Cerebral Palsy said:
Meh, I'm not really very happy with the phone selection on Verizon. As soon as my contract is up I'm switching to Cingular.
Verizon operates on CDMA, not GSM, so the phone selection isn't
entirely their fault. It's a mobile standard that, outside of the U.S., is only used in Asia (Australia too?). Sprint's phones aren't really lookers, either. (Of course, "looks" are entirely subjective. I'm completely over the RAZR after both getting up close and personal with it, and seeing the V1150 and Razrberry.)
What Verizon could do is stop crippling phone features due to the rather nebulous "contractual obligations" to their Get it Now providers.
But to each his own. I believe Cingular has a 30 day return policy, minus the charges you rack up in that time. Make sure the phone not only gets a signal where you need it, but the network in your area isn't routinely dropping calls. A nice phone with an assload of features is nice, but it's pretty damned useless if you have constant problems getting a call out.
I'm on the fence between Verizon and Cingular right now, about 50/50 each (my Verizon contract is up in November, if I want to renew I can contact them in September). Between their own network and various roaming agreements, Verizon's coverage is pretty fucking thorough. (The same goes for Sprint.) And to be honest, coverage in a metro area is a given with all of the carriers. Every company has coverage where I'd
like it, the question comes down to who has coverage where I
need it. Unfortunately, where people need a phone is often the last place in the world that they'd check for coverage.