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Right before Mark Hacking killed his wife he was... (it's a good one, click guys)



Not as mature as six brutal killings and making Yahoo and CNN with "Nintendo" in the headline, but looks like there was at least one deranged Nintendo owner out there...

I wonder if Rita Cosby knew about this...


Murder charge is filed against husband of missing Utah woman


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A first-degree murder charge was filed Monday against Mark Hacking, who allegedly confessed to relatives that he shot his sleeping wife in the head and threw her body in a trash bin.


A probable-cause statement released Monday states that Hacking told his brothers that he and his wife had been arguing the night of July 18 when he revealed to her that he had lied about his education and future plans.

Lori Hacking later went to bed, and Mark Hacking stayed up to play Nintendo. As he continued packing for the couple's planned move to the medical school at North Carolina, he came across a .22-calibre rifle, walked into the couple's bedroom and shot his wife, according to the probable-cause statement.


Wario64 said:
It's an insanity effect!

lmao, I was thinking about an Eternal Darkness insanity effect-related joke to make, but I couldn't think of one (you know since along with RE it's one of the two famous mature GCN titles)


works for Gamestop (lol)



hyperbolically metafictive
almost sounds like he's using "nintendo" as a generic term for video games, as you might use "kleenex" for napkins or "xerox" for photocopiers. my parents still do that, by the way. "stop playing nintendo and walk the dog," etc. visiting home is like a magical journey to the dark heart of the 80s.
drohne said:
almost sounds like he's using "nintendo" as a generic term for video games, as you might use "kleenex" for napkins or "xerox" for photocopiers. my parents still do that, by the way. "stop playing nintendo and walk the dog," etc. visiting home is like a magical journey to the dark heart of the 80s.
Time for another trademark-protection press release.

Did You Know? Do's and Don'ts for Using Nintendo Trademarks In Your Deposition For Your Wife's Murder


So wait, in the past week we have people killing multiple others for the theft of an Xbox and some whackjob who killed his wife was playing Nintendo right before he did it?

Sony is teh do0m3ddd!!11!!!1!!

And great, more fuel to add to the console wars:

Xbot: "My killers killed more people!"
Ndrone: "My killer did it with better quality!"


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Kobun Heat said:
Time for another trademark-protection press release.

Did You Know? Do's and Don'ts for Using Nintendo Trademarks In Your Deposition For Your Wife's Murder
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