Does anyone happen to know where Rob Liefeld lives or where he might be appearing lately? I had the strangest incident on the way home from Philly on the train tonight, although the likelihood of it being what I thought it might have been is infintecimel. My friend and I were having a discussion about comics, and this guy in front of us happened to be listening in, and chirped in with some helpful information. After a brief conversation, he kept to himself again. Eventually, for some reason I ended up mentioning my low opinion on the style of Rob Liefeld, though in a whisper. The guy in front of us immediately looked very agitated, but never said anything, and left a couple stops later. Now I know it's pretty paranoid to think anything of that, but it really would be amusing if that had been him. Sadly, I didn't think to memorize his face, but he did look somewhat like what I see in photos of Liefeld. However, there's absolutely no reason he would be riding alone on a Septa train at 10pm on a Wednesday, right?