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Richard Burns rally Reviewed


It’s reviewed in the months Xbox Gamer (UK) and gets a 6/10. The game is more a simulation and very difficult to play. This shouldn't be a problem except the tracks are so narrow that the slightest error sends you crashing to your doom. There’s is absolutely no margin for error. Graphically the cars are well rendered but this is at the expense of the backgrounds which on many stages are very crude.
I played it for a bit. The physics are whack. If this is supposed to be an accurate simulation then what is Gran Turismo? Plus, the graphics are comletely washed out and unimpressive. Additionally, the damage modeling is kinda dumb (bad crashing sound effects too), RSC2 has a far better damage system and that game is arcade style! Furthermore, it's 30 fps with a side of tearing to boot.

How anyone could champion this game is absurd to me...*laughs at Dekajelly*


<b>I played it for a bit. The physics are whack. If this is supposed to be an accurate simulation then what is Gran Turismo? Plus, the graphics are comletely washed out and unimpressive. Additionally, the damage modeling is kinda dumb (bad crashing sound effects too), RSC2 has a far better damage system and that game is arcade style! Furthermore, it's 30 fps with a side of tearing to boot.</B>

OK clearly you don't drive real cars because this is the only game to feel like driving a real car. RS2 is pure arcade 200mph round hairpin bends junk. Central pivot points which no car on this planet drives like etc, etc

The graphics are not washed out. Have you ever seen what dusty tracks and roads look like? Not tangerine orange as in RS2

ANd lastly you cleary have never heard a raly car becasue the sounds in RBR are exactly the same. YOu see Rally cars have 2litre turbo charged engines that bang clatter whistle, and whine. Attached to the enging is a very noisy gear box all of which sound perfect in RBR

Damage model in RS2 better. ROTFLMAO you can smash RS2 cars forever and still drive them at 200mph. RBR damages not just the bodywork but the radiator, the engine, the transmission, the steering etc so after a crash you may think a few bent panals is ok but then the car starts to overheat just like the real thing and you prey you can reach the end of the stage

IF RS2 is your thing then good but don't criticise a superb sim that is sold as a sim and is the best rally sim available by far simply because you like simple arcade driving physics that make you feel good

Several in game videos can be viewed here

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