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Sad as it may be, FF8......


Is the first Final Fantasy game i've ever beaten. I bought the game when it came out in 99, but got stuck on disc 3 and said the hell with it. I've played FF6, FF9, and FFX, but they were rentals and were never completed, and I could never beat Sephiroth at the end of FF7.

Anyway, I'd like to say thanks for the people helping me with junctioning in the FFX-2 thread. This game was great. The plot was simple, yet deep, and the characters were very likable even though their development wasn't as deep as FF7's. Squall is by far the best FF lead character.

The music was great. Not as good as FF7's, but Eyes on Me was memorable, as with some of the ending songs. The battle theme song got you pumped up a lot during certain battles (unlike FF9's battle theme.=)).


Ultmecia was EASY! By far one of the easiest rpg battles I've ever fought. My strategy was use megaelixers and cast aura on Squall and keep on using his limit break. I had 100 megaelixers,and that was surely enough to keep on healing my party back up to 9999 within every a few rounds. I have a question about the ending...when Ultimecia put her powers in Matron at the end, doesn't the whole Matron/Edea process repeats itself all over again?



Basically a time loop kind of deal.

Yeah, once you get junctioning down, it's easy. I tend to not want to use the Megaelixers, just to make the battle slightly difficult.


Unconfirmed Member
AssMan said:

Ultmecia was EASY! By far one of the easiest rpg battles I've ever fought. My strategy was use megaelixers and cast aura on Squall and keep on using his limit break. I had 100 megaelixers,and that was surely enough to keep on healing my party back up to 9999 within every a few rounds. I have a question about the ending...when Ultimecia put her powers in Matron at the end, doesn't the whole Matron/Edea process repeats itself all over again?

No. That was the past. That was how the whole business started. It's pretty much just one mean cause-effect cycle.

Sorta like FF1.


No. That was the past. That was how the whole business started. It's pretty much just one mean cause-effect cycle.

So what part of time was it when they were at the dance party in the ending? Wasn't that the part in the beginining of the game when Squall first met Rinoa or was it just a celebration for defeating Ultimecia?


AssMan said:
So what part of time was it when they were at the dance party in the ending? Wasn't that the part in the beginining of the game when Squall first met Rinoa or was it just a celebration for defeating Ultimecia?

That was the present. They were having a celebration party presumably on the behalf of their leader's return. Plus if it were the dance party
how could Irvine and Selphie both be there, interacting with one another? He'd be back at Galbadia and she'd be running missions


AssMan said:
So what part of time was it when they were at the dance party in the ending? Wasn't that the part in the beginining of the game when Squall first met Rinoa or was it just a celebration for defeating Ultimecia?

Then ending credits, or the ending sequences?

During the ending it flashes lots of past events such as when squall and rinoa first met.

During the ending credits that's the present.


FF8 was almost the only Final Fantasy I'd never beaten (aside from FFV, and the NES one that hasn't been released in the US on any compilation yet). I just DID NOT understand how to junction spells (or whatever the system was called), and I still don't. The only reason I beat it was by using a FAQ to guide me on how to use the damn thing. I just think the fact that you have to draw magic is a pain and kept me from wanting to experiment because that meant I had to go A) hunt down a monster with the spell B) draw the spell. It was just annoying, drawing was like the worst thing to ever happen to a FF game IMO, needlessly time consuming nonsense unless you knew the tricks, and by the time I knew the tricks I was frustrated enough to not give a damn about the game anymore.


teiresias said:
FF8 was almost the only Final Fantasy I'd never beaten (aside from FFV, and the NES one that hasn't been released in the US on any compilation yet). I just DID NOT understand how to junction spells (or whatever the system was called), and I still don't. The only reason I beat it was by using a FAQ to guide me on how to use the damn thing. I just think the fact that you have to draw magic is a pain and kept me from wanting to experiment because that meant I had to go A) hunt down a monster with the spell B) draw the spell. It was just annoying, drawing was like the worst thing to ever happen to a FF game IMO, needlessly time consuming nonsense unless you knew the tricks, and by the time I knew the tricks I was frustrated enough to not give a damn about the game anymore.

The thing with FF8 is you don't have to just draw spells to get them, there are other ways but take a bit more planning. (converting items/magic). Drawing is just the easiest albeit tedious way to do it. Sometimes a dangerous way too.
1. Junction Ultima to Squall's STR
2. Cast Aura on Squall
3. Use Lionheart
4. Final Boss dies in one attack (or more accurately, 21 x 9999)


works for Gamestop (lol)
GDJustin said:
You got to the end boss of FF7 in just a rental?

I think I got to the boss "in a rental". It actually took me a weekend to get to the end boss, but I had to level up a bit to beat it cause my characters were shitty :p

Not that I rented the game though, but I could have gotten through it


Crazymoogle said:
1. Junction Ultima to Squall's STR
2. Cast Aura on Squall
3. Use Lionheart
4. Final Boss dies in one attack (or more accurately, 21 x 9999)

Not quite. Ultimicia has a little speech she has to say first. Even after a Lionheart attack, usually she won't die until she's done speaking.

I did beat FFVI in a rental.. okay, it was 3 rentals in a row, but I did it, dammit!


Crazymoogle said:
1. Junction Ultima to Squall's STR
2. Cast Aura on Squall
3. Use Lionheart
4. Final Boss dies in one attack (or more accurately, 21 x 9999)

Not exactly. It took me about something like two Lionhearts and about four minutes of Armageddon Fist at every stage (Ulty, Griever/Griever+Ulty, Monster Ulty) to beat the final fight, and that was with max damage. Of course, everyone was at level 100 too so that might make the difference. I need to try it with my current party to see if she goes down faster
Final Fantasy VIII is the only one that I've beat too...Took me 38 hours I remember. Nobody in town believed me, because "Square garanteed 80 hours of gameplay!" Someday, I'll probably beat Final Fantasy X.


Has problems recognising girls
ToyMachine228 said:
"Square garanteed 80 hours of gameplay!"

Hahaha so fucking true. 80 hours = meaningless levelling up to make myself appear more elite while also ripping the spine out of the challenge in-game. For shits and giggles, I'd like to see someone defeat Kefka on level 30 with 4 characters.

Atm I'm upto level 35 on FFX and about to fight Yunalesca. Now I've just given up.


The Islands of Heaven and Hell were fucking tough though... I could never beat Molboros. There was a lot of stuff to do, and I know if I actually speak to all the NPCS (I never do) games would last longer, so, whatever.
Having beaten all the FFs, I think 8 might just be my favorite.
Yeah, getting plasma ammo was a bitch. But the second time through the game was even better - it's all about Triple Triad, baby!
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