Starting off with some (a lot of) backstory here so bear with my please!
I grew up watching Transformers. My older brother watched the show, which meant I watched the show, and I loved it. Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to see the movie in theaters, but I would rent it several times a year when my family would stop by Blockbuster or any other video rental chain. Eventually I had to have my own VHS copy, and so I asked my mom to help me order one off some random site since it required a money order and I was just a kiddo. For some reason the only version I could track down was the Canadian release, which was fine because it came in an awesome plastic case, similar to Disney movies, and it was the unedited version.

I watched the shit out of that VHS for years. In fact I still have that VHS copy and try to watch it at least once a year.
A few years after I got the VHS I ordered the soundtrack off of Amazon. Now, I enjoyed the soundtrack, but I really only listened to like three tracks and mostly passed over the rest. I eventually lost that CD when my mom took the computer to CompUSA to get fixed with the soundtrack still in the drive. I got over it pretty quick since aside from those few tracks the soundtrack was whatever.
Fast-forward to present day and I currently have this Xbox Music service. In looking for something to listen to I remembered the soundtrack and looked it up. It was there and I added it, and holy smokes this sound track is legitimately awesome. Every track is great, and since I've watched the movie so much I can basically picture all the scenes playing out for each song. Now I don't know if my newfound love for the soundtrack is born entirely out of nostalgia, but I'd like to think that it's solid even without being tied to those memories. I would be interested to hear what those that haven't seen the movie think of the soundtrack.
If you haven't listened to the soundtrack before, or if you haven't listened to it recently, or even if you have, give it a whirl. It's very rock and very 80s. I believe the 20th Anniversary Edition is the version on the streaming services, and it contains some additional instrumental tracks compared to the original release.
So, what do you all think of this soundtrack?
TLDR: I bought the soundtrack as a kid, but I only listened to like three tracks regularly. Adult me doesn't know what kid me was thinking as the whole thing is fantastic. Give it a listen. Don't be a Decepticreep.
P.S. When the Transformers franchise got big again with the live action films I had hoped there would be a nationwide re-release of the animated movie ;_;
Now listen to "Dare" by Stan Bush.