Rumor: Sony is partnering with NCSoft to develop a Horizon MMORPG.

The Horizon universe from PlayStation isn’t just relegated to the single-player game, a Netflix series, and the upcoming VR title next year. It might branch off into MMORPG territory.

According to a report from news site MTN, Sony is teaming up with Korean gaming company NCSoft to make a Horizon MMORPG. The game is rumoured to be in development at NCSoft’s offices, with the title made for global audiences as part of Sony’s push into live service games. As of now, NCSoft is recruiting developers for the title that’s codenamed Project H in job ads.

Despite NCSoft’s global communications team denying this, it would be interesting to see an open-world MMORPG Horizon game where you make your own warrior who can communicate with the machines. NCSoft has published and made titles like the Lineage action RPG series and Guild Wars, so making a licensed MMORPG in a setting ripe with an open world and interesting robot animal dinosaur hybrids running amuck might be the jumpstart they need.

This would line up with Sony's live service push, and their goal to have 10 GAAS games at the ready. Why they would partner with NCSoft would likely be due to cheap costs on Sony's end and i find it believable.

NCSoft's communications team denies this, but this wouldn't be the first time NCSoft has denied something that ended up being true later. I highly doubt Sony would make a Horizon MMO in-house when they can outsource it.


Gold Member
Yuck. I'm a fan of Horizon (more the first game than the second) and don't like this idea. I dislike MMORPGs. I'd rather they put their efforts elsewhere.


Surprised this is the first thread on the topic, I’ve seen it making the rounds on twitter all day.

On topic: Can’t say I’m interested personally.
i wonder how this thread will go

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Playing as some variety of tribesman... hmmm.


I just don't think the lore and setting of this game is compelling enough to base a whole MMORPG around.

If Sony want to do an MMORPG then surely they'd be better to use the God Of War setting. All the environments from mythology, and the quest to go from a level 1 weedy slave to an all powerful god would be really spicy!

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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
No doors going to be opening up for anyone unless they are Aloy.
I'm going to train me a Tallneck and build a small house on his back.


Tears of Nintendo is this different than the Horizon game that Guerrilla themselves are rumored to be working on?
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Man hearing the name NCSoft reminds me of City of Heroes / City of Villains twenty years ago.

Maybe the most chill MMO I have ever had a chance to play in its prime (WoW was great but had a worse community).

No idea how that would work for Horizon but curious.


Gold Member
I mean who else is going to make an MMO for you these days? Blizzard is being acquired so they are out. Square?


If they drop the RPG bit and make it an MMO in the same vein as Genshin? That could work, maybe even make some money.
Just needs more sex appeal/less dark skin and it'll sell nicely in China.


Something like this, boom! We're in the money!
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ITT people read MMO without knowing who NCSoft is, or what Korean MMOs are. Hint, they have more in common with mobile gatchas than WoW or FF14.
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The HZD community have been begging for this since the first release in2017. The potential and more importantly the law and mechanics lean so heavily into this that I wouldn't be surprised if an MMO was part of the pitch Guerilla made to SIE.

Personally, I can't wait.
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Junior Member
Wrong IP for an MMO (GoW or TLOU universe could serve it better), and absolutely the WRONG freaking studio to do it..


Im glad Monster Hunter got mentioned. That is how this could be amazing Imo, each Machine dropping unique materials to craft armour and weapons. If we can still tame machines it would be great if we can customise and build them up and obviously having some kind of customisable village/home. I honestly dont think it would be hard to make this work, just needs the content from the get go.


Gold Member
I have zero interest in an MMO. Feels like one of the most boring directions to take the series.
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So you waste resources making 10 GaaS that everybody can play the 1 good one and just waste years on the other 9? I hate current gaming so much with the Gaas, FTP, Microtransactions, locked off DLC bullshit that EVERYBODY does now


That would be great to reach new customers in the Korean market and Genshin fans. Horizon world and lore is huge with tons of potential.


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I don't think the world is interesting enough for an MMORPG but they are welcome to convince me wrong.


I'll play this if it comes to tablets like Genshin Impact. I don't own a playstation, so it'll be out of my reach there.
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