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Right-Nationalist Japan PM: 'I have great confidence in Trump'

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Does anyone think the gold everything shit he surrounds himself with is just incredibly, incredibly tacky? Who thinks that looks good?


I wonder if that is all of it is actual gold or coloured steel

like this (everything gold coloured there is steel)
there is brass too and likely some of it is likely gold but maintaining gold architecture is costly and silly

don't want to be too off topic but

been learning about some of these stuff lately and things that seem one way are actually something else

like this is made of aluminum

and brushing techniques isn't really something new since we see it on mechanical keyboards, cars, etc... but we can beautify something with a more practical alloy now (due to weathering, endurance, etc...)

but then again it is Trump


Considering Abe has been pushing heavily for (heavily unpopular) Japanese re-militarization, this doesn't exactly fill me with much confidence.

Trump probably gave him the go-ahead in return for tips on how to create a one-party system.

The LDP has been pretty much the defacto party since reconstruction, the opposition only formed government once and that was only five years ago.

He doesn't need Trump's help for that. :p



Every day is bring your daughter to work day in Trump's america

Trump already has the "foreign dictator style" palace. Just missing a big painting or photo of his father or himself somewhere, and maybe all his staff could dye their hair blond since he has no mustache to emulate.


Does anyone think the gold everything shit he surrounds himself with is just incredibly, incredibly tacky? Who thinks that looks good?

List of people who think it looks good:

1. Tump
End of list.

Abe giving him the thumbs-up isn't exactly an endorsement to be proud of.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Trump already has the "foreign dictator style" palace. Just missing a big painting or photo of his father or himself somewhere, and maybe all his staff could dye their hair blond since he has no mustache to emulate.
Don't worry, that will go up after Congress passes an amendment giving the position of presidency to the Trump family for all eternity and Donald Jr inherits the seat.


Translation: Trump pulling US forces out of Japan will allow me to build the Japanese military I've always wanted!


Every day is bring your daughter to work day in Trump's america

That is the gaudiest decor I have ever seen. It looks like a child's idea of what "sophisticated" would look like. Yeesh.


Why in the FUCK is Ivanka there?

So that one day she can say she has relevant experience when she runs for Senate or something herself. Trying to turn Trump name from construction and business and hotels into a political dynasty. We may laugh, but 20 years from now, if she mingles with enough of the elites and is well liked, you never know. Ambassadorships, senator etc.

Crazy though. Just imagine how much top secret stuff he will share with his kids. War room planning etc.
Well, I won't go overboard like some appear to be so far. It could easily be a very casual, getting to know you kind of meeting without too much classified or sensitive information, so I see no reason why his daughter can't be in the room. We really don't know the extent of what is being discussed between the men, and if specific issues of a classified or secret nature were talked about, whether or not Ivanka was in the room at that particular time.

There will be all kinds of things to criticize him for over the course of his presidency, I'm sure, but I won't make his daughter being in the room one of them.

edit: And yea, all that damn gold is a bit much. Looks like it could've looked quite wonderful, but he really took it too far. Digging the couch though.
The LDP has been pretty much the defacto party since reconstruction, the opposition only formed government once and that was only five years ago.

He doesn't need Trump's help for that. :p

I meant the other way round—That is, Trump was asking Abe for tips on creating a one-party system *in America*; in return, he gave him the go-ahead on re-militarization.


Well, I won't go overboard like some appear to be so far. It could easily be a very casual, getting to know you kind of meeting without too much classified or sensitive information, so I see no reason why his daughter can't be in the room. We really don't know the extent of what is being discussed between the men, and if specific issues of a classified or secret nature were talked about, whether or not Ivanka was in the room at that particular time.

There will be all kinds of things to criticize him for over the course of his presidency, I'm sure, but I won't make his daughter being in the room one of them.

edit: And yea, all that damn gold is a bit much. Looks like it could've looked quite wonderful, but he really took it too far. Digging the couch though.

That's why the concept of "Blind Trust" exists. Because we don't know.

You're supposed to hand your company over to a stranger. An accountant, a lawyer, someone who can be counted on to run your business on autopilot, and more importantly a person who you never have any reason to speak to, that way you never do speak to them, and there is never any question as to which conflict of interest rules you may or may not have broken.

Trump putting his children in charge of his Blind Trust and then inviting them into the room with him as he meets with foreign dignitaries shreds Blind Trust so badly that Trump might as well have just kept everything in his own name and said "I'm not going to abuse this position to enrich myself, even though my MO for several decades has been to get in, bankrupt the idiots who hired me, and get out richer than I was when I went in. Trust me. Would this face lie to you?"

Putting his children in charge of his Blind Trust is an absolute joke. Trying to get his children top security clearance that way the new leaders of Trump's business can sit in on highly-classified government meetings... somehow even tops that previous joke.


China's military must be loving Trump. A trade war, base closings, and talk of militarizing Japan means they will probably get to use a lot of their new toys.


That's why the concept of "Blind Trust" exists. Because we don't know.

You're supposed to hand your company over to a stranger. An accountant, a lawyer, someone who can be counted on to run your business on autopilot, and more importantly a person who you never have any reason to speak to, that way you never do speak to them, and there is never any question as to which conflict of interest rules you may or may not have broken.

That is not a blind trust.

The problem is that even if he hands running the Trump Organization to someone he doesn't know and doesn't talk to, because it is so large and its assets are so obvious (real estate), he still can have a pretty good idea what decisions will negatively or positively affect it, even if he never speaks with the person managing it.

Thus, this arrangement will not remove conflicts of interest, which defeats the whole point of a blind trust.

For Trump to really create a blind trust, he would basically have to sell his entire stake in the Trump Organization to someone else, then take the cash from doing that and hand it to a manager that he doesn't know and never talks with.

Then that manager then has to buy investments that Trump will be unable to figure out what they are or how they're doing.

That's a real blind trust. In this arrangement, no decisions made by Trump can be affected by his assets in the blind trust, because he doesn't know who's running them, nor does he even know what they are (so he cannot infer any impacts on them).

It is not at all likely that Trump will do that, never in a million years.


Trump will be really great to Japan. An aggressive stance against China will give them a lot more bargaining power.

Are you kidding me? Trump is throwing TPP into the Atlantic Ocean. Let's not start on how he said he demands payment for US military base overseas.
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