Hey guys and gals. Shortly after Christmas I'm getting all my wisdom teeth yanked out. I'm 38 years old and I've heard it's going to be hell. What were your experiences with it? How long was your recovery time? The pain killers good at least?
My ex had it done, she was put under.
Took her two weeks of recovery, looked like a hamster for the first week.
Top tip, when the Dr tells you what food not to eat. DO NOT EAT IT. My ex could only eat soft food; soups n shit, so she decided to mix it up with rice pudding. Bit o rice got in the hole, two days later we were back at the hospital so she could have her hole flushed out (phrasing).
Rinse your mouth out regularly to stop dry socket. To help remove pain in the area, use a cotton ball or small tampon soaked in cloves (brew cloves in hot water, let it cool, dip the cotton ball in to it and place that on the hole, it helps.
Buy a syringe and use it to flush the area directly, twice a day.
Stock up on soup and get used to not chewing. Good weight-loss program though