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root canals / wisdom teeth

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Not bitter, just unsweetened
how painful are they? how long does the operation take?

what about wisdom teeth extraction... how long... how painful? :p

i need to get both done :( i need impressions! :D
it depends. Mine was pretty simple. They just numbed up my mouth, and yanked those sumbitches out. Bleeding and pain was pretty much done after 3-4 hours for me, but then again, i kick ass. I know that some people have to have a lot more complicated surgeries that involve cutting the gums/bone if the teeth are too deep in.
I had all of my wisdom teeth removed... They had to cut them all out from under my gums. It was horrible. My face was swollen so bad I could barely get liquids in, and my mouth was constantly packed with bloody gauze pads. I guess it is fun if you like pain, a swollen face, and constantly swallowing blood for about 3 days.


I'm tanking for Kabanov!
Root Canals aren't so bad, if you have a competent dentist it could be a painless, eventhough time consuming experience. I've had two and both went by pretty smoothly. Wisdom teeth extraction is different for different people. I had no problems with the surgery but the pain after was pretty bad.
Went to an oral surgeon
Was knocked out via needle
Next think I know my dad is driving me home and i feel dizzy and some pain
Just had to take painkillers and antibiotics for a few days and that was it

Was eating solid food 2 days after

Jim Bowie

I had all my wisdom teeth removed a while back. It hurts so much afterwards, but they gas you up so much that you don't feel a thing. The doctor gave me lots of Vicoden, so I didn't notice tooth pain for a good week after the operation.

It took a while to get back into the solid foods, however. And it was really hard to chew without getting food stuck back in there. That also took a few weeks to get used to.


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BigJonsson said:
Went to an oral surgeon
Was knocked out via needle
Next think I know my dad is driving me home and i feel dizzy and some pain
Just had to take painkillers and antibiotics for a few days and that was it

Was eating solid food 2 days after

tell me where this dude is, and how much it cost you :)
I recently had a root canal done... The only annoyance was that it was time consuming. I felt fine a few hours later once the numbness from the novacaine wore off. No problems.


MassiveAttack said:
This is what I'd like to know. 2 months after surgery and the holes still aren't closed completely. Is this normal?

Mine took about 4 months to get completely filled up. I was always feeling those sinkholes with my tongue with it's stitching at the beginning. It's pretty neat because the stitching they used (in my case anyways) dissovles in a few days.

My dentist let me keep the teeth and I also didn't how huge they were.

For whoever's getting their wisdom pulled out: Make sure you pack lots of ice around your cheeks right after otherwise you'll get swollen up like some hamster stuffing it's face!


Wisdom teeth isn't too bad. They knock you out and you wake up feeling like you had the best sleep in your life. The pain is nothing more than a couple aspirin can take care of. Just make sure you don't get a dry socket. Those are painful.


Yeah, when I had teeth pulled, they put me under with some very, very potent stuff. I was out about a second after they put the needle into my arm.

I woke up in an absolute daze, though. I basically needed to be led home.


I had my wisdom teetch pulled out a couple weeks ago. It wasn't bad at all. The actual operation was painless due to the drugs, the nitrous, and the novacaine. Recovery only took about 4 days and it wasn't much of a big deal.

Not too sure about root canals though.
Wisdom teeth extraction was an interesting experience for me.

Went under, had em out, no biggie. Came to, and started commenting on everything. How the lady across the room had 4 eyes, how the mission impossible song shouldve been in a different key, why superman's choice in colors for wardrobe weren't suitable for a real superhero...etc.

The worst part for me was how food kept getting stuck in the gaping hole in my gums that used to be where my wisdom teeth were. I would frequently have to stick some tweezers back in there and remove a hunk of assorted foods that was stuck there. Thankfully after several months those holes go away.


My wisdom tooth has to go next monday....I'm not afraid of the dentist or anything, but I'm really not looking forward to it. To make matters worse, I have to work the next day and I'll have to interview people. I wonder if I'm up for it by then.


Had mine done, woke up 3/4ths way through the operation while the Doc was trying to remove the last one. She apparently didn't notice and although I was still numb from the pain and drowsy, the action of someone pulling out teeth with a pair of pliers does shake your head around quite a bit so I let out a muffled "what the fuck?" on one or her tugs which surprised the hell outa her lol.

She decided to let me help rather than put me back under and all turned out well. Bleeding stopped in a few hours, no solid food for a few days and I was fine in a week.


I generally have a good time when I get a root canal. They give lithocain so no pain, then I ask for noxious to calm me and make the time pass faster (root canals take awhile)


My wisdom teeth are coming out, but I hear some people doesn't get them removed and they're fine.

My question is, should I get them out right away if they start growing all crooked? They're fine coming straight down, like any other normal tooth, but I hear if you get wisdom teeth that are all crooked, then they can fack up your teeth. I'd rather wait until they come out a little more and just get the needle to numb them and yank em instead of going under the gas.
Had mine taken out on Friday. I was expecting horrendous pain and face-swelling for the week after the operation.


I was eating solid foods Friday night and my face didn't swell a bit. The back of my gums and jaw were a bit achy for a few days, but the painkillers prescribed to me more than alleviated any discomort.

You have a choice of what state you want to me in during the operation, basicially conscious or unconscious. Either way, you're not going to feel any pain during the operation. I had the doctor put me out; I would imagine being awake knowing your teeth are being yanked from your skull but not being able to move or talk would be somewhat unnerving.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Ferrio said:
I generally have a good time when I get a root canal. They give lithocain so no pain, then I ask for noxious to calm me and make the time pass faster (root canals take awhile)

you this like it's a regular thing o_O


I'm in the midst of having mine removed. Already removed 2 of 'em, it wen't okay. No swelling, and swallowing blood makes you sick. :( Wen't to solids the very next day. Though I wasn't in the best of moods on that day, no siree.
Ninja Scooter said:
it depends. Mine was pretty simple. They just numbed up my mouth, and yanked those sumbitches out. Bleeding and pain was pretty much done after 3-4 hours for me, but then again, i kick ass. I know that some people have to have a lot more complicated surgeries that involve cutting the gums/bone if the teeth are too deep in.



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Makura said:
My Xrays reveal that I have no wisdom teeth. :D

you're the next evolution in the human race :eek:

anyways, dentist just downgraded my teeth from savable to unsavable

so now i'm set for 6 extractions (2 teeth, 4 wisdom teeth) and now i'm gonna have to dump out about $7,000 to get 2 prosthetic teeth o_O


my experience from working at the AZ State Dental Board has taught me to always check out a dentist before having any major work done, he just might have 15 complaints with 3 violations relating to inadequate oral surgery. You don't know until you chek them out. I'm sure your state board would either have this info on thier website or they would be happy to check it out over the phone. Seriously, dentists do some fucked up shit sometimes.
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