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Man, I had a messed up fight last night. Me and 3 AI. I did my usual rush to enlightenment and then launched an all out attack on the chinese cause they are rat bastards building a pyramid. I was german so I used my big sword guys and a crapload of flanking horse archers to sabotage projekt pyramid.


Then China sends its people after me and im chased back across the river. I then went to musket age time with all the shooting GUNPOWDER. Built a crapload of horse musket guys and regular foots and marched on china again. Begin 30 fucking minutes of frontline musket shooting like in the damned movies. Both of us had LONG ASS lines of riflemen with cannons behind and cavalry running around and skirmishing.

The last 40 minutes rocked cause I was winning. HOWEVER the 3rd AI was left alone the whole game and he built that chinese army wonder which poops out troops. Well after china was dead I sent my bi-planes in to check shit out and this triggered his deployment of every footsoldier he had poop out of his wonder during the game. OH MY GOD.

I entrenched everyone on the front and turned bi-planes on patrol and raced for nukesand wonders. Got two nukes off before the fucker got missile shield. I knew I couldnt stop so many troops, so I did the cheesy wussy wonder victory route cause I hate losing.


It was fun tho.


Do you have the expansion pack? Single player is even more fun with the new scenarios. I got to play a nice 3v3 game yesterday. Ended up being the winner :D I owned everyone including my teammates. Halfway through the game my teammate dropped so we were 2 V 3, but I was successful in breaching the shores of one of the enemies. Sent it an army of 250 units (I was bantu so I had a pop limit of 300). Set up camp there after taking one city. I held of all the armies they sent, it was basicly 2 v 1. Once I assimilated the city, i built 6 barracks and began a non stop reinforcment of my army. So i kept advancing and consuming all the cities in my way until my teammates finally made it on the beach to help me. They each got 1 city, but I got around 10. Ended up with the last person resigning when he realized he had no chance of winning.


i have the rise of the nations and i buyed the expansion,i cant star the damn thing,everytime i push the icon the game doesnt start.anyone can help?
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