I have the greatest Rob Liefeld work of all time. And before I mention this comic, I just want to say that I feel really bad maligning Liefeld in any way. When I worked for Wizard: The Comics Magazine, I interviewed the man a few times and found him to be nothing but friendly, smart, and more than a little self-deprecating.
Crappy f-skins. I can't find the comic. But god, it was marvelously awful -- Liefeld did a promotional comic with Jeph Loeb on a "new" character called Captain Freedom or something that absolutely blatant. And yes, the guy was Captain America right down to the shield and skull-like enemy. The second I got my hands on it, I squirreled the thing away. Not because I ever intend to sell it, mind you, but because it's just such a wonderful, undiluted, ripoff.
Needless to say, someone at Marvel contacted the lawyers, and "Freedom" (or whatever his name was) met an untimely demise.