybersecurity threat to the US. They outright committed a sustained cyberattack campaign against the US mere months ago, if it even stopped, and against multiple European countries (you know, the ones who are actual US allies). A campaign bigger than ever attempted against a country. One that was successful in numerous ways.

And they want to directly collaborate with them.

Just how blatant can these people be in their treason? Seriously.
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