Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven |OT| Seven SaGa 2: Remake of Romancing Revenge

Beat this this morning, along with the post game dungeon. I had a great time. The final few bosses were pretty rough, particularly Noel and the bonus dungeon boss. I had to basically time my United Attacks for when they went super aggro at the end. Some really cool powerups in the bonus dungeon, which have made new game plus a blast.

I'm still in the mood for SaGa, so I have moved back over to Romancing SaGa 3 Remaster. Here's to hoping this team does a remake of that as well.

How is their Trials of Mana remake?
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I picked this up last week, Noisy Pixel reviews are my most trusted source these days, and they were super positive about this remake. Also, since Unicorn Overlord is one of my favorite games of the year, I just had to buy this.

I hope more people pick this up. Square Enix did a great job giving this game a quality remake treatment. Would be nice if it became a relative, commercial success.
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Got to the last boss, at about 37 hours, with a team that seemed good.
Final boss (2 forms) just wrecks my team, throws a bunch of status effect out there, and once you get a few Confused or Charmed party members its all down hill form there.

Seems like there are not many accessories or magic to clear (or prevent) the status elements.

For those who have beat it, what was your Team.
Got to the last boss, at about 37 hours, with a team that seemed good.
Final boss (2 forms) just wrecks my team, throws a bunch of status effect out there, and once you get a few Confused or Charmed party members its all down hill form there.

Seems like there are not many accessories or magic to clear (or prevent) the status elements.

For those who have beat it, what was your Team.
Damn. Under 40 hours? CRAZY!


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Got to the last boss, at about 37 hours, with a team that seemed good.
Final boss (2 forms) just wrecks my team, throws a bunch of status effect out there, and once you get a few Confused or Charmed party members its all down hill form there.

Seems like there are not many accessories or magic to clear (or prevent) the status elements.

For those who have beat it, what was your Team.
In addition to the status effects, they will get to a 7-enemy combo attack that is absolutely devastating. I hit the end about the same time as you did (around 35 hours) and ended up level-griding for a good six hours or so to get up to snuff. Learning the evasion skill for Temptation helps a lot, as does Reviver (similar to "auto-life" in Final Fantasy).

I happened to win out by the skin of my teeth, the battle is legit the most difficult part of the game.
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