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Saw Andrei Rublev for the first time. It's outstanding.

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So, I saw Andrei Rublev for the first time yesterday and was completely blown away by the outstanding visuals and photography. I already seen Solaris and Stalker before so I knew that Tarkovsky's films are beautiful, but this one blown me away.

I don't think I have ever seen such a realistic medieval atmosphere in a movie ever, forget about the tipical cliche look of medieval movies, this one is cold, raw and dirty. And that Tatar raid halfway was tremendous. Oh and the kid from his previous film, Ivan's Childhood, it's also here and he's great.

I cant' find good hi res pictures that makes justice to it's beauty, sorry. Anyway, saw it, loved, can't take it out of my head and had to share it with the world :D






No other filmmaker managed to explore the depth of the condition of the artist as Tarkovsky did in Andrei Rublev. Actually I would go as far as saying that, not only as a filmmaker, but as a person and an artist.. But obviously that's too big of a claim.

I don't think I have ever seen such a realistic medieval atmosphere in a movie ever, forget about the tipical cliche look of medieval movies, this one is cold, raw and dirty.

There are many great medieval films, but if you're interested in the Andrei Rublev feel of the medieval world I definitely recommend you watch Frantisek Vlacil's "Marketa Lazarova" and "Valley of the bees". They're both must-see films anyway
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