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Rogue Agent screens


No one cares? More: http://media.xbox.ign.com/media/662/662966/imgs_1.html








They've also added a couple of movies which can be found here.
Played it at TGS and found it terribly dull from virtually any conceivable point of view: bad character models, bland environments, flat textures, on and on.
Am I the only one that is doing a double-take here? I look at the press releases and news articles about how EA rounded up the A-team for this and then I look at the screens and media and see nothing but mediocrity. And by the sounds of it, the team was really working hard on this. The game has so little buzz that even most "hardcore" gamers have forgotten about it.
I was excited about this because of the multiplayer mode. Then EA released a video of that mode last week...It just looked really slow and not that much fun at all.


Thank you for not referring to the game as .. you know what name. This game shall be forever known as Rogue Agent, and Rogue Agent only.
I will be reviewing the game, so I hope it's not too bad...I hate forcing myself to play all the way through games I'm not enjoying.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I just took a shit guys. It came out better than this! LOL AM I...whatever.
perhaps in a year without Halo and half-life being released people would care about this game.

as it stands now, i maybe pick this game up when its <$10, but i wouldn't pay a penny more (even after taxes).

who owns the original N64 Goldeneye rights anyways? That would be a pretty sweet ass remake if Rare could do it for X-box 2 or something. then again i imagine most of the team is gone.... but to just port a game and improve the graphics couldn't be that hard!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
who owns the original N64 Goldeneye rights anyways? That would be a pretty sweet ass remake if Rare could do it for X-box 2 or something.
EA is remaking it for the DS.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
who owns the original N64 Goldeneye rights anyways? That would be a pretty sweet ass remake if Rare could do it for X-box 2 or something.

That wouldn't be sweet...

The game is very dated by today's standards.


WTF you can dual wield an assault rifle and double barrelled shotgun at the same time? Lame. Is this guy more cyber genetically enhanced than the Master Chief? He can't even do that!


Queen of Denmark
FrenchMovieTheme said:
who owns the original N64 Goldeneye rights anyways?
Nintendo owns the code. EA owns the Bond license. Rare/Microsoft owns none of it.

dark10x said:
That wouldn't be sweet...

The game is very dated by today's standards.
Eh, I still have fun with it -- the level design really holds up IMO. I agree that it's dated in a technical sense, but even a simple remake with cleaned-up textures and 60 FPS would be a sight to see.


Xbox owners you must ask yourselves:

Why buy Halo 2 when you can have this!


This is cool. Ayane and Halo 2!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Mrbob said:
Xbox owners you must ask yourselves:

Why buy Halo 2 when you can have this!

OR BETTER YET DEAD MAN'S HAND YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, maybe this game will turn out well. The only problem is that it's not going to matter with the likes of Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes also out/coming out.

But this might still turn out better than Killzone. :p



Lyte Edge said:
OR BETTER YET DEAD MAN'S HAND YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lyte Edge said:
Hey, maybe this game will turn out well.


Lyte Edge said:
The only problem is that it's not going to matter with the likes of Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and Metroid Prime 2 Echoes also out/coming out.


Lyte Edge said:
But this might still turn out better than Killzone. :p

:lol I doubt it! They can have the ultimate battle for mediocrity!


Willco said:
This looks extremely bland, like some mediocre custom-made fan map for some generic PC FPS.

I was thinking the exact same thing... I mean that level with the catwalk looks like something straight out of the original Half Life (I don't mean to incline that HL was generic... far from it).
Ugh. This game looks a lot crappier now, what happened?

MGM/EON should've been smart and kept the Bond franchise with Nintendo. It was benefical to both parties.


Given the corporate culture at EA (as spelled out in that "developer's spouse is mad" or whatever thread in OT), I am not surprised that this game looks like crap.

I imagine the dev team is not happy about being forced to make a game with the same name as the uber party game they probably played in college.
Man, I think NST could do a better job, let alone Retro (or maybe even Rare, Nintendo likely would have kept them around if they still had 007).


Mrbob said:
WTF you can dual wield an assault rifle and double barrelled shotgun at the same time? Lame. Is this guy more cyber genetically enhanced than the Master Chief? He can't even do that!

That's a submachine gun and a one-handed shotgun. In that other game you can dual wield submachine guns, so what's wrong again?

The Goldeneye dual-wield system is more logical and less restrictive than the one in Halo 2, for what that's worth...


You're right that is an machine gun. But I still don't like that it can be paired up with a double barrelled shotgun.

The only reason I can see Master Chief dual wielding is he is cybernetically enhanced. And the weapons he can dual wield make sense since that they could physically be paired together. This 'Goldeneye' character has a special eye and not strength enhancements, from what I have read. Seeing some of these weapons paired togethers seems a bit unrealistic. In that other game you don't see the Chief weilding a shotgun and an machine gun at the same time. He can only use the shotgun by itself.

And you need to quantify your "Goldeneye makes dual wielding more logical" statement more clearly because pairing the double barrelled shotgun coupled with a machine gun defies logic.


You know EON was quite good. So i might buy this.

You're right that is an machine gun. But I still don't like that it can be paired up with a double barrelled shotgun.

The only reason I can see Master Chief dual wielding is he is cybernetically enhanced. And the weapons he can dual wield make sense since that they could physically be paired together. This 'Goldeneye' character has a special eye and not strength enhancements, from what I have read. Seeing some of these weapons paired togethers seems a bit unrealistic. In that other game you don't see the Chief weilding a shotgun and an machine gun at the same time. He can only use the shotgun by itself.

And you need to quantify your "Goldeneye makes dual wielding more logical" statement more clearly because pairing the double barrelled shotgun coupled with a machine gun defies logic.

Yeah games shouldnt be about fantasy :p


Mrbob said:
You're right that is an machine gun. But I still don't like that it can be paired up with a double barrelled shotgun.

The only reason I can see Master Chief dual wielding is he is cybernetically enhanced. And the weapons he can dual wield make sense since that they could physically be paired together. This 'Goldeneye' character has a special eye and not strength enhancements, from what I have read. Seeing some of these weapons paired togethers seems a bit unrealistic. In that other game you don't see the Chief weilding a shotgun and an machine gun at the same time. He can only use the shotgun by itself.

And you need to quantify your "Goldeneye makes dual wielding more logical" statement more clearly because pairing the double barrelled shotgun coupled with a machine gun defies logic.

Well, to be honest, all video games take place in fantasyland anyway, so if that's a dealbreaker for you, so be it :)

The controls are more logical. You have to press a button to the right of the normal weapon pick up button to pick up a weapon in your left hand in Halo 2....the long delays due to the overloaded buttons are annoying as well, as well as the odd restrictions (melee causes you to fumble your left weapon, it takes three button presses to swap to your alt weapon from dual wielding, etc.)

The weapon management in Goldeneye is more logical because it was designed for dual-wielding from the get-go.


Argyle said:
Well, to be honest, all video games take place in fantasyland anyway, so if that's a dealbreaker for you, so be it :)

The controls are more logical. You have to press a button to the right of the normal weapon pick up button to pick up a weapon in your left hand in Halo 2....the long delays due to the overloaded buttons are annoying as well, as well as the odd restrictions (melee causes you to fumble your left weapon, it takes three button presses to swap to your alt weapon from dual wielding, etc.)

The weapon management in Goldeneye is more logical because it was designed for dual-wielding from the get-go.

So holding down Y to dual wield and pressing Y to release your second weapon is too tough to grasp? I agree about the melee attack but the point of dual wield is too use it until your ammo is out. Keep a battle rifle, shotgun, or covenant equivalent as your secondary weapon. Here is another protip too:

If you are dual wielding a two plasma guns, one at 22 ammo and another at 88, and you run into a new plasma gun, hold the X button to pick it up. The game will automatically swap out the lowest rated plasma gun and replace it with the two higher ammo count ones.

And you didn't explain the Goldeneye dual wield system at all. You just complained abou the Halo 2 scheme. Also, how many weapons can you hold at one time in Goldeneye? Curious because if you need to use the Dpad to fumble between selecting 12 different weapons that is the most cumbersome method of weapon switching in console FPS games.


Mrbob said:
So holding down Y to dual wield and pressing Y to release your second weapon is too tough to grasp? I agree about the melee attack but the point of dual wield is too use it until your ammo is out. Keep a battle rifle, shotgun, or covenant equivalent as your secondary weapon. Here is another protip too:

If you are dual wielding a two plasma guns, one at 22 ammo and another at 88, and you run into a new plasma gun, hold the X button to pick it up. The game will automatically swap out the lowest rated plasma gun and replace it with the two higher ammo count ones.

And you didn't explain the Goldeneye dual wield system at all. You just complained abou the Halo 2 scheme. Also, how many weapons can you hold at one time in Goldeneye? Curious because if you need to use the Dpad to fumble between selecting 12 different weapons that is the most cumbersome method of weapon switching in console FPS games.

It's tougher to grasp than X = right weapon pickup/drop, square = left weapon pickup/drop. :) Like I said, more logical. Halo 2 dual wielding isn't impossible to figure out, but it's definitely more cumbersome. (I'm pretty sure that's how it worked - been a while to be honest)

You always have a pistol in your holster for when you run out of ammo in Goldeneye, otherwise, you always can have a max of two weapons at once (two guns, one gun + grenades, or a single two-handed weapon like an assault rifle). No atashing your alt weapon, so with the exception of the grenades (when you're dual wielding) and the default pistol, the only weapon you're carrying is the weapon you're firing...
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