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Samsung Announces Cloud Gaming Platform


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Samsung is investing more into gaming with the announcement of a new cloud gaming platform that'll work with its smart TVs, the company announced this week during its SDC21 keynote presentation. The goal is to have the cloud gaming platform work with Samsung TVs that are powered by the Linux-based Tizen. Samsung said during the presentation that developers will be able to apply the experience of using a Samsung TV to "new games," though it wasn't specified if there are already talks happening which pertain to specific games or developers.

The SDC21 keynote presentation can be seen below with Samsung's Senior Vice President of Visual Display Software R&D Yongjae Kim speaking about the new cloud gaming plans around the 25:20 point in the video.

"To diversify your game selection on Samsung Smart TVs, we are developing a new Cloud Game platform," Kim said. "This means that soon, you will be able to enjoy games without purchasing high-end hardware, and developers can easily apply Samsung Smart TV's seamless, immersive experience to new games. All of this is possible with Samsung's Smart TVs powered by Tizen. Tizen is a Linux-based, operating system, built through our collaboration with developers and open-source communities."

The Tizen OS was applied to Samsung TVs starting in 2015, Kim said, so there's a good chance that if you have one of the company's smart TVs, yours will be compatible with whatever the plans are for the cloud gaming service. No other plans were discussed during the keynote presentation following the initial announcement.

Little Mac

Gold Member
The Office Reaction GIF


You can all continue to laugh, but the right balance of accessibility, price and performance will eventually win the day. The technology just needs to be "good enough", and that will happen. There's blood in the water, and all the tech giants smell it.
haha get fucked xbox cloud..

microsoft is doomed
stadia is in shambles.
playstation now better stop


samsung GIF

This is a joke right? The entire Xbox first party lineup and some third parties will be or are already in Xcloud. No need to worry about getting the games in there cause Microsoft already has a shit ton of them. Where exactly is Samsung going to possibly threaten what Xcloud has, which isn't even dependent on any one brand of television, but can technically exist on all of them once Microsoft offers the option?


always chasing the next thrill
This is a joke right? The entire Xbox first party lineup and some third parties will be or are already in Xcloud. No need to worry about getting the games in there cause Microsoft already has a shit ton of them. Where exactly is Samsung going to possibly threaten what Xcloud has, which isn't even dependent on any one brand of television, but can technically exist on all of them once Microsoft offers the option?


Super Man Reaction GIF by Odreii


The only blood is their own blood. Streaming games is something the publishers want, not actual customers.
For a majority of players in this forum who often argue that console is better than PC because of the accessibility to price and performance value, I don't think you realize how unaware you are of what demand this satiates. Streaming services don't benefit publishers.


Honestly tho it will be used by the masses..

the question is not IF but WHEN..

But like music on vinyl is still a thing in 2021 so will be gaming on local hardware in the future.

Don't spit truth here... someone is bound to get butthurt while clutching hard their local hardware with a crybaby face.


always chasing the next thrill
For a majority of players in this forum who often argue that console is better than PC because of the accessibility to price and performance value, I don't think you realize how unaware you are of what demand this satiates. Streaming services don't benefit publishers.
Spotify is still a thing


What is the backend os of this streaming service? Tizen? I am very confused by what they have announced but ehh, competition is good. I suspect this is going to be a bixby level failure.


For a majority of players in this forum who often argue that console is better than PC because of the accessibility to price and performance value, I don't think you realize how unaware you are of what demand this satiates. Streaming services don't benefit publishers.
The reason streaming works for music and movies is because they don't require consumer feedback like games do, nor do they have the bandwidth requirements games do. Other than maybe turn based games (and even then sometimes it's sketchy), streaming will never IMO be "good enough" to achieve this fanboy fever dream of killing consoles, or this corporate fever dream of killing game ownership.

Just like VR and 3D, every few years, somebody is going to try it, and think they can do it because they're "better" and "smarter" or even "bigger" than the guys who failed, or that "we have the tech now", and they will also fail.
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Fare thee well

Meh. My cynical nature wants to believe it was just to raise the prospective stock value to some board of suits. I've learned from people like Mr Elon that you can insanely inflate your valued worth by promising a plethora of large projects and research (that eventually go nowhere).

The vaporware salesmen are strong these days.
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The reason streaming works for music and movies is because they don't require consumer feedback like games do.
You seem to take streaming music and movies for granted. They're only feasibly 'easy' to you because you're not considering that they, too, had to cross what's known as the technological chasm.
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Gold Member
If this is exclusive to their TV's it's pretty DOA already.

Besides Samsung software sucks. I've owned some of their phones over the years and the first thing you want to do with them is to delete or disable all their bloatware
Always chasing that corporate walled garden. These corporates really need to update their Sun Tzu MBA strategies.

In before we see an ICQ of cloud gaming arise.


Report me if I continue to console war
Lol, samsung want all the pie rather then teaming up with Microsoft,sony,amazon,google.

I dont think it will work.


So would they block Microsoft's app on their tvs?
OR they could partner with Microsoft to offer the xcloud service as a part of the samsung gaming cloud. Remember that Microsoft has an agreement with Samsung so Samsung could offer pre-installed on their phones the main Microsoft apps and services (namely Office, OneDrive, etc), and Samsung could have "Apple-esque" level integration with Windows.

Also, there's an app called "GameCenter" on every Samsung Android phone that basically serves as a hub between the different gaming systems that are installed within the smartphone.


I really don’t think it will be a proprietary service with proprietary content and games. I’m more expecting something that will work with other services but just add an extra layer of bad proprietary software and a shitton of ads (like their current tvs and other Tizen products basically).
Whoever came with this idea needs to be fired.

You have zero foothold on the market and suddenly you come with a Streaming Platform? Why not partner with Xbox or Stadia and take a cut on that?

This is going to be an half assed attempt to try to get some extra money that will close half a year later.
The only blood is their own blood. Streaming games is something the publishers want, not actual customers.
I bet 20 years ago many people would also have said this about movies and series and also about pc games being digital only. Customers get used to everything.
There's an old grandma nearby where I live who owns a grocery store. Last time I went there she was very worried about business not returning to normal after covid.

She has now planned to start her own cloud game platform to capture 2 billion gamers. Sounds like a plan.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Jokes aside, this could be the death of consoles in the future, especially now big players like Samsung are on board.

Why buy expensive hardware and spend money on a single game, when you can stream to your TV with a subscription service.
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