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Summer 2005 says the word on the street

16:33 Lara Croft is one of gaming's undoubted icons, but after the debacle which was Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, it's fair to say that Ms Croft has lost something of her all-conquering lustre.

Eidos certainly seemed to think so, removing Ms Croft from the hands of long-standing developer Core Design and placing her fate in the hands of US-based Legacy of Kain outfit Crystal Dynamics. There were even rumours that Ion Storm's Warren Spector may be taking Ms Croft's latest adventure in hand.

Still, little or nothing has been heard of Ms. Croft's fate since. She was a no-show at this year's E3, but work on the provisionally entitled Tomb Raider 7 has presumably continued apace, with unconfirmed reports suggesting that it may put in appearance sometime next year.

Well now those rumours appear to gather more pace as Top Cow productions, creator of the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider comic, has confirmed it is winding down its latest issues, for a re-launch in conjunction with the release of the seventh Tomb Raider game in Summer 2005.

Top Cow says that it is also participating in the re-design of the new game.

Unfortunately we were unable to reach any UK Eidos representatives for confirmation, but since the story comes from one of the publisher's business partners, it certainly has a fair degree of credibility.

So there you have it, Tomb Raider 7 seems on course for a release in Summer next year, with input from graphic novel specialist Top Cow. Not a huge amount of detail, but at least it's a start.

We'll bring you more Tomb Raider 7 details as they emerge from the shroud of secrecy.
Can't wait to see how this turned out. I thought AoD was alot better than people gave it credit for but it still had alot of problems that shouldn't have been there with all the development. I do hope they return the game completely to the tombs this time around though.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I didn't know they handed it to Crystal Dynamics, thats good. If the industry were about making good games rather than making money Core Design would have been dead a long time ago. Still, they'll really have to do a number on the game if they want it to do well. Most people don't pay attendtion to the developer and the series has only further and further proven itself to be crap. It's going to first need to be completely different to get more than a glance from people, then be really good to make them forget all the horrors associated with the franchise.


The first game was great, but it went downhill after that... I'm baffled it survived this long.
Taking it from Core is probably the best that could have happen for the series... A redesign is most welcome to make Lara look more human and not so blood plastic.
xsarien said:
Tomb Raider: The Search for More Money

I don't think you can really make that claim since if that was the case they'd just left it with Core. I think it's obvious that they want the series to be good again. Core created an awesome engine for AoD it just didn't polish it enough. While CD's engines might not be as nice as AoD's their games usually have alot of polish which will help.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Mr Mike said:
Yeah, they forgot to point out that the news comes from a press release.
They probably don't know it did because they read it on a messageboard and the poster didn't say it was a press release.


sonycowboy said:
Which makes it different from every other franchise, how???

Just sayin'. But if you'd really like it quantified, it can be reasonably argued that other milked franchises haven't had such drastic falls from grace. Castlevania's still going, Nintendo's managed to not fuck up Mario completely, all Capcom has to do is utter the words "Street Fighter" or "Megaman" and they've got a line wrapped around the block.
xsarien said:
Just sayin'. But if you'd really like it quantified, it can be reasonably argued that other milked franchises haven't had such drastic falls from grace. Castlevania's still going, Nintendo's managed to not fuck up Mario completely, all Capcom has to do is utter the words "Street Fighter" or "Megaman" and they've got a line wrapped around the block.

Nah. I was just saying everybody's in it for the money. Clearly, they peaked at #2 and it's been downhill from there. Who knows, maybe they've hit rock bottom. In which case, they can only go up!
Guzim said:
There was a Tomb Raider 5 and 6?

1) Tomb Raider
2) Tomb Raider 2
3) Tomb Raider 3
4) Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
5) Tomb Raider Chronicles
6) Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
7) ???
hey since they are having a much larger development time, maybe this will be the first tomb raider game thats actually good
MrPing1000 said:
hey since they are having a much larger development time, maybe this will be the first tomb raider game thats actually good

Angel of Darkness was reportedly in development for ~4 years. Didn't help much there.


Why release it next summer? They should just save it for the next gen of consoles and be done with it. Unless one of 'em is coming out early...
Shinobi said:
Why release it next summer? They should just save it for the next gen of consoles and be done with it. Unless one of 'em is coming out early...

Maybe because there will be over 100 million next gen consoles next year. I'd expect it to go Multiplatform as well.


Well if they're gonna do a bit of a reboot to the franchise (and taking away the developer that created the character and series is a pretty serious change), saving it for new tech would be a pretty good way to enforce it. But that's me. Though if it is going to be multiplatform, then I suppose that would change things.

BTW, is a third TR movie due out next summer? Perhaps that's another reason.


I'd really like to rent AoD one of these days. Is it really the worst TR game? I thought Chronicles was pretty bad.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Cafeman said:
I'd really like to rent AoD one of these days. Is it really the worst TR game? I thought Chronicles was pretty bad.

Really? I enjoyed what I played of Chronicles far more than TR2-4 myself.(Never finished the last few missions of the final chapter) IMO the worst TR game is still TR3; I couldn't even see what the hell I was doing thanks to bad lighting/stage design in some levels. TR4 and TR5 were pretty good, and AoD isn't as bad as most people say it is. It's far from being an amazing game, but not too bad, and far from being one of the worst PS2 games that was released like some label it.
AoD wasn't as bad as people make out. But then again it's not particularly great. To be honest I'm still kinda worried about CD taking it over. They aren't exactly the greatest of developers. I recently finished LoK: Defiance and it seems that they only seem able to make baby step improvements with their games (and in the case of going with predetermined cameras a step back) and I don't know if they have got what it takes to totally overhaul TR like it needs.

An analogy when Soul Reaver 1 came out it was actually a top tier title. By Soul Reaver 2 though things started to go a bit shaky. Maybe it was just bad timing but while it's puzzles were good, its combat was laughable next to DMC released around the same time. Not only that but fans of the series had been crying out for an expansive Nosgoth to explore, something akin to Zelda: OoT. What they got was a lot of backtracking through corridors. Now Defiance. Combat was still pants compared to other games attempting similar things. And the feeling of an expansive Nosgoth, arguably less present than SR2.

I just don't have that much faith in CD to create a TR that's going to stand up to the likes of PoP2 or Ico in the whole, non-colourful platformer/puzzler/combat genre, based on passed records. I'd liked to be proven wrong, I've had more fun with the TR series than most people, and I'd like to admit that without feeling like a red-headed stepchild.

User 406

Cafeman said:
I'd really like to rent AoD one of these days. Is it really the worst TR game? I thought Chronicles was pretty bad.

I was a huge Tomb Raider fan, and I avoided Not-Tomb Raider: Marketing Angle of Darkness altogether. From everything I've read, it may have had the core gamplay, but not the atmosphere.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first four Tomb Raider games. During that time, I heard a lot people bitch about how the sequels all sucked because of the new levels not being tombs and whatnot. I saw it differently; levels like the oil rig and the prison were far outnumbered by the tomb/ruin/jungle levels, so the feel of that kind of exploration remained intact for me.

However, when I played Chronicles, I felt that the game had finally caught up to the complaints. The majority of the game was indeed not in ruins or tombs, but in modern settings. I quit playing halfway through the last third of the game, where I was just sneaking through a bunch of high tech security crap. This wasn't what I wanted.

When AoD started being shown, there was not ONE video or screenshot that I could find that reassured me that this trend would be reversed. And indeed when the game came out, reviews pretty much made it clear that the original tomb raiding focus was gone. I remember someone in an old thread posting that I was foolish to complain about this, because he had just made it to a level that was in the old style, so the game had tombs, don't worry. A day or two after that, he came back and posted a rant about how after he got past that relatively short section, it was back to the high tech security base crap, and he wanted more tombs. :p

If Crystal Dynamics manages to keep the puzzle platforming gameplay intact, and return Tomb Raider to the original TOMB RAIDING feel, I'll be happy to get it. But I'm really not expecting much. :p
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