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Rumour about Storm replacement in X-Men 3

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"Do you know what happens to a toad when its struck by lightning? I EAT IT!"


Angela Basset or Iman should have been put in this role from the beginning, IMO. I liked Halle Berry well enough pre-Xmen, but then she went on badmouthing the movie on television and interviews before it was even released with shit like, "There are no black female roles so I'm stuck playing a stupid comic book character." Now look at her ass in that craptacular Catwoman crap, buhahahaaaa!!! The ho has gotten what she deserves in my opinion and I hope she never gets anywhere near another Oscar.


Iman was the first person I thought of when they were casting the first X-Men. It's too bad the didn't ask her. Barring that, I think the suggestions of either Thandie or Angela would work as replacements. Angela has a more athletic build and her age is more in line with what imagined Storm should be around.

Thandie wouldn't have a problem with doing a consistent accent. On top of that, I find her more attractive than Halle.

I wouldn't mind Samantha, but I think she looks little too young for the role, just like Milian.


Kabuki Waq said:
They need to replace Famke Janssen as jean grey.....she will be like 50 in Xmen 3.

Angela Basset was born to play Storm.

A Jean Grey mindfuck will be the least of your problems once bish gets ahold of this comment.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
ditch halle... she can show her tits and play some bitch who gets crapped on left and right, but despite that oscar the girl couldn't act her way out of a sixteen way gang bang... ok, she isn't really bad but she certainly isn't worth all of the hubbub... if they were willing to replac Tobey for SM2 they should have put Halle out on her ear the second she opened her yappy god damn trap... she accidentally wins an oscar and thinks she can demand whatever she wants?

"a year ago you had to show your tits to get a part and now you think things have changed???"


teiresias said:
Angela Basset or Iman should have been put in this role from the beginning, IMO. I liked Halle Berry well enough pre-Xmen, but then she went on badmouthing the movie on television and interviews before it was even released with shit like, "There are no black female roles so I'm stuck playing a stupid comic book character." Now look at her ass in that craptacular Catwoman crap, buhahahaaaa!!! The ho has gotten what she deserves in my opinion and I hope she never gets anywhere near another Oscar.

Amen! I always thought Angela Basset was perfect for the role, even before the first x-men came out.. Iman could work too, after I saw that pic of her, not sure how her acting is, but I think Angela should definitely be considered. My friend thinks Tina Turner could play storm because of the way she looked in Thunder Dome.. but I say ....neh....


Angela would be perfect if X-Men came out 10 years ago. Right now she's too old. Thandie Newton would be a decent replacement.


XS+ said:
Angela would be perfect if X-Men came out 10 years ago. Right now she's too old. Thandie Newton would be a decent replacement.

I suppose Thandie would be decent.... angela's still looking great, though. =)


Storm's build is more of a supermodel's than that of an athelete. Maybe when she lost her powers, but it's not like she has to run anywhere or punch someone.


It's not the build that's making people choose Angela Bassett (though I'd make her lose some muscle before taking the role), its the general attitude. No one would be able to pull off badass near-royalty like Angela would.


Correction, Storm is very fit...she's a great swimmer, a great hand-to-hand fighter, and she crossed the Saharan desert barefoot. She is tall, and beautiful, but she's definitely fit.


From darkhorizons.com:

Handbag.com reports that Halle Berry will not be back for a third "X-Men" movie because her character, Storm, isn't going to be in it enough. According to their insider, "Halle was ready to do X-Men 3, but only if Storm was given more storyline, but the studio sees the third movie as a means to wrap up the trilogy, and that means Storm won't be featured more than Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. Halle has now passed on the third movie because she's not into bit-parts. She's an Oscar winner and she wants roles that test her".



I bet we get some sort of "went back to Africa" throwaway line...at any rate, good...she and her $14M paycheck for Catwoman can stay away from the X-Movies...besides, this means more room for Jean! And maybe Rogue will have/gain a new absorbed power. Better yet, she could have permanetly absorbed Storm's powers off-panal ala Carol Danvers...this both explains Storm's absence, as well as gives Rogue some standalone powers. :p


keep your strippers out of my American football
Angela Bassett must have turned it down or something because she is perfect for the role. With her in the role, Storm probably would get more of a story.

Here is more Christina goodness:


Banstick Emeritus
DarienA said:
Exit Halle Berry enter... Angela Bassett!
Ninja Scooter said:

"Do you know what happens to a toad when its struck by lightning? I EAT IT!"
great googly moogly
Kabuki Waq said:
They need to replace Famke Janssen as jean grey.....she will be like 50 in Xmen 3.
...get the fuck off my forum!


I hate Halle Berry as Storm. All she does is bitch about not having a big part in the story, and she's not even right for the part. At least fake a damn african accent you dumb bitch!

Anyway, I hope this is true, and good riddens!


Not only because she's taller and older than him, but since you can't really see his eyes he looks young as hell. That little boy style haircut doesn't help him any.

She's still hot, and as much as I love the movies, maybe Cyclops & Jean were poorly cast.


OK, I admit I don't know that much about the X-men comic storyline, but didn't Jean (Famke's character) die in X2??? Why is everyone talking about her being in X3? Does it have anything to do with that winged thing at the end of X2?

Also, yes, Famke is still hot. Her and Liz Hurley are two of the hottest older women around.


Porthos said:
OK, I admit I don't know that much about the X-men comic storyline, but didn't Jean (Famke's character) die in X2??? Why is everyone talking about her being in X3? Does it have anything to do with that winged thing at the end of X2?

Also, yes, Famke is still hot. Her and Liz Hurley are two of the hottest older women around.

Yes, it does have something to do with that winged thing at the end of X2.


Hitman said:
Remember Mortal Kombat 2.. there was a reason why Johnny Cage was killed off that early.

Uh, what about MK? Cage was killed off early in MK Annihilation because that was the actual story in the game.
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