Funny thing is that's not far from the truth these daysSo I'm guessing GTA 6's hookers are going to be strong and independent.
Yeah, essentiallyHow do people come to the conclusion that GTA is going to become a haven for SJWs?
Seems all they do is create a better workenvironment for themselves. Seems reasonable.
Gaf overreacting much?
The executives; just like with any company decisionThe thing is, who gets to decide what "toxic" is? You can't deny that certain phrases have been completely highjacked and ridden into the ground by the cancel culture people(toxic, bigot, racist...), what they may consider toxic in the real world could be no more than a simple difference in political views.
I've actually been in this boat myself; I rocked the boat and got fired. Never thought twice about it.Yea i will rock the shit out that boat if someone at my job is making my life miserable. I can put up with a lot of things but when i start feeling like not going to work because of someone then its time to talk to HR. I encourage you to do the same too. I've seen people get fired for rocking the boat and that sucks but i would sooner get fired than put up with things like sexual harassment. I've seen a lot of men put up with inappropriate sexual harassment from women at my job, usually because of peer pressure from other men who think its a complement to be harassed by women.
Companies decide what they consider as toxic in their work place. Have you never sat through one of these videos at your job?The thing is, who gets to decide what "toxic" is? You can't deny that certain phrases have been completely highjacked and ridden into the ground by the cancel culture people(toxic, bigot, racist...), what they may consider toxic in the real world could be no more than a simple difference in political views.
Sorry that happened to you mate. Sucks, i have seen it happen and even recently in my family as well. My sister got fired because 2 of her superiors had it in for her. She didn't go easy without a fight though. And she's well regarded in her field so it was easy for her to find another job.I've actually been in this boat myself; I rocked the boat and got fired. Never thought twice about it.
1 person literally can make a job not worth it. They canned my ass as soon as I got a lawyer over it
With how the laws work, the only time a company is going to act on their own is if it gets into the territory where they could get sued, and it's no longer an acceptable risk; other than that, makes no sense to spend money just because people don't like each other
Gets into territory where they could get sued? They'll value the employees worth to the company and eject the lower value.
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Lol it happens, and this happened years ago; thanks for the condolences thoughSorry that happened to you mate. Sucks, i have seen it happen and even recently in my family as well. My sister got fired because 2 of her superiors had it in for her. She didn't go easy without a fight though. And she's well regarded in her field so it was easy for her to find another job.
Preach.Lol it happens, and this happened years ago; thanks for the condolences though
I also had no problem leaving that place/being let go. I was working on average about 50 hours a week, with something like 124% efficiency rate. Kind of burned me out
This was also the company that had a "Culture Committee," and me, being someone with a serious medical condition, wanted to hop in on because they had no one with a medical condition on it, but wouldn't let me join it
An exclusive "Culture Committee," sounds like some dumb bull shit to me lol. Let's create a committee to give employees a voice but only let certain employees have a voice
Business exist to make money, not to make you feel good and happy
Lol all these dweebs saying you have to be a asshole to put crude humor in your games. Like people give a f. People buy GTA to run over people and blow shit up. I hope the next GTA game is full of “sjw” stuff. Cause it doesnt matter. Like people play for the story.![]()
The typical response I expect from an resetera idiot, but I have to ask why are we assuming the people getting fired are assholes?ohhhh noooooo
an asshole got fired for being an asshole
ready your bunkers and hold on to your porn, the SJW sleeper cells are coming to make women ugly and ruin gaminggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Toxic is a loophole when you can’t apply a real label to actions or code for “they don’t agree with us politically”.
Employees are getting coked up on their nights out these days far more then ever before. It's just not talked about as much openly to avoid backlash.Probably necessary to be honest, Rockstar has had a rep of being a shitty place to work for a long time now. People would put up with it to get it on their CV and then get the fuck out of dodge at the first convenient moment.
The rest is just general corporate bullshit. See back in the day it was considered a bonus if you boss ran jollies to strip-clubs and hosted coke-fuelled pool parties BECAUSE it was more rock'n'roll and less corporate culture. But of course these days its fiscally wiser to play it as safe and businesslike (i,e. joyless) as possible, with so many career prudes and scolds ready to point their piggy little fingers.
Creches at workplace's will go right out the window for starters -- And HR will fade away somewhat if people start working from home more.QTF. Atom Shop is killing Fallout and coins ES. C’est la vie.
ive read a few folks saying this is an opportunity to make a more fair, just, and green society.
I doubt as it will be the middle classes that have to pay for everything. When, for example, in Ontario electrical bills doubled to pay for green energy, the liberal party lost 99% of their seats in the legislature. Not many people want to lose their homes to pay for progressive promises, no matter how noble. I know I am not.
Yeah this timeline is fking bonkersNever thought I'd see the day where GTA goes "woke". Good luck with that.
Crazy times we live in.
Well, that reminds me of something.If this is the company they're talking about, it sounds like some new age hippie bullshit.
Check their site out. They have plenty of pictures of people sitting outside in the grass on mats staring forward at some con artist. But hey, they have holistic life coaches!
GTA peaked with Vice City and San Andreas. Both absolutely fucking brilliant games, and still a fuck-tonne of fun even now. I can still happily dick about in either game and have a good time.
I expect GTA to stay GTA.
You guys are insane thinking that people who would hate GTA would ever start working at Rockstar to change it from inside. Rockstar games while satirical and political not always correct have never been outside of what is acceptable in modern media.
Edgyness has been a sales factor for many years now and will always drive GTA to be successfull.
What do you mean?When it comes to GTA nobody is safe.
Employees are getting coked up on their nights out these days far more then ever before. It's just not talked about as much openly to avoid backlash.
Lol all these dweebs saying you have to be a asshole to put crude humor in your games. Like people give a f. People buy GTA to run over people and blow shit up. I hope the next GTA game is full of “sjw” stuff. Cause it doesnt matter. Like people play for the story.![]()
I wonder why this news didnt appear on RetardEra?
What does a “ grown up” GTA look like?Good, maybe the GTA games can grow up now.
Sounds like GTA is about ready to kick the bucket as a AAA game and go full on gaas sjw wokeness.
With that said, maybe all these people along with Houser could maybe open up a new studio and continue where they left off.
No more beating up hookers in GTA... Now you help them find health insurance and supply them with free condoms.
I've said that's exactly what he's going to do. He's responsible for the biggest media product of all time and I speculate he didn't get rewarded enough for that. Any publisher would snap up the rights to his next game in a second.