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Rudy Giuliani Says ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’

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Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I think a lot of white people have lived their life with every single thing being about them, so having to confront that the world is bigger than them and their narrow experiences shocks them into defensiveness.

That fear of becoming a minority soon is real.

I hate to generalize, but speaking about the people that I personally know, I wouldn't call them racist just self centered. We all got into a big blow out the other weekend about it and it was almost a knee jerk reaction. Some people hear "Black Lives Matter" and for whatever reason their brain processes that as meaning "White Lives Don't Matter." Their mind is filling in a gap because the conversation is suddenly about something they dont relate to and not about them directly. And like you said, a defensiveness.

Black Lives Matter should rebrand to The Black Lives Ice Bucket Challenge. That might get more people with the program.
I hate to generalize, but speaking about the people that I personally know, I wouldn't call them racist just self centered. We all got into a big blow out the other weekend about it and it was almost a knee jerk reaction. Some people hear "Black Lives Matter" and for whatever reason their brain processes that as meaning "White Lives Don't Matter." Their mind is filling in a gap because the conversation is suddenly about something they dont relate to and not about them directly. And like you said, a defensiveness.

Black Lives Matter should rebrand to The Black Lives Ice Bucket Challenge. That might get more people with the program.

If your first response to Black Lives Matter is to think they mean white lives don't... you're probably a racist on some level.


Junior Member
"A black"?

Nice way to dehumanize.

More importantly why does he still get press, so he was an okay mayor in the immediate crisis of 9/11. Doesn't stop
That from not mattering once you realize the rest of his public service record is shit and bigoted and prejudiced at best, outright racist at the worst.

Before 9/11 he was on his way out due to an illicit affair and several charges of corruption. All that got washed away in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. After that, he was dubbed "America's mayor".



I was really, really hoping that the country could somewhat unify after the latest batch of violence.

But, nope. Same people pushing their same racist agenda. And the same members of our communities continue to buy into it.
Has this fuck held any office since his term as mayor ended?

Edit: PopeReal, if it makes you feel any better, Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio all had reasonable statements after the Dallas events. As shocking as that is.
Black people killing black people has no relation to how police officers kill black people.

I'm pretty sure there is some fallacy that has a name for these type of arguments.


Not surprising for a man who was so proud of himself over being mayor of NYC during 9/11.

He uses the misery of others to promote himself.


Before 9/11 he was on his way out due to an illicit affair and several charges of corruption. All that got washed away in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. After that, he was dubbed "America's mayor".

Yeah , I followed his whole career and the only bright spot was 9/11, and that was less good governance and more not fumbling the ball on a sure touchdown.

I have always been disgusted by the praise he gets.


get some go again
You're missing his point that they should be protesting against gang violence instead, driving a wedge between the police and the neighborhoods they are trying to protect serves to put even more African American lives at risk to gang violence.
really? you don't think people in those areas don't also go against local violence? you think they sit around while people kill each other and only get outraged when a cop kills somebody?


Take off that aids ribbon. Healthy lives matter too!

I wonder how history will look at BLM. It's a good movement, but the name alone causes the conversation to drift into the wrong places, and provides a context where people can be against it and somehow think they are taking the high ground. Its giving fuel for the bigot to be the bigot in the light of day

Only if you are racist
The sad part is this useless scab of a human being is allowed to spew this shit on national television essentially unchecked, and by stations other than Fox News no less. I'm trying to figure how he thinks HE'S not making things worse when he's making these inflammatory comments? I would love to be on one of these shows with dudes like this, just once.

Trying to frame BLM as a racist hate group is seriously one of the more egregious things the right-wing is currently doing, and that's saying something.


The sad part is this useless scab of a human being is allowed to spew this shit on national television essentially unchecked, and by stations other than Fox News no less. I'm trying to figure how he thinks HE'S not making things worse when he's makes inflammatory comments like this? I would love to be on one of these shows with dudes like this, just once.

Trying to frame BLM as a racist hate group is seriously one of the more egregious things that right is currently doing, and that's saying something.

It is history repeating itself. MLK, the MLK racist folks sure love was framed as a hater monger, a trouble maker, etc.


Rudy Giuliani is inherently racist.

You have to be purposefully obtuse to think this way. Black Lives Matter is a call for inclusion. In no way does it call to exclude anyone.

Well, in Nashville, if you aren't black you aren't allowed to attend a BLM meeting.


That link is huge lol, but I think that's why some view BLM as racist. Not allowing whites or any other people that are not black to join your meetings is weird. It goes against the message imo. Not sure what they are doing there. I know its not every chapter, but Nashville had the issue for sure.
Only in America, will you find bullshit nonsense statements like "black on black violence" as if it's an actual thing..

Anyone who uses terminology like this is either pig-ignorant or genuinely racist...

WTF is that evening supposed to mean? That somehow gang and youth violence concentrated in poor and depraved socioeconomic underclass societies, is somehow intrinsic to a lack of Caucasian ethnicity? It literally only takes half a brain cell.. No.. Actually only 0.002354% of an actual cerebral neuro-electrical transmission pulse, to observe similar levels of consistent gang and youth violence, across similar underclasses, in most countries of the world, to understand that ethnicity had genuinely fuck of all nothing to do with the problem here.

And if you were really that dim, that you needed a second opinion, a quick observation at the legitimate lack of similar violent behaviour across middle and upper class black communities in the same fucking country would highlight to you the tangible lack of ethnicity as a correlation factor in any conceivable form. Seriously... Run the statistics... Run a fucking principal component analysis over your control group data for all I care.. It's all going to confirm the mind-numbingly obvious...

Go fuck yourself Rudy.. All the way out the door as you leave.. And take that steed of bullshit, anti-intellectual bigotry you rode in on with you..
She's pretty crazy too.


Unconfirmed Member
Made it to "a black" and stopped reading. This man's opinions on pretty much anything mean fuck all to me now more so than they every did.
Only in America, will you find bullshit nonsense statements like "black on black violence" as if it's an actual thing..

Anyone who uses terminology like this is either pig-ignorant or genuinely racist...

WTF is that evening supposed to mean? That somehow gang and youth violence concentrated in poor and depraved socioeconomic underclass societies, is somehow intrinsic to a lack of Caucasian ethnicity? It literally only takes half a brain cell.. No.. Actually only 0.002354% of an actual cerebral neuro-electrical transmission pulse, to observe similar levels of consistent gang and youth violence, across similar underclasses, in most countries of the world, to understand that ethnicity had genuinely fuck of all nothing to do with the problem here.

And if you were really that dim, that you needed a second opinion, a quick observation at the legitimate lack of similar violent behaviour across middle and upper class black communities in the same fucking country would highlight to you the tangible lack of ethnicity as a correlation factor in any conceivable form. Seriously... Run the statistics... Run a fucking principal component analysis over your control group data for all I care.. It's all going to confirm the mind-numbingly obvious...

Go fuck yourself Rudy.. All the way out the door as you leave.. And take that steed of bullshit, anti-intellectual bigotry you rode in on with you..


I wonder how many assholes that use the term "all lives matter" would do the same thing during breast cancer awareness events? Like actually tell someone something like "Well, actually all cancer patients matter" to someone that lost a mom/sister/daughter/breast to breast cancer.


Made it to "a black" and stopped reading. This man's opinions on pretty much anything mean fuck all to me now more so than they every did.

Well, to be fair, can you explain how he should of worded it? Without saying the words, "black" no one would know who you are talking about. "These people?" That's even more racist lol. It's not racist to indentify someone as their color in this day and age. How would you describe a person to police?


Unconfirmed Member
Well, to be fair, can you explain how he should of worded it? Without saying the words, "black" no one would know who you are talking about. "These people?" That's even more racist lol. It's not racist to indentify someone as their color in this day and age. How would you describe a person to police?

I can't tell if you're being serious or not. If you are being serious, I'm not even gonna bother...


you can't put a price on sparks
so he sees no distinction between criminality and the state killing.

he's a closet far left liberal, ya'll
Well, to be fair, can you explain how he should of worded it? Without saying the words, "black" no one would know who you are talking about. "These people?" That's even more racist lol. It's not racist to indentify someone as their color in this day and age. How would you describe a person to police?

Are you a real person?

It's a black person or a person of color not "a black".


Are you a real person?

It's a black person or a person of color not "a black".

Ok. Thought it said, "a black person." Read it again. Yea that's racist. Can we stop with the "are you real?" Type of posts if someone misses something. It would be much better if you just made your point.
and if idiots like rudy giuliani actually gave a shit, and did even a modicum of research, they would see that it's already happening

That's good to see. Black lives matter should align themselves to local movements like these to make their cause about all forms of violence and murder in black communities. I think people would understand the movement more.
I like the part in the interview where he makes it sound like Deblasio doesn't care about young black men.

You know, because that makes any fucking sense.


Every person is a bit racist maybe not everyone race related but everyone is and is our duty as society to work toward evolution and eradicating it. What this representative of establishment state is not false but it is his work and ours to look and learn why are those people using that kind of rhetoric? What are the reasons behind it. Without asking the reasons the motivations and trying to find some common ground we can't better our selves and our life's.


Well, in Nashville, if you aren't black you aren't allowed to attend a BLM meeting.


That link is huge lol, but I think that's why some view BLM as racist. Not allowing whites or any other people that are not black to join your meetings is weird. It goes against the message imo. Not sure what they are doing there. I know its not every chapter, but Nashville had the issue for sure.

I understand NB: I don't agree with it, but non blacks, especially whites can be particularly odious and ill behaved in spaces where things aren't about them.

On topic: Giuliani is a detestable person.
That's good to see. Black lives matter should align themselves to local movements like these to make their cause about all forms of violence and murder in black communities. I think people would understand the movement more.

Susan Komen should align with prostate cancer groups so that people would understand it isnt just about one specific type of cancer.

I mean, i get what you are saying, but BLM is focused on a very specific issue.


Every person is a bit racist maybe not everyone race related but everyone is and is our duty as society to work toward evolution and eradicating it. What this representative of establishment state is not false but it is his work and ours to look and learn why are those people using that kind of rhetoric? What are the reasons behind it. Without asking the reasons the motivations and trying to find some common ground we can't better our selves and our life's.
No offense but what are you saying. And are you saying he's right?
That's good to see. Black lives matter should align themselves to local movements like these to make their cause about all forms of violence and murder in black communities. I think people would understand the movement more.

Ending gang crime in say Chicago has Grassroots activism with or without BLM. BLM is specialized, and that's not a bad thing.


I understand NB: I don't agree with it, but non blacks, especially whites can be particularly odious and ill behaved in spaces where things aren't about them.

On topic: Giuliani is a detestable person.

Obviously, BLM are about equality and bringing everyone together. Excluding someone due to color is kind of shit imo. If a white person is all about it and wants to spread the word then..unify. That's the whole point. If someone of NC(non color) comes to disrupt, ask them to leave. Otherwise, lets work together. Turning someone away that wants to join the cause due to their color is in fact, racism. Now, that charter occupies a church that lets them turn away non blacks. It's ironic. I'm not saying every charter is like that, but the one in Nashville is backwards imo.
He doesn't understand what Black Lives Matters even stands for...

It's like what he is saying is for example:

You have a broken arm and go to the Doctor, you say to the Doctor hey my arm is broken, but the Dr says to you "all bones matter".

Yea Doc I get that, lets just fix the one that's BROKEN.
Susan Komen should align with prostate cancer groups so that people would understand it isnt just about one specific type of cancer.

I mean, i get what you are saying, but BLM is focused on a very specific issue.

They get a lot of attention on a national scale and that could be helpful to these local organizations that don't get attention.

His point about crime being a statistically more significant problem in certain neighborhoods and cities isn't entirely wrong. From a strictly numbers standpoint. The police racism issue is a different issue with its own reasons it's important.


Given that something like 300 people per year die to the police and 30000 die to firearms in general that's gonna be pretty close. If we add non-firearm deaths (especially traffic) the number gets much, much larger of course but even more deceptive.

Of course that's wilfully ignoring that the people killed by the police are only the tip of the iceberg, racism's effects reach much further than that.

Bit off numbers wise, already over 500 killed by police this year alone.
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