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Romney: Olympic prep "disconcerting". Cameron: London isn't "middle of nowhere" Utah

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Yep, you know when all they can do is post a gif, or call you an idiot, they've given up and have nothing to argue.

You copped out on your earlier reply also. That post I was referring to, when you made some sarcastic remark to me that did nothing to refute what I said, as I mentioned, actually proved my point. I love it when people act too cool for school. Like you can't take me seriously because I laughed at you, even though my post was spot on. Weak. Very weak logic.



I can't even remember what your point was, but chill the fuck out and have a beer or something like I am doing right now, it's Friday night (here at least). Lets get drunk and make sweet Trans Atlantic love, you clearly have some repressed feelings I can help you out with.

I will be gentle.
Hey guys. America's awesome, and has some twats like Romney. Britain's also awesome, and has some twats like Cameron (who is actually in power, lest we forget)

I love living in Britain, and I'd love to live in most parts of America, for a while at least.

This thread is dreadful

lol@Kenshin though. In my most reserved English manner, deary me.

Agreed but Romney is way more of a twat than Cameron. The Tories are conservatives, the GOP are far-right nutjobs. I'm to the left of both but even from my perspective the difference is clear.


I can't even remember what your point was, but chill the fuck out and have a beer or something like I am doing right now, it's Friday night (here at least). Lets get drunk and make sweet Trans Atlantic love, you clearly have some repressed feelings I can help you out with.

I will be gentle.

I was about to say it's nearly time for the Brits to be getting drunk, though while I was over there it seemed a little like feeding gremlins after midnight.
Agreed but Romney is way more of a twat than Cameron. The Tories are conservatives, the GOP are far-right nutjobs. I'm to the left of both but even from my perspective the difference is clear.

true dat, twats exist everywhere but there is measurement and nuance.

Mitt is a bigger twat than Cameron on global scale
I can't even remember what your point was, but chill the fuck out and have a beer or something like I am doing right now, it's Friday night (here at least). Lets get drunk and make sweet Trans Atlantic love, you clearly have some repressed feelings I can help you out with.

I will be gentle.

Yes, time to break out the beers, damn Boris, banned drinking on the tube (j/k, it's a great policy, fucking drunks on the tube platforms are a menace). I have two massive bottles of Hoegarden just waiting to be drunk and I also have some tomato juice so my gf will probably be drinking Bloody Mary's!


Way to ingratiate yourself to your anglo-saxon brethren. Would he call us his hat if he were to ever visit Canada?

He's politically aloof, but what he said wasn't without merit.
Yes, time to break out the beers, damn Boris, banned drinking on the tube (j/k, it's a great policy, fucking drunks on the tube platforms are a menace). I have two massive bottles of Hoegarden just waiting to be drunk and I also have some tomato juice so my gf will probably be drinking Bloody Mary's!

you were allowed to drink on public transit? WTF

Way to ingratiate yourself to your anglo-saxon brethren. Would he call us his hat if he were to ever visit Canada?

He's politically aloof, but what he said wasn't without merit.
Harper and Obama get along, Harper probably doesn't give a shit about Mitt because he knows Mitt is gonna lose
You really believe he'll do this stuff on a national level? He's against same sex marriage and wants to lower taxes even further...

Ok... um... I get why you don't like Hollywood. Whatever. No one cares. What precisely does this have to do with voting for Obama or not? You stated you don't guilt people by association, but it sure seems to me you A) associate Obama heavily with Hollywood and B) don't want to vote for him partially because of this association.

Is... Is this some sort of hipster way of voting? Who cares about social bullying or being cool. You should vote on issues not whether you're angry and people wanting you to be cool and vote one way...

Did you want him to do what he said to begin with or not? Because Romney sure as fuck won't. And doesn't it concern you the rift between Romney's performance in Massachusetts and what he campaigns on now?
Pnesident Obama was for alot and did the opposite so maybe Romney would be the same way.
I just said that hollywoods support of him bothered me a little given how liberal many of them claim to be. What effects my vote is that President Obama has not fufilled alot of what he claimed he would do. Also you "care" enough to make a big deal of that and somehow saying a major reason I am not voting to reelect the President is because of that.

I care about social bullying...How am I being a "hipster".
How do you know Romney won't, if President Obama claimed he would but did not than what makes you think Romney if elected would not do the opposite of what he claimed.
No, he didn't. He wasn't on the Supreme Court of Massachusetts and actively tried to get around their ruling

What? Romney is a devout Mormon and backs it up with loads of money to the church. Not very religious? Also, he doesn't believe in separation of church and state. Like most conservatives, he believes in a strict reading of the establishment clause. "I will not separate us from the God who gave us liberty. Nor will I separate us from our religious heritage"

You're free to support whoever you want, but you are misinformed on some facts.


How is President Obama a secret athiest but apparently Romney is a devout Mormon.
You realize that he believes these things are states rights. Guarantee he won't do anything about this at the federal level. Look at the Affordable Care Act. Essentially Romneycare and he has come out against it at the federal level.

You have some confusing talking points.

Romney has been keeping the Bush Era tax cuts. Has been against same sex marriage. What are you even talking about?

He has to say those things to appeal to his base... Much like President Obama as a candidate pondered to his base.
Most of the things he tried to do got filibustered by the Senate Republicans or watered down. You are the reason why they keep doing what do they, because people will think "see! look! Obama didn't do anything!" and not see that he didn't get any cooperation from the rest of Congress. I won't get anymore into it because everybody else is mobbing you at the moment.

edit: I don't know how any rational thinking person can take Mitt Romney seriously.

Signing the NDAA, increasing drone strikes, the surge in afghanistan, etc.

Of course the big bad Republicans stopped him from doing everything he promised though right?

He's referring to race as a social construct .
This, I am not saying racism does not exist... I am saying their is very little biological substance behind the theory of various races in the human race.

So why pay substance to one form of discrimination and not other more prevelant forms like lookism (which is essentially inclusive of racism), sexism,or heightism? It is unfair that some forms of discrimination are tolerated while others condemned.
Romney is a puppet for the right. It's probably not hard to fit the hand in because there's no spine there anyway. I almost felt a shadow of respect for him when he went against his party on the penalty vs tax healthcare issue but then he went and reneged on that too. At least McCain wasn't as floppy as a fish.
McCain appeased his base just like President Obama did when he was a candidate. I do not get why people are acting like Romney is the only politican who has done this.
Stanley and Madelyn Dunham


President Obama is half Irish. I don't get what you are trying to say with your falsehoods, but I cannot let people go around saying that Obama is not Irish.

In conclusion, stop being ignorant of historical documents and do some homework before you "make up" stuff and act like you know what is the actual reality.


Okay I will explain my post... I stated anglo-saxon... I thought that was inclusive of the entire Brittish Isles but maybe it only includes one race... My bad and I apologize for using that however I clearly meant he is partially Irish because the news media makes a big deal of it and I mentioned him downing brews (not that there is anything wrong with that as past leaders have done that).

I am still not going to google anglo saxon but I will not use the term... I just know it has something to do with race and is pointless information to me imo.

However I will tell you he is not Irish, that is not a falsehood, he is American because he was born in Hawaii (there must be some new birther theory that he is an irish spy or something lol).
More important than that is that he is human, personally that is alls that should matter.


lol at Romney doing damage control in an interview.

"it's very impressive what they've done in a metro area" something like that.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Sorry, I'm just enjoying this shit too much. Here are some of the best tweets from the twitters:

Worst possible Romney gaffe he could make on his tour? How about: "I'm just not sure Israel is ready for Jesus' return."?

MI6 refuses to confirm #Romney meeting, fueling speculation he may have been fooled by an Austin Powers impersonator

'Some Americans just shouldn't leave the country', says Carl Lewis of Mitt Romney

Before #Romneyshambles, the most publicised fact about Mitt Romney was that he's a Mormon, although doubt is growing about the second 'm'.

I'm not usually a Sacha Baron Cohen fan, but this new character he's playing, "Mitt Romney," is hilarious.

"Obama has never apologized for America, but now America has to go around apologizing for Mitt Romney."

#RomneyShambles is the only candidate to make Borat look suave, Mr Bean look smooth & @SarahPalinUSA look sane

The Brits are saying that Romney is worse than Palin. Funny, John McCain thought so, too.

Dear America: in the future if you want your candidates vetted, just send them to London.

You can tell @MittRomney's doing badly when he starts getting booed by rich white people


Mitt Romney retroactively cancels visit to London.


:lol :lol


No Scrubs
Those headlines in the papers were brutal. "Mitt the twit"? "Romneyshambles"? They make the New York Post look bad (by that I mean the headlines are funnier).


Kills Photobucket
I'd be more pissed about NBC cutting to commercial during the Subway Bombing tribute of the opening ceremonies than Romney making a tactless statement.
I am still not going to google anglo saxon but I will not use the term... I just know it has something to do with race and is pointless information to me imo.

Anglo-saxon was never a race. How could it be when the very term itself comes from two different groups of people???


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'd be more pissed about NBC cutting to commercial during the Subway Bombing tribute of the opening ceremonies than Romney making a tactless statement.

Well, Mitt Romney is actually over there, in their shit. NBC is not. Plus by the time that even happened those papers were probably heading to the printers.


There are 200 or so episdoes of the Bugle. Look back on old episodes on the Times online. Shit has had me close to tears on numerous occasions.

But make sure you're highly resistant to awful puns, Andy has a couple times where he just goes on a horrible roll.
this trip might be the biggest gaffe in political history

Certainly being construed that way by some people, but not so sure it is really all that bad to the American voters that really matter.

I'd guess Pailin's string of epic failure interviews contained more gaffe's that actually affected the McCain campaign than Romney's little Olympic fail will.

Hell, Romney's book quote is the biggest gaffe by far in this thread IMO, and it's several years old and likely wouldn't be understood as a gaffe by the average American voter.


this trip might be the biggest gaffe in political history


It's boneheaded, but it's no "I am in control here, in the White House" (spoken by Alexander Haig right after the President was shot) or "You're Doin' a Heckuva Job, Brownie." (spoken by Bush to the former head of the FEMA director after Hurricane Katrina).
There are 200 or so episdoes of the Bugle. Look back on old episodes on the Times online. Shit has had me close to tears on numerous occasions.
They have earned themselves a place in Comedy history for the creation of the Fuckulogy for Bin Laden. They later got to give another for Ghadaffi and another for Kim Jong-Il.

This tweet cracks me up:
Worst possible Romney gaffe he could make on his tour? How about: "I'm just not sure Israel is ready for Jesus' return."?
That is just really funny.


They have earned themselves a place in Comedy history for the creation of the Fuckulogy for Bin Laden. They later got to give another for Ghadaffi and another for Kim Jong-Il.

This tweet cracks me up:

That is just really funny.

I think they actually coined the term fuckeulogy didn't they?
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