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Rumours from Sabi: Paper Mario and Metroid Fusion sequel coming in 2020


The Tribe Has Spoken
I need a poll to determine whether GAF hates Nintendo or if this is just a vocal minority. There are so many threads hating Nintendo in what is arguably one of their most successful console generations.
They’re are a bunch of salty manchildren who just refuse to move on with their lives and enjoy fun games. Instead they spend their time on the internet shitting up Nintendo discussions. It’s both sad and amusing.

The butthurt runs deep.
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I need a poll to determine whether GAF hates Nintendo or if this is just a vocal minority. There are so many threads hating Nintendo in what is arguably one of their most successful console generations.

I don't think the word "hate" is appropriate at all, especially for those who supported this company over the decades. I think it is the love of what they used to be is what is at hand here. I owned ALL of their systems since the NES, and bought and enjoyed countless of games - first-, second-, and third-party. Many fans have been disappointed with Nintendo over the years. For one person it was around the Nintendo 64-era, another might've been disappointed during the GameCube and Wii-era, another later... Many jumped ship to other platform holders as well. One can stick one's head in the sand and pretend that there isn't something wrong with this once formidable company, but that isn't doing anybody any good.

Bad people are running this company now. It was already bad when Iwata was head of the company, but now...zero innovation, new franchises, or ideas. But let's create a freaking theme park for goodness sake. That's what the core fanbase really wants. Not even mentioning the treatment of customers, which worsened over the years. No, I am not going to pretend that it is all fine and dandy. I wish I could.

Some people have more patience and tolerance, like myself with the Switch, the last thing I ever bought from this company. To see a company you used to love to support fall to this level...HURTS.
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My cannon is ready.


Which Metroid is that from?

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
That's well and good, but SR IMO lacked the cadence, with the required counters making boss fights a bit much sometimes.

I LOVED the melee counter though, that was a well designed feature i wish to see in future entries.

That said i'm not saying SR was a flawless game: you can argue they were remaking a game that also aged very poorly, the whole premise of killing all the metroids is exciting at first but become tedious over time especially when you see all the variations, and MercurySteam could have made more variations to make things a little more interesting for sure. Still SR was a good 2D Metroid game.

I'm not even saying that is my dream pick for a 2D Metroid, i'd love Team Cherry or even Vanillaware to make one, it was just an educated guess based on facts: the collaboration could go on because overall it worked with SR.
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I know the gameplay is what it means by "going back to how it was", but I hope some of the design philosophy comes back too. All of the npcs in the early Paper Mario games had so much personality. The idea of keeping things closer to how they're depicted in the mainline games hurt it just as much as the gameplay changes IMO.

It all went downhill for Paper Mario after A Thousand-Year Door.


Hopefully, this means a remake of Paper Mario A Thousand-Year Door or it's sequel.

Yes because that's exactly what we need more of from nintendo, more sequels and more remakes of the same old shit over and over and over and over again from the same old franchises.

Dr. Claus

You could say that for sports games maybe but not gaming in general. Nintendo milks franchises to an unparalleled level where we're looking at legit 10-40+ games in a franchise, most of the franchises resemble each other, are a mix of the franchises and characters, and they for some reason get a pass.

It's mind boggling.

Good games are good games, regardless of if it is a long running franchise or not. Though this doesn't matter to you as you are a known console warrior who will come up with any excuse to whine and bitch about a platform you have stated a distaste for numerous times.

I need a poll to determine whether GAF hates Nintendo or if this is just a vocal minority. There are so many threads hating Nintendo in what is arguably one of their most successful console generations.

Definitely a vocal minority. A lot of console warriors have come out of the woodwork thanks to the new console generation on the horizon and feel like they can get away with their typical trolling. Most people around here just enjoy good games and Nintendo can make good games - but given how there is really nothing on this news other than rumors, there isn't much to say other than "hope this is true" or "if true, hope the games are good".
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There is so much potential for a Metroid game that takes place AFTER Fusion. You can pretty much do anything with, now that Samus is part Metroid and no longer an ally to the Galactic Federation. Preferably, I want Samus to be portrayed as less of a hero, and more of a bounty hunter with gameplay centering around hunting bounties.

If this Fusion sequel rumor is true, please don't just be another attempt at cloning Super Metroid.


Gold Member
Fusion has fantastic level-design. Don't confuse being linear (at the beginning at least) with having a bad level-design. At the end of the game, all the regions are connected and the result is absolutely incredible and clever.

Best Metroid as far as I am concerned. They better don't let Mercury Steam put their hands on this series ever again.

Great response. Fusion is fantastic.


Bad people are running this company now. It was already bad when Iwata was head of the company, but now...zero innovation, new franchises, or ideas. But let's create a freaking theme park for goodness sake. That's what the core fanbase really wants. Not even mentioning the treatment of customers, which worsened over the years. No, I am not going to pretend that it is all fine and dandy. I wish I could.
Yea yea keep on riding on that drunk pedestal.
Yea yea keep on riding on that drunk pedestal.

No thank you, I have both my feet on the ground.

Definitely a vocal minority. A lot of console warriors have come out of the woodwork thanks to the new console generation on the horizon and feel like they can get away with their typical trolling.

So, let me get this straight, being critical of a company one used to support is trolling now? I think a customer has more than enough legitimacy to talk about problems, especially when one is a long-time supporter. Real fans want better, and demand better. How does that make one a "hater"? If not, then a person is complicit and enabling Nintendo to become more greedy, more anti-consumer, even less interesting than they already are.

Have the standards sunk so low? Do we even have genuine Nintendo fans these days? Or just brand-loyal followers?

I would like to see Nintendo in a different shape, a fairer, and far healthier shape...and I am not referring to finances here, because they are filthily rich because of their relentless greed. It was tolerable once upon a time, when they at least met customer's expectations, delivering original content and high quality products, not now.

Dr. Claus

No thank you, I have both my feet on the ground.

So, let me get this straight, being critical of a company one used to support is trolling now? I think a customer has more than enough legitimacy to talk about problems, especially when one is a long-time supporter. Real fans want better, and demand better. How does that make one a "hater"? If not, then a person is complicit and enabling Nintendo to become more greedy, more anti-consumer, even less interesting than they already are.

Have the standards sunk so low? Do we even have genuine Nintendo fans these days? Or just brand-loyal followers?

I would like to see Nintendo in a different shape, a fairer, and far healthier shape...and I am not referring to finances here, because they are filthily rich because of their relentless greed. It was tolerable once upon a time, when they at least met customer's expectations, delivering original content and high quality products, not now.

Translation: "If you don't think like me, then you aren't a real Nintendo fan and are only enabling their greedy practices!"

Dr. Claus

You really expect a serious response to this? I hope not.

Did you when you seriously wrote "Real fans want better, and demand better. How does that make one a "hater"? If not, then a person is complicit and enabling Nintendo to become more greedy, more anti-consumer, even less interesting than they already are."?

The translation was what you wrote, just in a concise format. To answer your original question: Yes, I consider you a troll. Not because you criticize Nintendo, but because you push your singular opinion as a fact. Nintendo *is* bad. It *is* run by bad people. *Real* fans criticize, but everyone else is a faker who promote terribleness. It is incredibly obvious what you are doing.
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Did you when you seriously wrote "Real fans want better, and demand better. How does that make one a "hater"? If not, then a person is complicit and enabling Nintendo to become more greedy, more anti-consumer, even less interesting than they already are."?

The translation was what you wrote, just in a concise format.

Yes, I am. It doesn't matter if it is Nintendo or somebody else. I could write pages about what I don't like about SONY or Microsoft, or the PC. Nintendo doesn't get a free pass from me. The difference is that I don't close my eyes to the things that are bad or have worsened. So yes, I am highly critical of Nintendo, but that doesn't mean I "hate" them.


Yes, I am. It doesn't matter if it is Nintendo or somebody else. I could write pages about what I don't like about SONY or Microsoft, or the PC. Nintendo doesn't get a free pass from me. The difference is that I don't close my eyes to the things that are bad or have worsened. So yes, I am highly critical of Nintendo, but that doesn't mean I "hate" them.
Except what you think as a "pass" is just your own delusion.
After 30 years you were that hard up for a few hundred dollars or however much you sold it for? Maybe you just have a hate on for Nintendo?
No I came to finally realize that they are completely creatively bankrupt, they've been creatively bankrupt for nearly the last two decades and I got tired of it. I realized that by dumping their platform I was not missing out on something I hadn't already played five different times. Sony is beginning to run into the same problem as well, they've started to lean into far too many of these third person cinematic typo games and it shows how risk averse they are.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
No I came to finally realize that they are completely creatively bankrupt, they've been creatively bankrupt for nearly the last two decades and I got tired of it. I realized that by dumping their platform I was not missing out on something I hadn't already played five different times. Sony is beginning to run into the same problem as well, they've started to lean into far too many of these third person cinematic typo games and it shows how risk averse they are.
You're not baiting me into some bullshit list wars argument. You hate Nintendo, your not the only one at least stop with the dishonest justification.
You're not baiting me into some bullshit list wars argument. You hate Nintendo, your not the only one at least stop with the dishonest justification.
It's not dishonest, I literally sold it and bought a PVM with the money that I could have outright of bought cash money with funds already available to me. They don't have anything to offer me that they haven't already in the past multiple to dozens of times over.


I don't remember any awful internal monologues from Metroid Fusion. Granted, I never played Other M so I can't compare but I would never use "awful" as a word to describe any part of Metroid Fusion.
Fair point, but Fusion's writing was A. text-based and B. short thanks to the GBA's hardware which hide the flaws in the writing somewhat. But even with all those mitigating factors, you can see all the issues of Other M in Samus' interactions with the Adam computer.

The whole relationship is unnecessary, out-of-character, and adds nothing positive to the lore (the midichlorians of Metroid. lol.) Their interactions peel back the layers of badass bounty hunter only to reveal a weirdly helpless creampuff inside the suit. They also try to make the obnoxious, domineering pc that only gets in your way (until you talk to it enough) seem charming and human somehow. As a bonus, their talks are also the source of the awful "lady" catchphrase that permeated Other M's dialogue.

Give enough rope to the writer who thought that mess materially added to Samus as a character, and you get Other M. Our storytelling expectations in games were lower in the early 00s though, and I'm guessing that most people gave a the stiffness/awkwardness of the writing a pass, blaming it on a mediocre translation.

It's too bad, because there's some fun to be had in Other M's gameplay, in spite of its flaws. It wouldn't have been half so hated if someone had warned Sakamoto that he can't write for beans.
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No I came to finally realize that they are completely creatively bankrupt, they've been creatively bankrupt for nearly the last two decades and I got tired of it. I realized that by dumping their platform I was not missing out on something I hadn't already played five different times. Sony is beginning to run into the same problem as well, they've started to lean into far too many of these third person cinematic typo games and it shows how risk averse they are.

Implying that Sony's cinematic fests grew tiresome after Nintendo's games did. Games that are more mechanically emphatic. Riiiiight.


I need a poll to determine whether GAF hates Nintendo or if this is just a vocal minority. There are so many threads hating Nintendo in what is arguably one of their most successful console generations.

Dude....it's a gaming forum. It comes with the territory.

Go to any Sony thread and there's tons of people saying their games suck and are all boring cinematic walking simulators, go to any god of war thread and half the comments are about how it was terrible and the old ones were better, go to any Naughty Dog thread and like 80% of the comments are about how their games have terrible gameplay and how annoyingly woke they are getting, go to any Microsoft thread and it's the usual "MS has no games" or "MS exclusives suck" comments.

Also, you can be critical of parts of the company without hating everything about it. Do I think Nintendo recycles their franchises too much? yeah, do I think a lot of Nintendo games have indie tier production values and are way overpriced at $60? yeah.
And yet I have no problem saying Astral Chain was amazing, Xenoblade 2 was one of my favorite JRPG's in years, Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4 are some of my most anticipated games and Breath of the wild is one of my top 5 games of the gen.
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And this is why I sold my Switch, after 30 years I finally got tired of the unimaginative rinse and repeat of Nintendo games. Make something else, holy shit.
You get tired of games not even announced. Well your conditioning is bad and good you sold your console. Go out and jogg a few miles and train with punching bag.
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