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RTTP: Ninja Gaiden Black

Before Dark Souls, the "hardcore" difficult action game of the day was Tomonobu Itagaki's classic, Ninja Gaiden Black which featured numerous adjustments to the game in terms of balance. Many of these adjustments were also included in the Hurricane Pack for the Original Game, but the re-release really brought them to the forefront. As such, this is the definitive game in the series even among the NES classics in my opinion.

First off, this game has aged really well in terms of the audio visual experience. The animation work is as solid today as mindblowing as it was back then and still holds up even against the great action games of our time. The visual effects all remain smooth and the sound effects are satisfying. Water looks like jelly but it's not too hard to ignore.

Level design wise. the game is solid, levels loop in on themselves like Dark Souls and different areas connect to each other. This also falls in line with how great the locomotion is in this game. Wall running and roll jumping are very satisfying. At no moment are your fingers bored but your mind gets rest in between the bouts of high intensity action. The Swimming is problematic as it's a little too easy to get caught on objects, but there's only one level dedicated to it and it isn't too intrusive otherwise.

Unfortunately, the game is let down by its camera especially considering how aggressive the enemies are. You sometimes don't get great angles, which can make a number of fights really awkward. It is by far the biggest weakness of the game. However, this can be adapted to with a certain amount of practice in the combat particularly with instant blocking.

Unlike most fast paced action games, Ninja Gaiden Black is well known for its emphasis on defense over all out offense and crazy combos like its peer in Devil May Cry and even its sequels to some extent. The enemies are significantly more aggressive from the get go in this game and damage is rather high. However, like those great action games, Ninja Gaiden also ups the unique characteristics of enemies and switches up item layouts to push you to a higher level as a player. Ninja Gaiden Black is among the best in this regard with enemies being absolutely insane with 10 fire balls from enemies flying around the screen with hard samurai defending to no end. Most groups usually end up with a only couple enemies that of higher quality and dangerous and it lends tension to each encounter. However, your defensive options are very powerful to combat how strong the enemies are. Blocking is close to insane and your roll has good invincibility on it. With careful timing after your moves and knowledge of their cooldowns or cancels, you can block and dodge plenty of things and stay alive. Encounters also end up rather varied demanding different sets of tools such as bows or shurikens. You are actively encouraged to change your weaponry.

Speaking of weaponry, this is one of the great Strengths of Ninja Gaiden Black, the balance in the weaponry allows most of the weapons to be viable in the game in spite of how strong the enemies are. The movesets are varied enough and the timing of the Ultimate Technique mechanic creates a really fun spacing battle between you and your foes. The movesets between all of these weapons are small compared to games like Bayonetta's many pause combos, but many of them carry important and useful properties unique to them including many different stagger states and the ability to decapitate or help produce essence of some kind. So while the movesets are smaller, they're also better explored and demanded by the higher difficulty enemies.

So, if you're looking for an action game that's extremely tough and demands fun defensive play like Dark Souls but without the slower speed of Dark Souls, look no further than this classic.
I just played this for the first time two months ago and I absolutely loved it. I loved that the levels were interconnected - I was expecting each mission to be a separate map.

How do the sequels fare?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
The camera was slightly improved in Sigma. It moved more freely with the right stick. The water-running mechanic also got an improvement.

I hate how you have to beat normal difficulty to unlock hard, and so on.
I just played this for the first time two months ago and I absolutely loved it. I loved that the levels were interconnected - I was expecting each mission to be a separate map.

How do the sequels fare?

Ninja Gaiden 2 has a really strong et of Core mechanics and has many subtle improvements over Black in these areas. Unfortunately, nearly everything else is a rather large downgrade. It was concerning to simply mow down so many enemies in the first areas, it really was indicative of how far the enemy quality had fallen. It's still pretty fun but don't expect a high level of quality all around.
Still one of the best games ever made, over a decade later.

Really wish we had this game on newer platforms. Sigma is great, but it isn't Black.

Salty Hippo

GOAT "character action game"/hack'n slash/beat'em up. It's one of those games that everyone needs to play. EVERYONE.

Really don't wanna buy a 360 just for this and NGII, really hoping for a Steam release.

I'd absolutely adore a Steam release, but I don't think it's going to happen at this point.

And even if NG on Steam did happen...I bet they'd release the Sigma versions.

Robot Pants

Fantastic game. Polished to a sheen and great replayability.

But Ninja Gaiden 2 is still better even with all its "problems"


Never cared for this game much. You're actively penalized for not Izuna Drop/Flying Swallow/UT-ing everything, and the tank and harrier battles are hell. Ghost fish. Double penis boss. Poor camera.

You can get by in Devil May Cry/Bayonetta by mashing out a basic combo, but at least you're penalized for it.

Black still looks the business in 16:9/480p60 though on Xbox through component. I hope I'm missing some kind of depth, because I've always wanted to like this game.
Couldn't get past the exploding shuriken ninjas until I did and then I barely got past the boss that eats the incredibly stupidly dressed woman character. Ayane? or something?

Anyway, yeah after that I stopped.

I almost broke my OG Duke and controller s controllers playing NG and NG black.

I don't know why I went back for black considering I more or less hated NG, mostly because I could never get good enough to beat the game or find all the useful equipment unlocks. Then again, I always also felt the difficulty was artificial.

Love those fucking nunchuks though, they use the sounds from Enter the Dragon.


Never cared for this game much. You're actively penalized for not Izuna Drop/Flying Swallow/UT-ing everything, and the tank and harrier battles are hell. Ghost fish. Double penis boss. Poor camera.

You can get by in Devil May Cry/Bayonetta by mashing out a basic combo, but at least you're penalized for it.

Black still looks the business in 16:9/480p60 though on Xbox through component. I hope I'm missing some kind of depth, because I've always wanted to like this game.

You're not entirely wrong about abusing those three moves, but proper counterattacking is a big part of the depth you may be missing. Extremely effective on higher difficulties and far less spammy than Flying Swallow/Izuna Drop. It also fits more with the defensive style of action in NG Black compared to DMC or Bayonetta.


Game is the goat.



Still the best "character action game". Love the focus on a strong defence as opposed to flashy combos.


I remember the first time I saw Ninja Gaiden Black I was excited as hell. I had just finished the vanilla Ninja Gaiden and imagined Black was a sequel. I was disappointed that it wasn't but that disappointment went away very quickly once I saw the new weapons and things like that. Ever since then I've been obsessed with Ninja Gaiden, it's my favorite series. I've bought every version and sequel at least twice, physically and digitally.
Easily one of the best games ever made. Gaiden 2 has more flaws, but that too plays damn well.

It's a shame there's nothing quite like it anymore.
Its a distant third to Devil May Cry 3 and Bayonetta 1, but ultimately its a shame the franchise fizzled out. Hopefully some aspects of it, at least spiritually can carry through into Nioh.


Its a distant third to Devil May Cry 3 and Bayonetta 1, but ultimately its a shame the franchise fizzled out. Hopefully some aspects of it, at least spiritually can carry through into Nioh.

I actually have to give the nod to Ninja Gaiden Black as the best out of those three.


The camera was slightly improved in Sigma. It moved more freely with the right stick. The water-running mechanic also got an improvement.

I hate how you have to beat normal difficulty to unlock hard, and so on.

There is actually a secret to go instantly to the next difficulty in sigma. If you manage to beat Doku the first time you fight him, which is supposed to be an unwinnable fight, then you unlock the next difficulty.


Haha what a coincidence, I just played a bit of this game yesterday. Def one of my favorite games back in the day. NG2 is allright too with the exception of rocket launcher enemies.. But Black is the goat
I actually have to give the nod to Ninja Gaiden Black as the best out of those three.

As would I. That said, Ninja Gaiden II has the best combat system in the entire medium. Its just a shame NGII has an unfinished & inferior story campaign compared to Black.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
I have owned this game for a long time, but for some reason never played it. But that op really makes me want to finally get to it!


One of my all time favourites, I actually prefer it to DMC and Bayonetta personally because the combat is more visceral with more "weight" added to the action, the only thing that sucked were the annoying veichle bosses and the occasional back tracking
swimming through the flooded temple
I may be the only one who thinks this game is terrible but I love the sequels (as well as the NES originals). They're fast and I personally find NG2/NGS2 much better paced than NGB/S (NG3RE is admittedly kind of all over the place). NG2/NGS2 I feel also has better balanced enemy encounters. Also, for an NES series known for having great music I always fount the NGB/S OST really bland.

I know I'm weird and I'll see myself out as I don't want to rain on people's parade. I guess I was always frustrated by this game because it's something I really wanted to like (and gave it numerous chances) but it just never clicked with me like it did with others. Then I became extra frustrated when the sequels clicked with me and not so much with many others. Lol
I liked it until I got to certain enemies with guns and explosives. Got frustrating and unfun.

It's a tight controlling game, but the camera and enjoying enemy design prevented me from wanting to finish.

Just tried playing it last year.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
There is actually a secret to go instantly to the next difficulty in sigma. If you manage to beat Doku the first time you fight him, which is supposed to be an unwinnable fight, then you unlock then next difficulty.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't believe you. I did that Doku fight and I guess I wasn't paying attention cuz I didn't notice any special message or unlock.
...did you play it on normal?

I shift depending on how I'm feeling, the general approach to normal is a little too lax on your skills but it keeps me nice and relaxed. Defense is more about knowing when to attack, it's about playing the timing and spacing game while knowing the cool downs of various moves, which Black excells at while making sure you can't abuse the system. Of course, you can't turtle absolutely, you'll eventually get thrown or guard broken and I forgot to mention the changes to enemy design and how almost everything carries counters. So black really hits that Nice middle ground where you have to face your foes with confidence but you have to be really wise and swift with your moves which only gets further emphasized as you up the difficulty level.
Ng2 having better balanced enemy encounters?

NGB is terrible?

The door is right there sir

I tend to elicit this response from people. I'm an OG Zelda fan who has never understood the appeal of Ocarina of Time and I was a kid who grew up hating the Banjo Kazooie, but I played the crap out of Gex: Enter the Gecko. I swear I'm not a hipster or a troll (or a hipster troll) there were just certain big name beloved games that did nothing for me and frustrated me because I really wanted to like them.

With this game I bought the original release at launch, then NGB at launch, NGS, and then NGS+ at launch. I finally finished the game on Vita. I like the end section of that game and the start section. Pretty much once you leave the ariship is where this game always lost me as the game starts to feel aimless (to me) from that point onward.
The game shines just as brightly as it did 12 years ago. One of the greatest action games ever. I feel like with the best action games people always complain about a broken camera. (Ninja Gaiden, God Hand, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, etc)

Ng2 having better balanced enemy encounters?

NGB is terrible?

The door is right there sir

The equivalent of "DmC is my favorite Devil May Cry"


Yeah it's a fantastic game with great replay value. Beat it for the first time last year or early this year and had a blast. But the camera definitely works against you.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I may be the only one who thinks this game is terrible but I love the sequels (as well as the NES originals). They're fast and I personally find NG2/NGS2 much better paced than NGB/S (NG3RE is admittedly kind of all over the place). NG2/NGS2 I feel also has better balanced enemy encounters. Also, for an NES series known for having great music I always fount the NGB/S OST really bland.

I know I'm weird and I'll see myself out as I don't want to rain on people's parade. I guess I was always frustrated by this game because it's something I really wanted to like (and gave it numerous chances) but it just never clicked with me like it did with others. Then I became extra frustrated when the sequels clicked with me and not so much with many others. Lol

The fact that you lump Black and Sigma together is the strongest evidence that you have absolutely no idea as to what you are talking about. Those games have completely and utterly different encounters.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Ninja Gaiden Black (not sigma) is a party that never ends.

I played Sigma first through Master Ninja then went onto do Black through Master Ninja and it was a more comfortable time since I had played Sigma previously. They are 95% the same game.
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