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RTTP: GTA San Andreas (on the PC this time!)

All this GTA V buzz has me frothing at the mouth with a sense of joy and wonderment that I thought GTA IV had crushed out of me. I threw in my PS2 copy of San Andreas to catch up with my old 100% save file from 2005, but man that game has not aged well. The draw distance is laughable and it still only manages about 20FPS on a good day. I needed a version of SA that matched up with the way I 'remember' it looking back in the day, so I spent about an hour today trying to make the Steam version playable and eventually had some success.

The first thing you'll note upon starting up your new Steam version is that it has no widescreen options. These were apparently patched out during the Hot Coffee scandal, for some reason, so step 1 is to downgrade to v1.0. This is also necessary to run any mods for the game, but for now we just want to play this vidjagame.

Step 2: controlling the thing. Of course your 360 controller isn't going to come close to working straight out of the box, so we need a tool called San Andreas Advanced Controls (SAAC v1.2). This probably won't work if you're on Windows 7, so you'll need a couple of .dlls that are most easily procured with this thing here. Run that, start up SAAC and configure yourself a control scheme. I don't remember how SA controlled for the life of me, but it was easy enough to make it feel like a modernish left trigger/right trigger sort of game.

Now you're almost ready to play, except for the game's frame limiter. This is on by default, and it limits the game to 25FPS. Turning it off leads to screen tearing and weird glitches, so we'll need a thing that raises the limit. You'll have to have the game running before you start it, and it needs to be run every time you start the game up, but it works pretty well.

If you did all that, well, it probably still won't work because PC gaming, but maybe you'll get lucky. I should say that I'm just some putz who did some googling and all credit goes to the much cleverer people who made all that stuff. I still can't seem to get a proper 16:10 aspect ratio and the draw distance is still awful, but at least it's ready to play.

It's amazing how quickly it all comes back. I still know Los Santos like the back of my hand, and I remember all the songs and all the flavour dialogue from the radio hosts. I still remember ol' Timmy Tommy Nightmare Smitty and all the words to Amos Moses. You can still jump the airport wall to get a plane right at the start of the game, and if you can dodge a few missiles you're just a Pay and Spray away from exploring the whole state. I estimate I'll get about three missions in before I have to download a God Mode trainer because I don't think I could ever go back to missions without checkpoints. I'd forgotten all about the RPG-lite elements and how skinny CJ was at the start of the game, and I'm falling off my motorbikes every time someone looks at me funny :p

Otherwise, this game's still just as amazing as always. I think I put about 200 hours into the PS2 version, but I just want to fall right into it all over again.
I installed the disk version a few months back but gave up playing when I couldn't get the PS3 controller to work properly with it. I've never finished this game either so I'll have to put up with KB/M.

Is there a way you can configure the mouse controls so the camera doesn't move back to default position whenever you move?


Unconfirmed Member
Did the same thing this weekend, got the downgrade patcher for 1080 widescreen which is dumb when 3 and Vice City handle it. Rockstar's support thing says they were looking into it in August 2011:


Over a year now and nothing.

Used Xpadder to fix the right stick/trigger controller issues. First thing I did was BMX like a mofo around the town then jack some cars and drive around. Ended up rolling into the water around the southern island and getting 4 stars. Stole a police boat, got back to land, stole a police car and cruised some more.


Bought the game during the Steam Summer sale this year and it runs like shit on my Laptop, which runs all other games i have just fine. Well, gladly it was only 2,50€ or so.
Is there a way you can configure the mouse controls so the camera doesn't move back to default position whenever you move?

I wouldn't think so. These just weren't mouse look kinds of games; in III and Vice City, moving the right analogue stick would put you into first person view while you were standing still. Even GTA IV locks the camera behind you when you start walking around, and you have to fight with it if you want to look around. In San Andreas I'm trying to train myself not to have my thumb on the right stick at all times, but that's how I've played every game for years now so it's pretty hard to unlearn it.

I just tried to fly a jet under the Golden Gate bridge, only to have a big section of bridge structure pop into existence a half second before I crashed into it. Same old San Andreas, alright...


Wow, weird timing.

I had the exact same sentiment as the OP so I jumped into the xbox version of San Andreas last night. I was loving it until I tried to complete that stupid mission with the RC plane where you fly around their version of San Francisco trying to blow up delivery dudes.

And then I rage quit!


Vice City and San Andreas don't run on my computer, I get an error every time. Haven't really bothered to find an answer since playing GTA feels weird on a computer IMO, even with a controller.


Good post. SA is one of my favorite games of all time and I have it on steam but have never played it, your post definitely makes it easier.


This is so strange. I played this for the first time on PC yesterday and had those issues with the controls. Seems like you have the solution to my problems, so thanks for the info!
I wouldn't think so. These just weren't mouse look kinds of games; in III and Vice City, moving the right analogue stick would put you into first person view while you were standing still. Even GTA IV locks the camera behind you when you start walking around, and you have to fight with it if you want to look around. In San Andreas I'm trying to train myself not to have my thumb on the right stick at all times, but that's how I've played every game for years now so it's pretty hard to unlearn it.

I just tried to fly a jet under the Golden Gate bridge, only to have a big section of bridge structure pop into existence a half second before I crashed into it. Same old San Andreas, alright...

The thing is, I could swear that I had the perfect KB/M controls for Vice City. Arrows to move car, mouse to aim/look around. On foot, moving the mouse would also change the direction you ran. All you had to do was keep your finger on UP Arrow (or W).

EDIT - Maybe it was a mod or hack I used then.

I'll install both again tonight actually as I have a GTA buzz going on right now.
Holy shit thank you for posting this. I really wanted my controller to work, but had no idea what to do. Now I can truly enjoy the bliss. It will be my first full playthrough on PC as well.

The game looks really great on the PC right out of the box. That mipmapping, that AA, that draw distance.


It's craaazy- played about 20-ish hours of this on whim last week, just in anticipation for Trailer 2. Been playing on my MacBook because I had severe problems with getting the mouse to work on my PC. It's been on the go with this older machine since- and it really is still lovely. The PC versions of these games were so wonderful. All those lock-on woes were gone, the draw distance turned up and the level of immersion was so fantastic. I just hit Venturas again (10th replay I think?) and I couldn't be more excited.

Such a good game!


Great job OP. I just posted in the GTA V trailer 2 thread yesterday that I want to do a full replay of GTA: SA since its the only GTA I never beat, but had no clue where to start regarding my Xbox 360 controller.

Looks like I have that answer and more.
The thing is, I could swear that I had the perfect KB/M controls for Vice City. Arrows to move car, mouse to aim/look around. On foot, moving the mouse would also change the direction you ran. All you had to do was keep your finger on UP Arrow (or W).

Yeah, I think you're right. I just started up Vice City and it does have standard WASD controls with strafing and mouse aiming. At least it did until the mouse randomly stopped working :p. San Andreas seems to be more of a direct port of the console version, but you can still aim with the mouse so I don't know what the story is. That Advanced Controls tool seems to let you switch from mouse to controller on the fly, but I think it always ties the camera to the character movement. I haven't really played around with it enough yet.
Can anyone recommend a good graphics mods for this? Running the 1.0 version.

Edit: Found this post over in this thread:

The Retail and Steam version requires some work. You need a no-cd trick, sadly I can't help out when it comes to this but the other stuff I can. In addition you need a .ASI loader than the SA cam hack for proper wide screen and SAAC v1.2 for better controller support. I did a detailed reported about it over at wide screen gaming forum.

SAAC and Cam hack are here:


My DR is post #6:


I use the following mods.

HD Font:

A combo of this:


and this:


HD weapon icons:


HD Radar:


HD Radar icons:


4x draw distance mod:


If you are willing to do all this work, which isn't much really. The game can look like this:

I'm a big fan of default stuff in HD:


Bought the game during the Steam Summer sale this year and it runs like shit on my Laptop, which runs all other games i have just fine. Well, gladly it was only 2,50€ or so.
This. I got it on steam with the gta collection and on disc. Runs like crap unless I lower the resolution. Meanwhile Doom 3 which looks a gen ahead runs smooth as butter on max.
San Andreas Multiplayer is so fucking fun.

I could never get the downgrade to work properly though, it's kinda ridiculous that newer versions of the game stops mods from working.


Yep, I can't get the downgrade to work either.

And the game doesn't even start if I have San Andreas Advanced Controls (SAAC v1.2) open.
Playing through it now on Xbox.

Stuck at 98.40% and can't for the life of me figure out what I missed.

Very certain I did everything but now I'm going back through looking.


one day I'm going to sit down and play the PC version, but I would rather play it with mods.

Modding GTA:SA is a huuuuge pain in the ass and I've never got it to work anyway. I once had a high rez version installed and it crashed every single time as CG rides away from those ballers in the first mission.
Oh wow, that 4x draw distance mod is life-changing. I drove up Grove Street, turned north and suddenly saw the mountains outside Los Santos instead of a big blue haze. It doesn't do much for the trees that still pop into existence a split second before you crash your plane into them, but it's fantastic for the world geometry. Los Santos actually looks like a city now.
Is there a way you can configure the mouse controls so the camera doesn't move back to default position whenever you move?

You mean on foot? I can't find a way to not do that! Maybe switching from controller messed it up, it only does that if you have Joypad selected for me?
Otherwise the camera stays fixed with the mouse on mine, standard instillation from the dvd.
Jesus, with all the messing up needed to play properly I would have suffered through the PS2 fps. lol

All I had to do was define my damn keys, CJ! I'm not interested in graphics mods.

I think when I first bought this my PC was giving me a lower frame rate than the PS2 version.


I just got this on Steam and it already does have a widescreen option.
However the framerate is VERY stuttery unless I enable the frame limiter.
Is there any fix for this? Oddly, Vice City runs perfectly.


I'd go back in an instant if I could get native controller support, especially with the pressure sensitive buttons of the console versions. Unfortunately that's not happening.

Actually, just native controller support would be heaven.
I'm still looking for Bigfoot.
He's in the game as a radio DJ.

So good that it even drew Axl Rose out of hiding (he’s the DJ on the classic rock station, one of 11 listening formats), San Andreas cranks out even more action than "Vice City" as you engage in those wacky gang-related adventures you've grown to love in disconcertingly authentic versions of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas

So funny and true.


Got this and Vice City on the PS3 a while ago (PS2 classics) as I have never played them before. SA works quite well and is playable, VC is such a fucking mess I only play it to listen to the music haha.
I wouldn't recommend ever going above the framerate limiter. Even slight raises can fuck up certain things. However, 30fps is mostly fine. Additional stuff to get:

- GTA_San_Andreas_1920x1200_Fix.rar (should fix your res problems, opens up all resolutions)
- sa_widescreenfix_lite.zip (gives you true widescreen)

And if you're daring:
- Project Oblivion
- SRT texture mods

I'd go back in an instant if I could get native controller support, especially with the pressure sensitive buttons of the console versions. Unfortunately that's not happening.

Actually, just native controller support would be heaven.

Using SAAC is pretty much perfect as described in OP.


Using SAAC is pretty much perfect as described in OP.

Trust me, I've been through every single option there is and there's been problems with every single one of them. Fucking sick of third party solutions, I want native support now or nothing.


I've decided to play San Andreas for the first time and using SAAC and the widescreen fix causes the game to crash immediately at main menu or when starting a game. So much for those.


I ended up going with a PS2 controller connected through USB. Ended up being easier to get working. Still need the keyboard for some things since the d-pad and left stick are the same so you lose the d-pad as extra buttons. But it's minor stuff like radio station changes and menu access.

The widesreen mod and frame limiter increase mod are a must. 60fps San Andreas is sweet.

I hadn't seen the 4x draw distance mod before, I'll have to try it out.
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