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SB garage sale - comics, Simpsons toys.

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With a move merely a couple of weeks away, I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of some of my older comics, and entertaining offers on bits and pieces of my collection.

Notable stuff includes most of the McFarlane Amazing Spider-Man run, a solid run of Batman and some other random crap like some of the early image stuff (Spawn, The Maxx). I've got some stuff I don't want to part with like the Spectre and some other stuff that's near and dear my heart.

I've also got a bunch of Simpsons toys still in packaging that I'm trying to downsize. I have a lot of opened stuff I'm going to keep, but now that I haven't bothered to open the newer stuff (no room to display), I figure I should just be done with it.

If anyone's interested let me know. I'm also going to be getting rid of some gaming stuff -- mainly Saturn and Dreamcast stuff, but I'll make mention of that in the sell/trade thread if it's still alive.

Anyhow, just thought I'd get the feelers out here. I'm going to be a picture-taking machine tomorrow, because it'll probably end up on eBay if no one's interested. But I'd rather avoid the hassle if possible.

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