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Ridge Racer Type 4 = BEST RACER EVER



GT had nothing on this. :D

I decided to play it today and I was amazed at how well it has held up.

looks great, plays great and the soundtrack is pretty sweet to.

Anyone love this game as much as me ? :)
The game is the most stylish and best sounding RR by far. But with that said, it's not the best playing. The powersliding aspect is way too simplified (especially after Rage Racer) and the overall game is just too easy. It's not terrible, but it was a disappointment from a gameplay standpoint after how amazing Rage was.

All these people who have hard-ons for Type 4, have they ever touched Rage Racer? Is Type 4 the first and last Ridge Racer they've played? Are they just driving around to listen to the soundtrack?

The mind boggles.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Shadow said:
All these people who have hard-ons for Type 4, have they ever touched Rage Racer? Is Type 4 the first and last Ridge Racer they've played? Are they just driving around to listen to the soundtrack?

The mind boggles.

I own all of the games and I've beaten them all. I was never too fond of Rage Racer. I thought R4 blew it out of the water.

Plus the PacMan car > *


The Shadow said:

All these people who have hard-ons for Type 4, have they ever touched Rage Racer? Is Type 4 the first and last Ridge Racer they've played? Are they just driving around to listen to the soundtrack?

The mind boggles.

I've played them all, and even though I've played RRT4 for a good number of hours...I've probably just listened to the soundtrack 10 times more. :p
If they could just combine RRT4's style and music with Rage's gameplay they'd have the best arcade racer ever. Rage wasn't very stylish and the music wasn't so memorable but it's gameplay was just top notch. RRT4 was the opposite of that, gameplay was mediocre but it was amazingly stylish and had great audio. RRV was a decent step forward though.

RRT4's soundtrack is right up there with Sega Rally 2's as my favorite racing game soundtrack ever. Pearl Blue Soul and Movin' in Circles > all.
yeah i agree, this is easily the best racing game of all time. this game just has evertying down flawlessly, and it all blends together perfectly.


I played RRType 4 to its completion and unlocked every car imaginable, beat extra mode with all and conquered all time trails. It's a great but c'mon Rage and even RRV outclass and outshines it badly!

And for the record, playing RRType with....




>>>>>>RRType 4 soundtrack.


how do you finish the last track/race?

It's just a loop and you're in 8th place. I can never become 1st, I just gave up trying.


BeOnEdge said:
R4 is indeed the best ridge racer ever. rage racer fucking sucks ass.

indeed...R4 is the best ridge racer. namco got the control just right, especially drifting. a kick ass soundtrack helps too.


Step back, it's Ridge Racer
A Ridge Racer
He gives me what I need
One more win, it's Ridge Racer
A Ridge Racer
I feel the need for speed


R4 is definetly my favorite racer ever.
Ronin said:
Step back, it's Ridge Racer
A Ridge Racer
He gives me what I need
One more win, it's Ridge Racer
A Ridge Racer
I feel the need for speed

Before broadband and rips I made a mp3 of that song by hooking the PSX up to my PC. Then I'd drive a truck up a hill while playing it on my original Rio. God, what a summer.

If for none other than aesthetic reasons, R4 is a very cherished game to me.
I prefer R4 cuz, I like to.... you, know.... enjoy my racing games. I also like having controls that make sense; all the other onese had the worst, least intuitive handling of any racing game (at least of all the "major" ones I've tried out). Sorry, but all the other ones (especially RRV) sucks major ass.

C'mon, throw me with your best hate!


Where is Whippin Sean when j00 need him :(
Mejilan said:
F Zero X baby!!

Own but don't enjoy that game, however, the original F-Zero is also a special game to me. I monopolozed the SNES for weeks while staying with relatives. That was another good summer.

When I hear the Mute City theme I get a bit weepy.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
god, type 4 was EASILY my least favorite... it looked nice though
Best ever for me too. And I've played all the previous RR.

Great, fun, arcade gameplay, best soundtrack ever in a game and it had Reiko:



Funny, just got back from EB with a very used RRV for my new PS2. Is it decent at least? I decided to snag it only cuz my friend lent me his Negcon.
bob_arctor said:
Funny, just got back from EB with a very used RRV for my new PS2. Is it decent at least? I decided to snag it only cuz my friend lent me his Negcon.

It's probably the 2nd best RR behind Rage. It's a great game it's just not a real evolution of the series outside of the graphics.


SolidSnakex said:
It's probably the 2nd best RR behind Rage. It's a great game it's just not a real evolution of the series outside of the graphics.

Your, sir, just made my day. I fucking LOVE Rage Racer.
SolidSnakex said:
It's probably the 2nd best RR behind Rage. It's a great game it's just not a real evolution of the series outside of the graphics.


I tend to play Ridge Racer V more often because the controls are so damned nice (I love the power sliding, especially compared to Rage or RRT4), but the "stuff" of the game runs out pretty quickly compared to the overall magnificence that is Rage Racer.

If RRV and Rage Racer were ever merged into one game....


Rage Racer, easily the best game of the series.

I don't get R4 at all, far too many tedious races where it was way too easy to win. A fudged attempt at a, licenseless, Gran Turismo game structure that bored me to just abandoning the game. "Gotta catch 'em all" needs a hook and fictional teams with an odd conversational element and Pac-man paintjobs doesn't do it. Worst of all the tracks just had no imagination or challenge about them. Total disappointment and the only mediocre game in the series. XGRA recently reminded me of R4, nowt else needs to be said.


IMHO what makes RT4 so great is the fact that the whole packet is stylish. The track design is awesome, the music couldn't be better and the presentation still looks great.
But if you remove all this, all you have is an arcade racing game with a system that is not so fun as the one seen in RR, RRV or the old Ridge Racer. Sorry but I cannot stand RT4 drifting system and that in an arcade racer is a problem.
But returning to the strong points of the game I cannot see anything bad since they are just perfect. I have yet to see a game with a so awesome track design. The tracks are nice and the environments too and you really like the different parts you cross while driving the car.

Anyways my favorite one will always be Ridge Racer V...the drifting system can seem a rail-simulator but it's not my fault if I am in love with it.


R4 is stylish as hell. I love how the "R" logo dances to the music in the background during transition screens in the menues.
i still believe that NO GAME HAVE COME NEAR THIS GAME!.

Problaby never will either!. it was so ahead of its time, with the sleak design, the intro
the music, the graphics.. ah.. it gives me shiver!.

Its a masterpiece of showing of psx-graphics too.
and im probably alone, but i loved the way the car handles =)

its some mix of sim / rr / arcade, that some ppl think is too easy, but i think its
just pure fun!.
btw. the only ridge racer i didnt like was ridge racer revolution.
I thought it stunk compared to the original Ridge racer.. (which i beat a few times, since
i didnt have a memorycard at the time :)

Rage Racer was awesome too. great trackdesign, great gameplay, great music!.

but i think when Ridge Racer Type 4 came, all pieces fell into the right places.


Junior Member
Defensor said:
But did you play R4 with this:



Yes and converted it into the first ever console TFF wheel. Felt a little akward but it provided the feedback and control I was looking for.


1) almost no sense of speed.
2) driving the cars felt like driving a big truck.
3) while music good, it was nothing special at all.
4) menu and style reminds me very much of Super Monaco GP. I guess that is good.

While one of the better racers on PSX, still it wasn't that great IMO. I enjoyed racers like Daytona, Sega Rally, Screamer Rally 1/2, Ultimate Race PRO, Big Red Racing more.
rally de africa was pretty cool Sega rally2-clone on my psx.

btw.. the japanese cover of Ridge racer T4 looks awesome.. that US? cover looks crap :)
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