Amazon UK don't seem to want to ship my game/wireless adaptor pack. Booo
Amazon UK don't seem to want to ship my game/wireless adaptor pack. Booo
Just as an update, my stuff got shipped out around 9pm. A little late for me to be comfortable but y'know. It's on the way. Hope yours has or will be getting out the warehouse soon!
OP, i went over the OT twice and could not find an answer.
If I have a RB 2 guitar and just want the base game, what will I be paying for? The controller adapter much for base game?
I bought the Rock Band 1 Export Key and Rock Band Blitz, but where are the songs? Can't find them...
You need to buy the adapter and the 60 dollar game.Kor everywhere! Love it
Xbox One
I bought the Rock Band 1 Export Key and Rock Band Blitz, but where are the songs? Can't find them...
$80. The 'standalone' game comes with an adapter on XBO.Kor everywhere! Love it
Xbox One
If you are on X1 $80 for the game/adapter bundle. If Playstaion there is no adapterOP, i went over the OT twice and could not find an answer.
If I have a RB 2 guitar and just want the base game, what will I be paying for? The controller adapter much for base game?
So looking at the original Rock Band DLC on my PS3, and a few songs are still .99
If I buy these I should be able to play them tonight right?
Guys any recommendations of some classic / fun songs that are worth a download - not bothered if in sale or not.
I've got a fairly decent amount of DLC already but looking to add.
I think you can use a midi pro adapter on ps4
Screaming For Vengeance album by Judas PriestGuys any recommendations of some classic / fun songs that are worth a download - not bothered if in sale or not.
I've got a fairly decent amount of DLC already but looking to add.
Should be able to. That's my planAnybody know if I can just turn on a Xbox One controller and connect headphones to it while using the legacy adapter to play through the night?
Same here or I'll have to firebomb a certain store.I sweat Best Buy better have my BiaB ready when they open tomorrow.
If I could only buy one song that's still 99c what should it be?
I had that whenever I still had my 360 and I completely agree - super fun song. I think I may get something I know so it's good for parties. I already got the RB1 export, Moving Pictures, and Dr. Feelgood.If you play guitar and don't mind playing violin parts, Icarus - Borne on Wings of Steel (Live) by Kansas. So much fun.
If I could only buy one song that's still 99c what should it be?
Yes, you gotta hit up the redownload. Get The Hellion/Electric Eye, ita a fun song all aroundI had that whenever I still had my 360 and I completely agree - super fun song. I think I may get something I know so it's good for parties. I already got the RB1 export, Moving Pictures, and Dr. Feelgood.
Also, just making sure: whenever I do get the game, even though I bought songs on the PS3 and never played them in another RB game still means I just have to redownload them on PS4, right? Or does no one know yet?
So I played Warriors of Rock for a bit since, well, it came with the guitar, and wow it sucks. The tracklist just makes me depressed and charting is all over the place in the first two tiers. Also the sound quality is terrible. Save me HMX!
The guitar is pretty sweet though.
Screaming For Vengeance album by Judas Priest
Before it's double the price should I pick up the Creedence Clearwater Revival pack? I already have Fortunate Son but $10 is a lot better than $20 and I vaguely remember hearing the rest of the pack is good for guitar / drums. True?
Standalone/Adapter or ?Well looks like BB delayed my order to the 9th. Fucking great.
Just a quick reminder for everyone planning on using cymbals.
While the rb3 cymbals work on rb2,3 and rb4 drum sets. The rb4 cymbals will only work on rb4 drums
Standalone/Adapter or ?
It's a fun pack, lots of classic songs. Also, the version of Fortunate Son in the pack is the original studio recording, not a cover made for the game like the version that came out at RB1's launch.
I never got the cover, only the original that came out with the pack because I was on a Vietnam kick. The only other song I know at all from the set is Born on the Bayou.
Is this one of the packs that is only good if you really know the songs, though, or is it straight-up fun regardless?
God, I hope they can get the go-ahead to just let it work from MS. I have a $1200 electronic drum set I played the game with on the 360 and I would fucking hate if it never worked on XB1. I'd rather not juggle systems to keep playing drums.I already purchase it for XB1 but I won't really be able to play it until they make the pro MIDI adapter compatible or release a new one.
Hopefully that's at least in the works.
I didn't know many of the songs in the pack by name when I got it. Songs are easy but fun.
Best Buy
Rock band 4 cymbals
No results
Rock band 4 cymbals
No results
Ya I've never got a straight answer or an answer period I don't think on this. If I have Rock Band 2 + manual with the code, do I have to buy RB3 and can I import it into that or do I still have to call EA for some reason?
I swear to God if I come home from work tomorrow and the legacy DLC isn't available on EU PSN I'll play Warriors of Rock some more >:[