Unlike USA Mexico has a lot of problems with same-sex marrigae, so far 3 states have same-sex laws that allow marriage and the rest respect that law, those laws were established in 2009 but unlike USA there isn't any push for more states to create laws about this, this week my state Nuevo León (wich basically it's the mexican equivalent of Texas) gave us these beauties:
You hear the man guys, it's only for developed countries.
TranslationEl argumento para negarse a tratar los enlaces entre parejas del mismo sexo es que, "si cuestionaran a jóvenes" sobre el tema, "seguramente" dirían que el matrimonio es para tener hijos, pues ahí cristalizan el amor y cosas que "a veces resulta tan difícil de explicar", señala el documento. argument for refusing to address this topic, same-sex marriage is that "if questioned young " about , "probably " would say that marriage is to have children , because they crystallize love and things that "sometimes it so hard to explain , "says the document.
"(...) la idiosincracia del pueblo Neolones (sic) rechaza la unión matrimonial entre personas del mismo, ello en razón a que si bien dichas relaciones se han llevado a cabo en países como Portugal, Islandia, Noruega, etc., los criterios es que ellos son países desarrollados, y este país es tercer mundista o en vías de desarrollo, por ende, su cultura en modo alguno puede estar a la par del pueblo de Nuevo León", respondieron ante el Juez Tercer de Distrito en Materia Civil y del Trabajo.
the idiosyncrasies of the Nuevo León's people (sic ) rejects same-sex marriage, that the reason that although these relationships have been conducted in countries like Portugal , Iceland , Norway, etc. , the criteria is that they are developed countries, and our country is a third world country, hence their culture in no way keep up the people of Nuevo León " , responded to the third District Judge Civil and Labour .
You hear the man guys, it's only for developed countries.