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RTTP: Playstation 3


The other day I ended up at some guys house who had a wholesale going on, his entire mouth watering collection had to go. This included coin ops like Time Crisis 2, HOTD2, Terminator Salvation, action figures and dozens of consoles and games.

A lot of stuff was already gone, but he had a handful of PS1, PS2, PS3 left and a few dozen 8 and 16 bit systems and handhelds. There was one mint PS3 boxed 320gb slim. He asked 40 bucks for it. Deal. And I bought a mint boxed PS2 phat with 2 DS2 and memorycard for 30 as well, I might look into getting Silent Hill 2 and 3 but the prices of 2 are insane nowadays.

I hooked up the PS3, put wifi code in, updated it, logged in with my PS account and went into my download history. This was a goldmine! After Burner climax, Outrun 2 SP (Online Arcade), VF5 FS, Castle of Illusion remake, Sonic Adventure 2, Simpsons Arcade, Ridge Racer Unbounded, RECVX, SC2 HD, Tekken 5 DR, HOTD3+4, GTI club etc etc. Basically all kinds of shit lost to time. I have more, but I lost the password of my 2nd hotmail account which was tied to a US account I used for certain purchases as well. I've also ordered a cheap used copy of RR7. I also own a copy of Kenzan! still.

Needless to say I had a blast but first the negatives. The XMB itself, its good. I've read it in some posts here and yeah navigating is snappy. But downloads are SLOW, and then you have to install downloads which is SLOW, and even SLOWER when you're downloading other apps still. Its cumbersome and it even was at the time. Its a slow ass system when you have to download, install and update software.

But the good,

Outrun Online Arcade. AWESOME. There is, afaik, no way to buy this anywhere. You need to have it in your history. Its great. Still looks fine and plays very well. Its a Sega Blue Sky game so whats new. Its essentially a port of Outrun 2 SP.

Ridge Racer Unbounded. This game is actually pretty fucking good. Its fast, its tough and the crashes and explosions are good. The interface looks great, the music is baller (Skrillex and others). 30fps doesn't bother me that much even. Its like the other thread where someone said 30fps played better in older games. Its kinda true, RRU feels okay and its fast enough. I like the thrills and the drift stages are good. Don't sleep on it, this game isn't as bad as some claimed it was. Its just not a traditional RR. Would buy a remaster.

Tekken 5 DR. Still good. Its T5 after all. Looks very good because its native 1080p. Curiously enough this game has higher resolution than Tekken 7 on any Xbox or PS4 amateur and the load times are fucking instant.

Soul Calibur 2 HD. The best SC game, imo. And while a disappointing port, no surround sound, no JP voice track, it does play well and it still looks good. Online is dead ofcourse.

Do people still play their PS3 and what kind of games in particular?
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I hooked up the PS3, put wifi code in, updated it, logged in with my PS account and went into my download history.

Risky move. This way you can permanently lose your account with all those precious games if the console was on cfw.


I have the OG fat PS3 that plays PS1 and PS2 games, that's why i have one.

My memories of PS3 aren't great, yes there were some good games, Warhawk, MGS4, God Of War but there were soooo many performance issues particularly with 3rd party games it made some of them unplayable. Just thinking about how badly Skyrim and Fallout 3 played makes me shudder. And to those who seem to die on a hill to defend PS3 when they throw in Resistance games is laughable, the fact that Resistance was put up as a game to promote PS3 is why PlayStation lost that generation. That game epitomizes PS3, sluggish, boring and bland.

The 360 in comparison was a breath of fresh air and a superior console overall, had the best library of games that ran well, the UI was better on every level over PS3, the online service was vastly superior and the console actually looked good.
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As I was reading, I hoped it would be an original backwards compatible PS3. Congrats nonetheless.

He also had 6 fats on a shelf. But all were YLODS lol. Its the first think I asked.

You can’t spell PS3 without MGS4.

Yeah, will buy. Only way is fucking Now/Premium streaming trash.

I have the OG fat PS3 that plays PS1 and PS2 games, that's why i have one.

My memories of PS3 aren't great, yes there were some good games, Warhawk, MGS4, God Of War but there were soooo many performance issues particularly with 3rd party games it made some of them unplayable. Just thinking about how badly Skyrim and Fallout 3 played makes me shudder. And to those who seem to die on a hill to defend PS3 when they throw in Resistance games is laughable, the fact that Resistance was put up as a game to promote PS3 is why PlayStation lost that generation. That game epitomizes PS3, sluggish, boring and bland.

The 360 in comparison was a breath of fresh air and a superior console overall, had the best library of games that ran well, the UI was better on every level over PS3, the online service was vastly superior and the console actually looked good.

Its not that I completely disagree. PS3 was a tough time to be a Playstation fan. But I also had a 360 early that gen and it the first revision was noisy, prone to RROD, small HDD etc. It pissed me off just as much.

PS3 Phat was a good looking console imo. It looked like something premium at least. Resistance 1 wasn't a gem, but I bought it for 10 bucks a few months to a year down the line and it was kind of fun. It had a weapon wheel, pretty cool weapon gimmicks, no fully recharging health etc. The game did some things well. I won't dare to retry it though, lol.

PS3 improved over the gen and Sony did build a good library. Its just too bad Sony never had BC systems after it and no enhanced PS3 games.
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Yup! Purchased a used PS3 couple of months ago. Used games stores have games for it cheap. Didn't finish as many as I thought I would, but it was great to revisit Killzone 2 and 3.

Overall, it was a good system, though one I don't really recommend as many of it's greatest games received updated versions on PS4.
PS4 amateur
Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF


I love the PS3. I actually played some God of War saga on mine last night. I didn't pick one up until 2014 so I had a huge backlog of exclusives to get through. I still haven't gotten through all of them yet, but I did play most of Naughty Dogs output from that era. With so many games locked on that system I'll probably always have it hooked up.
Still use mine for imports that I try to get occasionally from Japan, also have a tonne of PS+ games as I was subbed from day one. Don't use it as much since I did a TV upgrade as no longer have access to stereoscopic 3D, some stuff like Child of Eden just ain't the same when not in 3D.

The XMB is great, but yeah downloads are slow. On a 500Mb fibre connection I only ever get a few MB/s at most through ethernet. Can take a while to download an install some of the 20GB+ games. Even doing the 2 download workaround (put one in the background and start another in the foreground) doesn't help much, but there is the option to have the console turn off automatically when done so you can do other stuff - left mine doing the latest batch overnight
Do people still play their PS3 and what kind of games in particular?
The games are practically PS4 games minus FHD in most cases. I still have a couple in my PS+ backlog. Catherine, Twisted Metal, MGS4, Dragon's Dogma, SSX, TC End War etc. etc. Since PS+ relaunch I am rather occupied with that fresh catalogue though. But also PS3 streams among recent games, although I would prefer a PS3 download which Sony is too dumb to allow. I get a suboptimal experience, they get the electric bill, which is actually an okay trade off, at least in summer.


ChatGPT 0.1
PS3 was brilliant the average gamer had access to online abilities for free, the blu ray drive worked better than DVD players, and the ps move made a lot of people happy that didn’t want to change echosystems to the Wii.


I have the OG fat PS3 that plays PS1 and PS2 games, that's why i have one.

My memories of PS3 aren't great, yes there were some good games, Warhawk, MGS4, God Of War but there were soooo many performance issues particularly with 3rd party games it made some of them unplayable. Just thinking about how badly Skyrim and Fallout 3 played makes me shudder. And to those who seem to die on a hill to defend PS3 when they throw in Resistance games is laughable, the fact that Resistance was put up as a game to promote PS3 is why PlayStation lost that generation. That game epitomizes PS3, sluggish, boring and bland.

The 360 in comparison was a breath of fresh air and a superior console overall, had the best library of games that ran well, the UI was better on every level over PS3, the online service was vastly superior and the console actually looked good.
Playstation won the gen. Resistance was awesome (co-op). PS3 platform was gorgeous and online was free. Best media player too, plus BluRay.


Ridge Racer Unbounded is what killed the franchise, if ever there was a final nail in the coffin...I need to get back to the PS3 to complete Spec Ops the Line, and maybe play Alpha Protocol for the first-time..
Yeah plenty of people still play it. There's a lot of games you can only play with a PS3, so it's still worth diving in to that library.


PS3 is my favourite console of all time. I was quite ignorant to the technical issues of third party games. I knew they were not up to scratch when compared to 360, but I didn't want to play 2 different systems at the time and the PS3's exclusives made it my console of choice. 360 was great from 2006 to 2010 for me then PS3 took over from there.

Revisiting the PS3 is rough due to the XMB and performance issues, but I really enjoyed playing God of War Ascension 2 years ago. I still want to play the Sly games on there. Some of the HD remasters of PS2 games are great. I played Ico last year for the first time ever and it's now one of my favourite games of all time.

PlayStation 3's list of exclusives is so extraordinarily good to me that I can't even comprehend a system that will ever deliver the same amount of games that are appealing to me ever again. That's not even counting the third party games either.

Glad to see some PS3 love, OP.
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I still have my launch ps3, just need to replace the battery in the ds3 but can play quite with it still at least
I still play my PS3 from time to time, I was playing the CVX Remaster the other month.

It's a god-tier console/media device. The OS is "slow" but I can't get worked up over it, the thing released almost 20 years ago.

PS3 will always be one of my favorite consoles of all time and I still think the XMB is the best OS layout we've ever seen on a console.


My BC PS3 fat is sadly blinking red at me. It's on my list of things to fix. Have a strong urge to play Fight Night Round 4 lately. Emulation might need to be the way forward. Enjoy your PS3. I'd definitely pick up the Resistance series, Killzone 2 & 3, and the Motorstorm series.


Gold Member
PS3 was my first experience with online console gaming. Fond memories of Battlefield 1943, Street Fighter HD Remix, and Playstation Home. Nothing like playing Demons Souls for the first time either. Good times.


I liked mine well enough but was happy to see the back of it once the PS4 released, I only got it by late 2011, had a 360 prior and the move was jarring for multiplats, ended up only picking up a few exclusives and calling it a day (MGS4, UC1-3 mostly). Free online was amazing so it also became a FIFA/COD machine for me. I shudder just remembering the loading times on something like GTA V tho, legitimately 5 minutes or something ridiculous to jump from launching the game into online.
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my favorite console. I became a gamer. played every day and followed the news every day. joined gametrailers forum and some others.

too bad that from the start the journalists had this thing about hating the ps3. couldn't stand it. fanboys on youtube were the worst.
Nintendo fanboys bragging about the Wii sales cuz that was the only thing to brag about haha
gametrailers making comparison videos with X360 version of the game for every goddamn game and every time PS3 version looked like someone
put the brightness to the max. I played first Assassin's Creed and one day gametrailers made comparison video for that game and that game, on my tv, didn't look
like the game in that comparison video. it wasn't that bright on my tv. first Grid game or NFS Shift had some controversy when X360 version was pc version.
gametrailers also gave a Killzone 2 beta code to a Xbox fanboy who worked there. and he made the gameplay video for that site.
guy didn't know hot to play with dualshock. looked at the walls. didn't know where to go in the maps. I think they gave Uncharted 2 and Halo ODST the same score -___-

first game I bought was Full Auto 2. I didn't have HDMI cable but I started playing it. loved it. bought the cable next day and I could believe the difference between
VGA and HD. those cars looked so good. graphics were so clean. then reviews came out and told me that game sucks but I didn't care.

then one day I decided to buy Heavenly Sword and Warhawk. I didn't care about Warawk but it was cheap (online only) and came with a headset.
played HS first, me and my friends looked stunned when we saw that levels with hundreds of enemies coming at you.
that section where you control a bomb/dics with sixaxis sensor. friends making fun of me. then they tried and sucked at it. you had to tilt the controller in little movements.
then I played Warhawk and fell in love. Archipelago map was the best cuz you could see the entire map from your base. you could see the chaos. people fighting in enemy base.
going into enemy base, planting a proximity mine under the warhawk, and waiting in the bushes for the player to spawn and run towards it. BOOM !!! :ROFLMAO:
I became number one player in my country. Warhawk and Battlefield BC2 are my favorite multiplayer games of all time.
people called me over the headset to ask me to join their clan which was a new thing for me. I also became fist on the BC2 leaderboards in my country.
so many funny multiplayer moments in that game which caused having tears coming down from laughing with my friends

first Uncharted game, first Motostorm game, Resistance..... and then two years later you have huge improvements in the sequels.
first time you played Killzone 2 beta. loved inFamous. that cute on stage demonstration of first LittleBigPlanet.
played Dark Sector demo 100 times. just cutting limbs.
I remember Greg Miller reviewing the game and saying how he can't imaging people recording those dying screams in the booth. screams were great.
every week or two some demo on the store. which I really missed on ps4.
XMB is perfect. during ps4 days I downloaded all the trailers and gameplay videos from that gamersyde site and watched them on ps3.
I watched that (now fake) The Division gameplay every day. I was so excited to play that game and then the real game looked like shit.
one day I bought a new tv and Far Cry 3. that day I started collecting platinum trophies. open map. can do whatever you want. fun game.
last game before ps4 was Remember Me and loved it. looked very clean and felt fresh with the combat. really enjoyed getting the platinum

when I bought ps4, after that first wave of games I returned to ps3 and played backlog games there. I like dualshock 3 but when ps4 came out I realized
how outdated dualshock 3 looks compared to dualshock 4. D4 is still my favorite joystick.

free online multiplayer (y)


Gold Member
That's a good get. I play games on my PS3 all the time. Any network I/O or game installs will make you want to shove an ice pick into your temple. Download and install speed was always bad, even when PS3 was new. It never got better. But the games are great and I enjoy them a ton.

The Stig

I still play my PS3 from time to time, I was playing the CVX Remaster the other month.

It's a god-tier console/media device. The OS is "slow" but I can't get worked up over it, the thing released almost 20 years ago.

PS3 will always be one of my favorite consoles of all time and I still think the XMB is the best OS layout we've ever seen on a console.
100% agreed. Also, the amount of media it can run/play is unsurpassed (by any home console AFAIK). I still stream stuff from my media server.


People tend to forget that if you keep your PS+ sub running the games from the PS3 era that were part of the monthly selection are still available to you (assuming you selected to download at the time). I recently bought a OG 60GB PS3 from Ebay that was completely refurbished, additional cooling vents added to the chassis and the GPU / CELL thermals all taken care of. An absolute treasure trove of games to download and play and of course PS1 / PS2 games play natively. I absolutely love it. Emulation just cannot beat the real thing (and I personally much prefer playing at the intended resolution)

The only downside is if you have changed your PS username almost all older games (like CoD MW2) don't support it so you're stuck and can't progress.
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