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Rumour about Storm replacement in X-Men 3

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well not really...yet
Again, found on RT
Scooper 'Spy Hunter' has sent us a bit of news regarding X-Men 3:

There's whispers that Halle Berry might be out on her ear for "X-MEN 3", but only because SHE doesn't want to be involved. She ordered that her character, Storm, be given more storyline in the next movie, but apparently the studio has balked at the idea simply because 'that's not where the stories at'. Result? Berry's opting out of the sequel and "X-Men 3" is one Storm short of a go picture. There's suggestion that Christina Milian (Torque) might be on board. She's been keeping in touch with producers apparently. We shall see..

We will keep you posted on this.

This chick:


Shit dodes, I hope this is true :0~


Pattergen said:
Go for it. I'm tired of Halle bitching. She sucks as Storm anyways.

Yeah I am sick of Halle bitching. She is complaining because she won an oscar and now she thinks she is the shit. I cant wait until Catowman BOMBS at the boxoffice, and she is begging to be back in X3.

I say FUCK HER!!!!


We've seen enough of Storms character anyway... they should just make an excuse up for her not being in X3.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Halle Berry does suck but replacing her would be stupid. It would look dumb to most mainstream movie goers. Remember Mortal Kombat 2.. there was a reason why Johnny Cage was killed off that early.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Ninja Scooter said:
are any of the people involved in these decisions aware that Angela Basset even exists?

No I believe the current flavor of the month is Gabrielle Union.

Hitman said:
Halle Berry does suck but replacing her would be stupid. It would look dumb to most mainstream movie goers. Remember Mortal Kombat 2.. there was a reason why Johnny Cage was killed off that early.

Cage was the lucky one, MK2 sucked ass.


Hitman said:
Halle Berry does suck but replacing her would be stupid. It would look dumb to most mainstream movie goers. Remember Mortal Kombat 2.. there was a reason why Johnny Cage was killed off that early.

it wont matter if they can replace her with a better fit for the part...halle has always been a bad fit for storm.
Well, Milian is hot (see her latest video..sexy ass dancing) but fits the character role less than even Halle, who never fit in the first place. If they would have just went with Angela Basset from the getty (it's not as though Halle was really a box office draw before her titties-n-Oscars 01/02 campaign) they could have saved a lot of money, hassle, and likely had 2 better movies. Halle didn't really make the X1/X2 any worse per se, but Basset could have made them both BETTER.

Gabrielle Union would definitely be a decent substitute..."African" enough, still hot, but doesn't look like she's fresh out of high school like Milian..


They should cast Michelle Pfeiffer as Storm. That way Halle will have been shown up by the white woman twice.
[/sily idea]
I like this girl... but she looks so young. Might be a bit offputting after the first two movies, but what the hell. Halle and her random "accent" should be forever removed from these films.

In fact, I wouldn't mind if they went in and put this girl over Halle in all her original scenes, ala Star Wars.
They need to replace Famke Janssen as jean grey.....she will be like 50 in Xmen 3.

Angela Basset was born to play Storm.


well not really...yet
Kabuki Waq said:
she did well on her role but come on she looked way too old.

Next movie she will look even older.
she looked fine. and shell look fine in part 3.

this is hollywood buddy. Always a way
Thandie Newton!

She was just in Riddick, starred in Truth About Charlie, and was in Mission Impossible 2. She's a little short, but she's got the accent down, and she's actually African, if you're going to attempt to be accurate.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Kabuki Waq said:
she did well on her role but come on she looked way too old.

Next movie she will look even older.

I couldn't even tell she was that old, she looks fine to me.


Hey, is Iman the one that was Niobe in the video to Michael Jackson's Dangerous video? Because that's Storm right there.
Iman was in his "Remember the Time" video. Has an Egyptian thing going for it.


I remember people suggesting her before the first X-Men film was even made. I would have been cool with that.


Man, Halle's been crap in these movies, as has a lot of the writing for Storm.

Who can forget this instant (and Catwoman - the novilzationesque) classic from X-Men?:

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else."





none of the girls in these pictures should be anywhere near Storm. I'd rather she just wasn't there. IF she has to be, get an actress or...model, with some fuckin class. Storm should be a goddess for crying out loud.


Yeah, Sem, that's her. Man, Karasu, Iman's the best match for the weather witch. I think it was in the classic X-men, when Xavier contacted her she was in a small town where people thought she was an actual goddess.

It'd be cool if they gave her a mohawk, though, if she ever loses her powers.


Man, did you not read X-men in the eighties? When she went head to head against, what was her name, the leader of the morlocks... man. No respect. No respect at all.


WTF! You from the Brotherhood. >:O Die mutie!

hahah, I just remembered, there was this one mutant in the fox X-Men cartoon that was just hairy all lover, like a red-haired ape, and people would throw rocks at him and call him mutie, and he'd just say, "I don't have any powers, I just look different."


Reading that kinda makes me feel bad for him now. Curse my years of laughter and glee at his dismay. u_u


I laugh at you for pitying such a silly creature.

The Morlocks were kind of annoying though, I did like that girl who was flat like a sheet of paper with the neopolitan icecream hair. Just because wtf is that?
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